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SOLIDWORKS SimulationPerformance is not improved when no-penetration contact or virtual wall contact arepresent in any load case.The Intel Direct Sparse solver performs the global stiffness matrix factorization (whichconsumes the majority of the total solution time) only once, because the stiffness matrixremains the same for each load case.The optimized reconfiguration of the Intel Direct Sparse solver was introduced inSOLIDWORKS Simulation 2019, and it was realized for pressure, force, and torque loadtypes.Incompatible BondingThe algorithm of the surface-to-surface incompatible bonding is improved. The solvercalculates correctly the zero-stress state and zero frequencies for rigid body modes.The calculation of stresses at bonded interfaces with unmatched (incompatible) meshesis also improved.The default option for bonded component contact is now set to Incompatible mesh.You can change the mesh setting for the Component contact (including the GlobalContact option) to Compatible mesh or Incompatible mesh for a bonded contacttype from Simulation Options > Default Options > Contact.Stress Averaging at Mid-Side NodesThe improved stress averaging algorithm applies to linear dynamic studies.Before you run a linear dynamic study, in the Results Options PropertyManager, clickAverage stresses at mid-nodes (high-quality solid mesh only).For a high-quality solid element, the stresses at the mid-side nodes are calculated byaveraging the stress values at the adjacent corner nodes. This stress averaging methodimproves the calculation of stresses at mid-side notes for tetrahedral elements with highaspect ratios.Example:• Stresses at corner nodes (1, 2, 3, and 4) globallyaveraged over the shared elements.• Stresses at mid-side nodes (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)averaged over the associated corner nodes. Forexample, stress (node 5) = (stress (node 1) + stress(node 2)) / 2Thermal Loads for BeamsYou can apply thermal loads on beam joints and beam bodies. After running thermalanalysis on a model with beams, you can import the temperatures into a Linear Static,186

SOLIDWORKS SimulationNonlinear Static, Frequency, Buckling, or Nonlinear Dynamic study to perform stressanalysis.The table lists the type of thermal loads you can apply on beam and truss elements. Applyconcentrated thermal loads on beam and truss joints and distributed thermal loads alongthe length of beam and truss bodies.Beam or TrussThermal LoadsTemperatureConvectionHeat FluxHeat PowerRadiation to Ambient onlyJointYesNoNoYesNoBodyYesYesYesYesYesOnly heat flux supports non-uniform distribution of thermal load.For example, to apply temperature to a joint or beam body, in the TemperaturePropertyManager click Joints or Beams . In the graphics area, select the joints orbeam bodies to apply the temperature loads.After running a thermal study, you can view thermal plot results on beam models. Thetemperature result plot of a truss is shown.187


Nonlinear Static, Frequency, Buckling, or Nonlinear Dynamic study to perform stress


The table lists the type of thermal loads you can apply on beam and truss elements. Apply

concentrated thermal loads on beam and truss joints and distributed thermal loads along

the length of beam and truss bodies.

Beam or Truss

Thermal Loads



Heat Flux

Heat Power

Radiation to Ambient only













Only heat flux supports non-uniform distribution of thermal load.

For example, to apply temperature to a joint or beam body, in the Temperature

PropertyManager click Joints or Beams . In the graphics area, select the joints or

beam bodies to apply the temperature loads.

After running a thermal study, you can view thermal plot results on beam models. The

temperature result plot of a truss is shown.


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