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Your Mickle’s Worth

“Counting flowers on the wall... that don’t

bother me at all. Playing solitaire til one with a

deck on 51. Smoking cigarettes and watch Captain

Kangaroo. Now, don’t tell me I’ve nothing to do!”

Now that I’ve placed that song in your head, if you

are old enough to remember the Statler Brothers

I’m certainly not planning to take up smoking, but

playing solitaire til dawn is not out of the realm of

possibilities. Seems like we went from warp speed

many days balancing work and kids events to a slow


Being empty nesters is something Karen and

I thought we’d be ready for. Turns out at least one

of us was not. I’ll let you guess which one of us that

is. Here’s a hint... it’s not Karen. The days I’m home

and Karen is working, the house is eerily quiet. Not

only do we miss seeing the kids on a daily basis but

we also enjoyed seeing their friends come over and

hang out with them. These days (at least some of

them) it’s just Boomer, Dennis (the turtle) and me.

Recently when Karen was home, she decided to

set Dennis free from his tank and let him roam for

a bit. He came face to face with Boomer, as shown

in the photo. Dennis didn’t snap. Boomer didn’t

bark. I think they were both too confused by what

they were looking at to take any action against the

other. Yep. That was our evening entertainment, a

dog and turtle face off. I thought about challenging

them to race each other but I was afraid if Dennis

won, it might impact Boomer’s self-esteem. So, we

let them stare at each other for a bit. Boomer got

tired of turtle tracking and left the room to go eat.

Dennis tried to make a run for it but didn’t get too far.

He was safely returned to his tank and the evening’s

pet performance was over.

I’m sure we’ll find a hobby. With two of

the kids just an hour away (in opposite directions

of each other) and the oldest 4 hours away, we

can certainly go visit them, who knows, we might

even take off on our own vacation! That would be

a switch from the past 23 years. One thing is for

certain, while we are adjusting to the new chapter

in our lives, we are forever grateful for the three

children we have and getting to share the joys and

the struggles of parenting with all of you. It’s still

hard to believe that Matt was a baby when the first

edition of QCFF rolled off the presses and now he’s

in college. From the bottom of my heart, thank you

for taking the journey of parenthood with us. For

those of you just beginning the journey, my only

advice is don’t blink. As I’ve said before, the days

seem long but the years fly by.

Take Care,

Mike, Karen, Kyle, Kate Matt, Boomer and Dennis




m mickle



4 September/October 2021 I QC Family Focus

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