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The Pittsburgh Patrika, Vol. 20, No. 4, July, 2015

Proxy War... ... continued from Page 8

mutated into a proxy war between the great powers.

The Russians have been arming Bashar al Assad’s regime and the West

is arming the rebels. The Saudis and the Persian Gulf countries are funneling

weapons straight to the Sunnis. The arms are trickling across the

Syria’s borders with Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Jordan. The CIA has been

channeling the weapons to the “right” people away from al-Qaeda, but

who the right people are anybody’s guess. A rag tag of village insurgents

and army defectors is coming together as a fighting force. The regime

and its opponents are now fighting with special savagery.

While the savagery is going on, the Syrian exile leaders are frittering

away time sitting outside, where they discussed their plans in Cairo to get

their act together. Divisions along the lines of clan, tribe, ethnicity and

Islamic sects would make a united front difficult to achieve. It appears

that the Assads, father and son, were more skillful than Libya’s Muammar

Qadaffi in keeping their opposition weak and divided.

So the Great powers are facing off in the most volatile region on

Earth, which may have a destabilizing effect in the neighboring

countries of Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq, and even beyond. Russians and

Americans are restrained because of the dangerous standoff over the

neighboring Iran.

Russia helped build Iran’s nuclear program, China needs Iranian oil and

both are willing to support Iran’s defense of the region’s Shias, including

Syria’s Alawites. The US and Saudis are lined up behind the Sunnis.

But while Russia and the US want to keep the confrontation at low ebb,

their proxies — Iran and Syria on one side, and Israel and Saudi Arabia

on other — will seek to drag them deeper. Both Russia and China see the

Syrian issue through their own political lenses. They understand Assad

well and support the dictator.

In this complex world of fighting by proxies, now U.S is finding itself

caught in the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.


Making sense of proxy wars, by Michael Innes.

The world deployed by Scot L Bills.

World History, by Jonathan Drsner. Pittsburgh State University.

The New York review of Books. How Syria divided the world,

by Michael Ignatiff

Caught in the cross fire, by Massimo Calabresi, in Time Magazine.

April 2015,


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