Qanon publication 4

The Legal Research Journal publication on Quantum Anonymous, or QAnon. Their purpose eavesdrop a quantum key distribution network anonymously.

The Legal Research Journal publication on Quantum Anonymous, or QAnon. Their purpose eavesdrop a quantum key distribution network anonymously.


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The Legal Research


September 11, 2021





This Monthly Journal; is designed to point out areas of Law and Natural

Rights of Citizens that are violated every day by its Nation, and designed to

be overlooked in a literary learned paved society. Is it all because some

Citizens lack the aptitude of history, or do not possess the foundational

means to understand the direction of its nation?

will have a chance to decide.

This Journal is to ensure that less fortunate individuals will have an

understanding of his or her rights to communication, curve the long arm of

the United States Department of Energy towards protecting human rights,

and to decline them away from eavesdropping.

This Journal; is not a Lawyers manual, nor intended for legal advice.

(or such advice please seek Attorney)





Copyright © Est 2011 Citizens Bar Association:





Page No

THE QANON------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4


RENAISSANCE WAR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

NFAC MOVEMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9


BIBLICAL RESEARCH --------------------------------------------------------------12

DEMONOLOGY --------------------------------------------------------------------13

UNITED STATES CAPITAL ATTACK ------------------------------------------------15


DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. -------------------------------------------------------17

HIGH JACKING MOVEMENTS -----------------------------------------------------19

FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION--------------------------------------20

JUDICIAL RIGHTS INTELLIGENCE SERVICE --------------------------------------21

Glossary -------------------------------------------------------------------------23-25



When “Q”Anon (they say) settled on messaging

boards called 4 chan and 8 kun in late October

2017; The Republican Party, and their followers

took notice of a information pertaining to a secret

body of government operation in a satanic

occultist formed organization. The Occultist

organization or cabal had been operated by

people in high power, freemasons, politicians,

judges, entertainers, and the ultra rich.

They leaked sensitive government information by the name of Q drops under

the umbrella corporation called Qworld. Usually entangled quantum states

are uniquely suited for traceless anonymous transmissions.

However; Quantum Anonymous Transmission has extended this protocol to

send and receive qubits. The Q bits received or sent were leaked to the public

by the name of Qdrops. Those Qdrops were words and phrases pertaining to

slogans like “calm before the storm”, “great awakening”; or trust the plan.

The information Center that drive these psyop

operations forward; received a government

intelligence prosecution instrument, and codification

“plan.” They had received it from an original

classified source. The psyops then could use in

parallel algorithmic software; to fashion such

confusion into information, clustered into a comedy

type script advertisement through the social media.

For the purpose of the public not to know their true


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Qworld is corporate operation, administering

Qeducation. That teaches Students how to eavesdrop,

research, alter, and administer sensitive information

throughout quantum information centers; better known

as Joint Center for Quantum Information and

Computer Science. Their duties are to eavesdrop a

quantum key distribution network using sequential

quantum unsharp measurement attacks.


Then Quantum Anonymous, or

QAnon is the body that organizes

then considers hiding the

information from senders and

receiver from classified, and

quantum bits or (qubits), even if

all physical transmissions can be


Note: The module above shows the precise

formula for internet censorship or net


The QAnon has present a

quantum protocol for sending

and receiving classified bits

anonymously, which is

completely traceless: it

successfully prevents later reconstruction of the senders information.

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The construction of Quantum Anonymous are to

eavesdrop classified bits of data, then hide the

information from the public as the data is being

transferred to another psyops, without any

trace. All for purpose of reconstructing its

information, and giving it back to the public

using the commercial news outlets; or as Trump

Would say! “Fake News”.

Last, it reforms an organization desire by a community group of the public

interest; while maintaining the illusion of its intent, and desired for the


While on the other side of the illusion. The media

condemns the movement. At the same time, it

makes the public believe that the particular

organization is an organic grass roots movement.

An example of a movement that would colorfully

outline Quantum Anonymous Transmissions

operations is the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Any person with a general understanding of life will agree that

“All Lives Matter”.

