Exploring Catholic Social Teaching

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inherit eternal life?” Jesus asked the scholar what he thought the answer to the question was,<br />

to which he answered “You shall love the lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your<br />

being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” The<br />

Samaritan lived this command by caring for his neighbor and attending to his wounds. By<br />

doing so, he was also showing his love for God by following His command.<br />

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Explain that the Samaritans were outcasts in society during Jesus’ time and were considered<br />

to be less than others. In fact, it was against the law for upstanding Jewish citizens to even<br />

speak to a Samaritan. How did the Samaritan in this parable exemplify Jesus’ teaching in<br />

this parable? The priest and the Levite failed to love their neighbor. The Samaritan, who was<br />

considered an outcast and even an enemy, disregarded this and helped a person in need.<br />

Have your students turn to a neighbor and discuss a time when they did the right thing for<br />

someone else, even when they didn’t want to. Accept reasoned answers.<br />

B. Explain to your students that this parable comes from the Gospel of Luke. In it, Jesus deepens<br />

His teaching about loving our neighbor as ourselves by dramatically demonstrating to us that<br />

“our neighbor” doesn’t refer only to those people we like or who are our friends. God calls us to<br />

love everyone. Everyone we meet gives us an opportunity to love.<br />

Activity<br />

A. Distribute copies of Handout D: Readers Theater: The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Assign<br />

roles to various students, and then lead your students in a dramatization of the Parable of the<br />

Good Samaritan. Use the “stage direction” from the script to help direct your students in what<br />

to do and say.<br />

B. After completing the Readers Theater, ask:<br />

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What does this parable teach us about love for one another?<br />

Why do you think Jesus made the Samaritan the hero of the story and not the priest or the<br />

Levite? Help students recognize that the parable teaches us that everyone is deserving and<br />

capable of giving and receiving love.<br />

What other thoughts, questions, or new learning do you have about this parable? Accept<br />

reasoned answers.<br />

Formative Assessment<br />

Give students a copy of Handout E: How Can I Love My Neighbor?. For each suggested neighbor,<br />

have your students draw a picture of one way they can love that person, and then write a sentence<br />

describing their drawing.<br />


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