10 most desirable colleges of Psychology

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021

We hand-picked few educational institutions that are doing remarkably well in imparting education through Psychology institutions, in the latest edition of The Knowledge Review_10 Most Desirable Colleges of Psychology 2021


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Living Principles

The 12 Core

Values of Auro


Innovation and Continuing Education

Cell, Auro Arts and Creativity Cell,

Auro Mentorship Cell, Women

Development Cell, Legal Aid

Community Development Cell, and Sir

Aurobindo Integral Life Centre.

“We believe in creating a difference

from the grass root level and thus bring

about a change which will strongly

have a ripple effect towards other

groups of individuals and thus to

society as a whole,” added the

university administration.

The Transcendental Vision

As this universe and all its beings are

evolving every second, everyone is

changing every moment without their

own knowledge; Auro University aims

to be an ‘Evolving University’ in this


The university believes in the classical

Indian concept of: savidya ya

vimuktaye - education is what


As they university puts it: “With our

vision to be premier university of

integral and transformational learning

for future leaders, we look forward to

evolve every individual, society,

community and nation with our 12

Core Values. We are heading to the

development and advancement in

various fields, machine taking over

humans, artificial intelligence being

the new command, and access to any

information at just one click, but many

are not equipped internally to handle

and sustain to these developments. To

endure this, we need higher

consciousness and readiness to adapt.”

“We believe that as a university with

Integral Philosophy we aim to be

premier university, which will equip

and train the mental, vital, physical

and spiritual aspects of an individual

to be more conscious and realize that

he/she is a transitional being and has

an ability to surpass any challenges in

life,” concluded the university


Satyam – Sincerity

Namas – Humility

Kritagyata – Gratitude

Dhriti – Perseverance

Abhipsa – Aspiration

Samjnana – Receptivity

Pragati – Progress

Viryam – Courage

Svasti – Goodness

Audarya – Generosity

Samata – Equality

Shanti – Peace

13 | MAY 2021 | www.theknowledgereview.com

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