However; the emphasis or its slogan, are to make aware to the individuals

who are in the perception that black lives don't matter. When unarmed black

men are being gun-down in the streets; in cold blood. Then after, their legacy

and character is being tarnished through government news agencies.

While the public is distilled focusing on the

hatred for black people, the psyops then moves

in the stage of its preferred homosexual

ideology named LBGTQ; while in the same

instance it insinuates that Black Men are


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The Legal Research Journal

indicated that there is a

psychological war that most

people are unaware. Moreover;

this war resembles the White

"Renaissance War" and

infiltration of homosexuality

into the minds of future

children. Their hope of

depopulating a Hebrew(black) people. Homosexuality creates massive

stagnation in human development from physical to sociological. The people

who were to be depopulated were Hebrew people at the time of the

Renaissance World. The homosexuals would create a false seeming of rights

for homosexuals. Then after, they would find slaves, and other oppressed

people to join their movement. See Bush Senior lover affair.

Furthermore; they would make offers as to their

freedom. As more slaves would join the

homosexuals, they would gain more power. Soon

creating nations of homosexual leaders; with

heterosexual men as slaves, and servants. (Read

Rome and The Renaissance World). In today's

time, 65 -72% are homosexual in politics.

The agenda is there. In today's time; It's not fair

and ethically right, for homosexuals to take advantage of black people, by

hijacking a meaningful movement pertaining to police killings; for no other

purpose but to enjoy themselves in the rectum of another man's rear end.

Statistics indicates that only 4% of homosexuals die at the

hands of police, and the percentage of blacks out of this 4% is

unknown. That 96% of Black Men killed by police are


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Homosexuality is a disease to the human kind;

as we should not hate the people, but its a

disease that evidently destroys our moral and

ethics as a people in whole, and their

generation to come. And we have all witnessed,

and acknowledged through scripture; the

demise of homosexuality. They were destroyed

by the mighty blast; while they lay in their

homes, in different prostrating positions.

Quran 15 Hijr

73. But the (mighty) Blast Overtook them before morning,

٣- فَأَخَذَترهشمش الصييرحَةش مششرري قيينَ‏

74. And We turned (the Cities) Upside down, and rained down On them brimstone hard as

baked clay.


فَجَعَلرنَا عَالييَهَا سَافيلَهَا وَ‏ أَمرطَرر نَا عَلَيرهيمر حي جَارَ‏ ة ميين سيجيييلٍ‏

The evidence of such destruction leaves no pity upon any

nation engulfed in such abominations, even if they are

children. They just become collateral damage in the

process of the natural earth rebuilding its corrupted


The destruction becomes eminent

when the judges of humanity support

such homosexual abominations.

Robert L Hinkle

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Black Men are more active in

revolutionary combat, and are ready to

move towards seizing their nation by

peaceful strategic military operations.

Thus, the CIA and its out-reach has

been in continuous opposition. It uses

its protocols of anonymous

transmission to subvert the process of

an emerging Black, Mexican Christian, and Muslim governance. It uses

forms of psychological apparatus, to encourage violations of the laws, which

it duplicates. Then it uses its entrapment technologies to either kill, or

incarcerate any who displays themselves as positive cause for revolutionary


Overall; after the psyops destroys the

leaders of the movements, then they

display to the world as a black

malicious organization coming to kill

and rape white women. In actuality,

white women, and all other woman are

oppressed by the same white


Once the white supremacist, believe they

have successfully defeated a positive

movement; then they display the

revolutionaries as losers. Last, they use

their tools of subversion, to create the

illusion that one cannot over come the

oppression, and death that has been

bestowed upon them as a people.

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There after, they use black people to

support their agenda, and concur as to

support their opinion. The trolls use

subversive language to detour any whom may

can see justice within the movement. The

purposes are to cause destruction to any such

direction of peace, and to invite hatred and


Moreover, as we can look more deeply into

the consciences of evil , we can observe the history and the root that was

implanted to the human way of life.


We must take in consideration that the founder of

modern Israel, and the new order of the United States;

entered by the Bush Administration in 1991. That Had

been founded and influenced by Satanism; Research

indicates that the founder Baal Shem Tov had possessed

the Hebrew name of a demon called BAAL. We shall take

into evidence, with relative consideration that the birth

name of the founder of the instrumentality to the

modern state of Israel had possess the same name as a demonic figure in the

Hebrew Bible. See below see Also Baal Worship.

