Dominick Salvatore Schaums Outline of Microeconomics, 4th edition Schaums Outline Series 2006

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EXAMPLE 2. If we plot the total and marginal utility schedules of Table 4.1, we get the total and marginal utility curves

of Fig. 4-1. Since marginal utility has been defined as the change in total utility in changing consumption by one unit, each

value of the MU x has been recorded midway between the two levels of consumption, in part (b) of the figure. The saturation

point (MU x ¼ 0) is reached when the individual increases consumption of X from 5 to 6 units. The falling MU x curve

illustrates the principle of diminishing marginal utility.

Fig. 4-1


The objective of a rational consumer is to maximize the total utility or satisfaction derived from spending

personal income. This objective is reached and the consumer is said to be in equilibrium when able to spend

personal income in such a way that the utility or satisfaction of the last dollar spent on the various commodities

is the same. This can be expressed mathematically by

subject to the constraint that

MU x

P x

¼ MU y

P y


P x Q x þ P y Q y þ¼M (the individual’s income)

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