Mario Cardenas - Architecture Portfolio

Selection of projects developed during my studies at Tec de Monterrey Selection of projects developed during my studies at Tec de Monterrey

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SITE ANALYSISCONCEPTWinter wind torrent (N)Distrito Tec ProjectsSummer wind torrent (SE)Pedestrian CrossingLocated in Junco de la Vega Avenue, Vita Theater rises as a new culture and art clusterthat enriches the community experience by giving home to artists and creatinga safe environment for art and culture display.NEDirection from which the buildingSreceives more punishment duringafternoon (recommended to usevertical louvers to mitigate sunWGreatest Sun exposure from South(recommended using horizontal louversor elements to mitigate the exposure)Lineal ParkVertical Pavilions protect thetheater form Sun exposureTec de MonterreyCritical crossing pointImage taken from Google EarthTec de Monterrey has been a promoter of this district by being a key element in therestoration and re-organization of the community, as part of its plan to grow and expand,it proposes the creation of a new cultural center that will be the heart of arts ofthe institute. Following the idea of integrating the community the complex offers bothindoor and outdoor spaces from art display that are open to both students and memberof the community.Total massSince the project was very demanding, consideringthat it would include a theater, with all thespaces required, classrooms for the Art and Cultureprogram and Restaurants, it was needed toknow the amount of space required to host everyactivity. By adding up the total amount of m 2 wecame up with this volume.Since this project was aimed for Distrito Tec and wastaking place in a very important location, observingthe area and the population that circulate in that areawas very important.By analyzing how people move through the area, displacementpatterns were drawn.After identifying the most used routesand where they meet, a convergencepoint came out as a result, from whichour project would start take form, notjust to respect the previous customs, butto enhance the experience in the space.The project is divided into 4 volumes that each play an important role in hosting a widevariety of activities inviting all types of art to be part of the culture scene and creatingan enriching environment.In addition to the architectonic design of the project, MEP installation was also includedand worked during every phase to make sure the building didn’t only had the necessaryspace to function but also was well equipped for the task, by working close with expertcompanies -TTQ and BAUEN- every aspect from the structure to MEP was carefullydesigned.Team Members:José Mario Cárdenas CalderónBarbara VillarrealMarcela TorresMayte iris2341As a result of the analysis, three tower were added to host otherprograms, and all of them directed to the center to emphasize theimportance of the core of the project. Volume 1 represents the theater,with all dressing room, storages and rehearsal rooms. Volume2 represents Art and Culture tower, hosting all type of classes (painting,dancing, chorus, and the administration). Volume 3 representsthe gallery and a experimental theater for 400 people. Volume 4 representsthe restaurant tower and the cooking workshop.Amphitheater2341GrandstandAfter arranging the buildings accordingly to the purpose of respecting the former useof the space, they had to be unify by an element. By adding 3 rings the tower becomea vertical pavilion and the classrooms turned into galleries showcasing the activitiesthey host as pure expression of a diversified art. To keep the rings from becomingmonotonous in their function, the middle ring became a grandstand, and core of theproject evolved to an amphitheater, inviting every member of the community to notjust walk by as they used to, but to stay and become an actor of their own experience.

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