However, this occultist behavior had been

accustomed to the history of Zionism. Research

typically claim that Zionist require human blood for

the baking of matzos, an unleavened flatbread which

is eaten during Passover, although this element of the

accusation was allegedly absent in the earliest blood

libels in which then-contemporary Jews or Zionist

were accused of reenacting the crucifixion. The

accusations often assert that the blood of Christian

children is especially coveted, and historically, blood libel claims have been

made in order to account for the otherwise unexplained missing and dead

children. 1 of 10

Reminder: Not all Hebrews or whom call themselves Jews participate in these ancient

rituals. That true Jews follow the way of Abraham and Moses, Christ and Muhammad

(PBUH) and reject this ideology.


a. Baal Sham Tov (Poland) alias ( Israel Ben Eliezer) of the 1700 had

established a satanic doctrine, and political methodology with his

disciple “Dov Ber of Mezeritch” and Shneu

Zalman of Liadi, 1760 – 1812 to establish the Maggid or Mizbeach

which has no information on its reason or direction.

b. Later the succession had been carried furthered by Dovber Schneuri in

the year 1827.

c. Furthermore, the succession had been past to Menachem Mendel

Schneersohn in year 1866.

d. Later to Shmuel Schneersohn in year 1882.

e. Sholom Dovber Schneersohn in year 1920.

f. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn year 1950.

g. Menachem Mendel Schneerson 1994 Russian / American and a Jew all

at the same time and established his birthday the Education Day.


In 1978 the US Congress asked President Jimmy Carter to designate

Schneerson's birthday the National Education Day which solidifies

Public Law 102-14 of the bush Administration.

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Which shows that the Bush administration in year

1991 102-14 had been paved in place to implement

the satanic law of the Talmud, and Noahide the

Lubavitch Movement.see PUBLIC LAW 102-14.

(III). That the practice of demonology had been

infiltrated into US Public Law by George Herbert

Walker Bush in year 1991, He spoke vividly about

The New World Order; The promises and vision of

the UN Founders. (see) Bush New World Order.


Other biblical texts refer to the sacrifice of children. Psalms 106:37–38

speaks of child sacrifice to the unnamed idols of Canaan. In prophetic

sources, Jeremiah 7:31 and Ezekiel 20:25–6 speak disapprovingly of

sacrificing children to Yahweh (for the "bad statutes" referred to by Ezekiel,

see Ex. 22:28–29; but see Friebel); Jeremiah 19:5 speaks of sacrificing

children to Baal; Ezekiel 16:21, 20:31, 23:37, 39 of sacrificing children to

unnamed divinities; as does Isaiah 57:5. In none of these is there a mention of

Moloch. Only in Jeremiah 32:35 is Moloch mentioned by name and there he

is associated with Baal. See Ancient Jewish History: The Cult of Moloch

The America’s elite congregate here each July to

perform occult rituals, and “misbehave” during a

week (or two or three) of drinking, tradition and

secrecy. This place is called Bohemian Grove.

(See) Secrets of the Elite

(See) Forbes / Its Time to Flush Satan's Excrement

from our System 1 of 12


Thus, in all aspect within the study of

demonology, we can see the relevant

correlation; that the demon Baal is

associated with child sacrifice. Moreover, the

methodology of demonology is the passing of

demonic energy through possession of names,

symbology, and sacrifice in the physical form.

Thus, giving the demonic spirit energy. Last

the energy is distributed back to the human

kind, to practice the order of that demon who

possess that name, symbology, and that


A general understanding in a simplistic overview would be the example

of Constantine. Which he named his so called founded nation after himself.

Doing so, would translate to Constantinople. Such energy radiates until the

present day.

The relevant consideration in this research directs

us towards foundering fathers of Zionism, and the

modern America have adopted the energy of the

demon Baal through their foundering fathers.

