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Welcome to SOLIDWORKS 2020

Previously, some assemblies and drawings that you did not save in the current version

took longer to open and save. This was particularly true for assemblies and drawings

with reference components in multiple configurations.

A system option, Force referenced documents to save to current version under

External References, improves save performance. When you clear the option, only

documents that you modified in the current session are saved. This reduces save times

significantly on the first save of large assemblies and drawings.

With improved open and save performance, you can eliminate the need for running

batch conversion tools such as the PDM File Version Upgrade Utility or the Convert

Files task in the Task Scheduler.

Detailing and Drawings

When you create a drawing from an open assembly, the creation of the first view may

be faster than in previous releases.


Performance is improved when you hover over and select entities using the Measure

and Markup Dimensions tools.


• SOLIDWORKS PDM loads the data in the background, which improves the browsing


Browsing folders that have a large number of files is faster due to:

• Faster database queries for custom columns.

• Background loading and incremental loading of the data.

When you double-click a folder, SOLIDWORKS PDM loads data in this order:

1. All subfolders synchronously. You can browse subfolders while the remaining data

loads in the folder.

2. Files with standard columns in the file list.

3. Information in custom columns. You can add more custom columns and maintain

the same browsing speed.

When you select a file and switch between the Bill of Materials, Contains, and Where

Used tabs, SOLIDWORKS PDM loads the data in the tabs in the background. When you

switch to a different file or folder, the background loading stops and loading of the

new file or folder starts.

Performance improves significantly for folders with a large number of files or for

database servers with high latency.

• The SOLIDWORKS PDM task pane tree refreshes faster and the commands in the

SOLIDWORKS PDM toolbar are correctly enabled in the task pane instantaneously

when you select a file.

• Data in the task pane tree loads in the background.

• When you select a file in the task pane tree, calls to the database are eliminated.


Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!