10 most desirable colleges of Psychology

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021


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aware that he/she is a divine being at the core and the

people he/she is leading are divine too. Also, it is looking

and being aware that people are not things to be used. It is

being aware and looking at people holistically as human

beings who have Intellect (Mind), Emotions (Heart), Body

(Physical needs), and Spirit (Conscience, sense of

meaningfulness). A Spiritual Leader does his/her best to

engage people at all these levels that stimulate their

intellect, provide for their needs, have an emotional

bonding with people and work and help them to connect to

a higher purpose. When Abraham Maslow gave his famous

'pyramid of hierarchy of needs' that motivated people he

talked of Self Actualization as an authentic need that

motivates intrinsically where people 'become everything

they are meant to become'. That's a level Maslow refers to

which transcends the ego to one's authentic self which is

Spiritual. Look at 'Apple' company's vision that has a

Spiritual angle to it "To make the best products on earth and

leave the world a better place than we found it." You get a

team of people with fire in their bellies when you help them

and motivate them to contribute to a purpose higher than


2. Praxis:

Praxis means 'practice' or 'action'. It is translating the idea

into the doing. When we talk of Leadership and Spirituality,

we have to see that all our actions are motivated not by the

ego but by the 'authentic self' within us. It is to practice

leadership that says 'we' and not 'me'. Like the above story

of Arjuna and Karna and how their actions were differently

motivated. A leader who practices Spirituality always asks

'What are my actions motivated by ego or a higher

purpose?' A Spiritual Leader will always ask, 'Is there a

better or higher way to do this?' It is here that he/she will

be able to translate the energies of people into a synergy

that will always give a greater outcome. So, the Apple

company doesn't make products so that they can only serve

themselves and their stakeholders. It makes great products

to help people ease their work and, in the process, leave the

world a better place. When Edmund Hillary, who along

with Norgay Tenzing were the first humans to climb Mount

Everest, was asked about their feat, he replied, “It’s not

about conquering mountains, it is about conquering

yourself.” That is an answer insinuated with spirituality! I

attempt greater things so that I become more and help

others be more in the process! Action that helps us to be

more of who we are, be more aware and live on a higher

level of consciousness. The Spiritual Leader sees that in the

process of the ‘doing’ her people are becoming more too.

3. Detachment:

Detachment is not getting attached. Many of the leaders we

see today who lead organizations and institutes are attached

to their titles like CEO, Chairman, Director, Principal, etc.

Many of us feel that I am a leader when I have a title. But

Spiritual leadership is detaching yourself from the title. It is

connecting to your inner self and operating from this

authentic self all the times whether you are a titular leader

or not. Spiritual leaders commit themselves to a vision that

outlives them. Mohammad Yunus who started the Grameen

Bank, (Nobel Peace laureate) his vision is 'To free the world

of poverty' Now such magnanimous visions don't get

accomplished in one's lifetime. They may require a line of

leaders and people as followers who will carry on the

vision. That's what happened when Barack Obama became

the first Afro-American to be the President of the USA. The

vision was seen generations ago when Martin Luther King

Jr. declared, “I have a dream that one day my four little

children will be able to live in a land where they will not be

judged by the color of their skin but the content of their

character.” So just because you are not a leader by title

your vision, your dedication to a cause that is for the good

of all doesn't halt but people get motivated to carry it on.

Jim Collins in his book 'Good to Great' talks of Level 5

leadership, that is characterized by leaders who have a

fierce professional will and great humility. They don't want

to win at the expense of the organization or people but they

want the organization and their people to win even when

they pass the baton to a future leader. Like Wal Mart's Sam

Walton who chose David Gloss after him as a leader who

made sure that the organization further thrived in absence of

the charismatic persona of Sam Walton. A Spiritual Leader

plays his/her part, gives her best and when the time comes

to move, she moves making sure she has built a team of

competent leaders who can carry the baton, the vision

forward. Let's sum up our thoughts on Leadership and

Spirituality by the quote of Mark Twain, “Great people are

those who make other people feel that they too can become

great.” Indeed, Leadership and Spirituality cannot be

separated from each other and if someone thinks otherwise

his functioning as a leader will be sans authenticity.

16 | MAY 2021 | www.theknowledgereview.com

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