However, based on the association of Baal and its

methodology of sacrificing children, which had

lead to this research. External

investigation lead to the

discovery of the overt acts

mention in this information; but does not only mention

the conspiracy to operate a global child sex trafficking

or satanic, cannibalistic organization. The information

also includes the allegation of two or more people

involved in horrific acts against children; which

involves the process of administering extreme fear to a

child, and at the time of death; the would abstract a

chemical from the child adrenal glands which is

responsible of producing adrenaline. 1 of 13

Such chemical is called Adrenochrome, which is a

chemical compound with the molecular formula C₉H₉NO₃

produced by the oxidation of adrenaline.

This chemical that is abstracted from children at the

time of (thanatophobia) or other words, being frightened to

death. Thereafter, it is then manufactured and sold on the

market to the ultra rich, for the purpose of injecting the

chemical intravenously into the users blood stream. The chemical therefore

initiates a hyper intense adrenaline high; never experienced by any drug

manufactured in the world modern market.

The “Occultist don't stop at children, they

also kidnap and sacrifice vulnerable

people”. This information had been

intercepted from the “Joint Center for

Quantum Information and Computer

Science”. They used their quantum

anonymous transmission which radiated a

signal that was intercepted the JUDICIAL


That the federal government cannot impede an investigation, then when such

information surfaces, then it moves towards dis-information for the purposes

of savatage of a lawful purpose of justice. GOVERNEMNT OF USIC

requires a external investigation so that the perpetrators in this case are

prosecuted thoroughly.

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The Psyops simultaneously leak the

qubit information to the public for

purposes of creating an

disillusioned grass roots movement.

The public that joined the movement

were arrested and eliminated, so the

public can fear its direction without

the proper knowledge of the

original moments true direction or

identity. This anonymous

transmission combined with

analytics are responsible for the

algorithms that drive the public forward. Machine learning then predicts the

behavior of of the public; then develops “individual profiles” pertaining to

all the account and behavior of a national people. (see) Cambridge

Analytica. That information is then exploited to particular companies. Those

company send advertisements, emails, and solicitation of those individuals

whom it targets.

However those unsharp measurement

attacks cause drastic damage to public

mental health, and social well being.

Moreover, this unsharp measurement

attack by the Qworld or QAnon

ultimately lead to a confederate style

insurgency of is own Capital Building

leaving 5 people dead, and dozens

injure on or about January 6, 2021.

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The Quantum Anonymous Transmission is the main body of organization

which gives aid and support to the Joint Center for Quantum Information

and Computer Science. It enables Qworld through its Qeducation structure

and discipline. Qworld should be viewed as the organ capable of out reach

upon the public through the use of predictive machine learning. Its algorithm

is designed to search and seize information from the public, and government

organizations using its eavesdropping software.

A quick example of the eavesdrop scenario below.

Example: Two people in Walmart.

a. James said to Sally.

b. I like that 55in Smart TV.

c. Sally Said.

d. I agree .

Later in the day, or spontaneously he and she

receives advertisements of smart TVs on their social media such as Facebook

or other social platforms of interest. Using eavesdrop software embedded in

your cell phone. It picks up key words through eavesdropping your

microphone. Then it uses machine learning to find out what was said; next it

transfers the data to the persons phone through their app permission. You

authorizing access to your microphone, video recorder, contacts, pictures,

camera etc.

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Most people tend to believe that the

Department of Energy is an

government organization for the

purposes of administering electricity

through-out the united states. However,

they are correct in a way; but energy is

not just electricity. Its all about

controlling and conducting all forms of energy. The main focus of energy

that which it needs to control and conduct is the energy of the people. It uses

its transmissions to inspire people to get a job and work. Which in return

creates the energy policy for the system to need electricity.

Furthermore, if people didn't work in these

modern industrial type corporations; there

would be no need for such electricity. The

people would only require bare necessity.

If the Department of Energy had not

received its energy from the founders of

demonic energy sources such as Baal; than

it would had administered its energy in a

positive distribution; resulting in a positive governing abilities creating its

direction on construction, rather then destruction. Moreover, the people

would have better housing, education, and all fundamental elements to with

stand life. There would be less wars, only righteous governments defending

themselves from these surges of evil energies developed into corporate


Based upon the information that the

Department of Energy is the main body

of governance, that oversees and

develops the fundamental direction of

its Quantum Anonymous Transmissions.

