Exploring Catholic Social Teaching

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Warm-Up<br />

A. Before class, use the template on Teacher Resource: God is Love Puzzle Template (page 14<br />

in this guide) to make a puzzle set for each student.<br />

B. After creating a quiet and prayerful atmosphere, together make the Sign of the Cross and then<br />

read aloud from 1 John 4:8b-9:<br />

God is love. In this way the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the<br />

world so that we might have life through him.<br />

C. Enter into a dialogue with students in which you go over the following information: This Bible<br />

verse tells us that God is love. Love isn’t just something that God does; love is what God is. God is<br />

also the greatest thing in the universe. How do we know? He created everything in it. That means<br />

He is greater than anything in the universe! If God is the greatest thing in the universe, and God is<br />

love, then what is one way we can become like the greatest thing in the universe? Love! When we<br />

love someone, we are sharing in God’s divine life.<br />

D. Take a moment to look at and read aloud some of the things you wrote on your “Classroom of<br />

Love” bulletin board.<br />

E. Explain that Scripture tells us something like this as well. Read aloud from 1 Corinthians 13:13<br />

“So faith, hope, love remain, these three, but the greatest of these is love.”<br />

Activity and Assessment<br />

Distribute a God Is Love Puzzle set to each student and give them time to complete the puzzle.<br />

Then have them color and decorate their own version of the puzzle on God Is Love (Handout E).<br />


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