Reveals, that it had been involved in the

eavesdropping, and leaking of

information through psyops programs.

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After learning the direction of the GOVERNEMNT OF USIC; THE

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY deployed their eavesdroppers. They

eavesdropped a quantum key distribution

network belonging to the JUDICIAL


sequential quantum unsharp measurement


The computer scientist adopted their

movement through search and seizure of a

Juris Criminal Investigation conducted by the

Juris External Affairs Program (JEAP); expounding into federal

involvement in human / child sex trafficking, cultism, murder, genocide,

assassinations, starvation, mutilations, imprisonment, organ harvesting,

human trafficking, psychological brain wash; which resulted in perorations

of extortion, embezzlement, racketeering influence and corrupt organization,

bio- terrorism, insurgency, and dealing in stolen nations,in violation of


Upon their deployment of Quantum Anonymous Transmission; the

Government of USIC were able to trace its signal using Arbitration in

Criminal Algorithm, an Anti Crypto Software; developed and patented by the


The software used by the GOVERNMENT OF USIC detected key pinging

system communications signals, allowing its signal to to tracked and


In other words, the perpetrators believed that their communication network

of quantum protocol for sending and receiving classified bits anonymously

was completely traceless.

However; the use of reversed criminal algorithmic software was able to

intercept key words that were specifically used by this research investigation.

Those key words used, allowed the algorithmic software to detect the

eavesdroppers, and disclosing of their location.

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High Jacking Movements

Thus; they conspired to build a movement

which they had eavesdropped from an

external investigation filed against the into

the 14 th Judicial Circuit In and for Bay

County Florida on May 19, 2015 into the

Court of Judge Shane Vann.

The power of computing the formula in quantum physics would moreover

support a concentrated information source within the algorithm. The

algorithm is then fed its calculations that would possibly lead an educated

mind to believe that a revolution is in process and must be supported.

Quantum Anonymous or QAnon is the

body or organization that considers

the problem of hiding sender and

receiver of classified and quantum bits

or (qubits), even if all physical

transmissions can be monitored.

QAnon has present a quantum

protocol which is completely traceless.

It successfully prevents later

reconstruction of the sender. It appears that entangled quantum states are

uniquely suited for traceless anonymous transmissions. To avoid the law, they

extend this protocol to send and receive qubits anonymously. In the process

they introduce a new primitive called anonymous entanglement, which may

be useful in other contexts as well. The Anonymous entanglement were the

Qdrops entangled with information from this investigation.

See Quantum Anonymous Transmissions

However, in the year 1088 University of Bologna to established the

“Alma Mater Studiorum” short for studio room. That the Alma Mater has

been a continuous operation of university which had influenced Victor

Banford which then influenced Patrick Geddes in the founding of the

“American Sociological Society”,eventually established the Federal

Communication Act.

1 of 19

Federal Communications Commission

These are institutions that teach

brainwash into the entertainment world,

that has eventually became the foundation

of all information projected through

Federal Communications Commission


These tools of intrusion upon the public mind played a key role in every

movement or organization world wide.

Their foundation upon their logic tends to rest on the effective way to control

movements, are to create them; then steer them in any so direction at the

systems disposal.


the QuICS has also demonstrated responsibility of the developing murders to

unarmed black men by police, leading to the Black lives mater movement,

Antifa, now shifting toward the Lesbian gay bi and trans community. They

have developed live message boards in the support and the paving of a

homosexual generation. See Qworld LGBT see also Search

The Defendants use such tools

internationally, having the capacity in creating

foreign military and domestic terror groups.

Also see school, and church shootings, ISIS,

Proud Boys, and the KKK ; all stemmed as a

result from theses psychological intrusions.

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In short Quantum Anonymous Transmission has mastered the element of

illusion through its quantum protocols of sending and receiving classified

qbit information from one source to another without interception. However, it

has only been the works of God that such transmission of evil has been


capabilities to prosecute those corporate entities, and individual persons

working on the behalf of such interest.

Superseding External Indictments had been initiated

by the Supreme Tribunal of Authority, and to be tried in

a Military Tribunal for the heinous crimes committed to

outside the jurisdiction of the Federal Corporation.

Outside the Federal jurisdiction does not always

interpret as operating in interstate or foreign

commerce. However, it tends to refer as outside their

control; because of their involvement, and their

employees may questioned be witnesses.

The Intelligence Service then issued a report on its

findings. Once the findings were approved, they were

later delivered to the Legal Research Journal Lab for

further analysis. Upon review, it was determined that

this information should be investigated further.

Documents were prepared for the GOVERNMENT OF

USIC; then forwarded to THE SUPREME TRIBUNAL

OF THE JURIS for prosecution UNDER SEAL.

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We as a educated nation in the arts and sciences; will

not allow our understanding of our reality be

subverted into a fiction When the truths outstrip

conjuncture, and the facts remain at large. Those who

are guilty do not repent; and return to their Lord; our

God, and thy God. His wrath shall descend upon us

all; then we shall remain, twisting and turn our hand

over the nation, which was destroyed through its

leaders being consumed in the highest form


The relevant question that should be ask.

Do the people deserve an External Investigation into these matters?



Citizens Bar Association EST. (2011).

Hereby Order a New Government, and American plan for Parens Patriae; It

shall abolish the Federal System, and in its place a detached comprehensive

geopolitical system competent in leading diplomatic relations in the favor of

the Citizens.

Title 22 USIC 0.2

Title 22 USIC 0.3

Jurisdictional Powers Part I and Part II. (2017) See Amended.

Any Inquiries to the above Constitutions and preambles. Please in

writing, to the United States Library of Congress requesting the Juris

Rules and Codes; (2021) Amended.

1 of 22


Quantum Anonymous Transmission

The system that eavesdrops sensitive qubit information, then creates and

alters the information to send, and receive anonymously and undetected, to a

third party without the second party noticing the alteration.


Fictitious character developed by Qword; to leak sensitive qubit information

pertaining to an Juris External Criminal Investigation.


Corporation administering its Queducation under the Joint Center for

Quantum Information and Computer Science.

Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science. (QuICS)

The center for gathering qubit information using computer science, cyber

security, mathematics, and physics collaborate with postdoctoral scholars,

graduate students, and visitors to develop an algorithm for the purpose of

driving the public forward.


Listening in on a Quantum Key Distribution Network, and then altering and

distributing its qubits.


Qubits or quantum bits are the fundamental building block for quantum

information processes.

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Qubits of information that has been altered or mended to fit the agenda of a

particular organization or group forged by Qworld.


The movement that forges the establishment, and support for a Zionist state

centered in the area roughly corresponding as Palestinian (The Holy Land)

for themselves.

Zionist Organization

Organization created by Theodor Herzl, for the purpose of creating a Zionist

State in Israel, with the ultimate goal of Talmudic Law as New World Order.

See Protocals of Zion.

Criminal Conspiracy.

The agreement of two or more people, company(s), or government(s), to

come together for the purpose of committing crime against people, and


Talmudic Law

The ancient law that proscribes individuals deemed as animals or insufficient

to survive; or what they would refer to as gentile, goy, or goyim.

United States Public Law 102-14; Education Act

A legal Amendment or Act, constituting the Talmudic authority into the

legislation of the American People; and to be exercised against people

referred to as gentile, goy, or goyim.

1 of 24

United States Federal Law on Conspiracy.

The United States had enacted laws to prohibit conspiracy in the color of law;

and governments in Drug Conspiracy Influenced in Corrupt Organizations.

US 21 U.S.C 846 / (R.I.C.O) ACT.

Joining the Conspiracy.

Private Companies incorporated with the conspiracy may join the conspiracy;

if the private company furthers the conspiratorial acts, determined through its

purpose, aim, and goal.

Parens Patriae .

The mobilization of The Government of USIC (United States of Islam and

Christ) under Juris Court of Law, claiming the responsibility and over sight

of the social, and financial well-being of the Moors (negro), and citizens of

the Land of Americas; referred as the (United States Corporation Company).

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