Dominick Salvatore Schaums Outline of Microeconomics, 4th edition Schaums Outline Series 2006

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2.23 Suppose that from the condition of equilibrium in Problem 2.17, there is an increase in consumers’

incomes so that the market demand curve becomes QDx 0 ¼ 140,000 20,000P x (see Problem 2.21),

and at the same time there is an improvement in the technology of producing commodity X so that

the new market supply curve becomes QSx 0 ¼ 40,000 þ 20,000P x (see Problem 2.22). Everything

else remains the same. (a) Show the new market demand curve (Dx) 0 and the new market supply

curve (Sx) 0 on the graph of Problem 2.17(c). (b) What are the new equilibrium price and the new

equilibrium quantity for commodity X?


Fig. 2-26


When D x shifts to Dx 0 and S x shifts to S 0 x , the equilibrium price of X falls from $3 to $2.50. The equilibrium

quantity rises from 60,000 to 90,000 units per time period. This corresponds to a movement from equilibrium

point A to equilibrium point D in Fig. 2-26. (Point B represents the equilibrium point found in Problem 2.21.

Point C corresponds to the equilibrium point found in Problem 2.22.) Thus, when the market demand curve is

negatively sloped while the market supply curve is positively sloped, an increase in both demand and supply

always increases the equilibrium quantity. At the same time, the equilibrium price can increase, decrease, or

remain at the same level, depending on the size of the increase in demand in relation to the increase in supply.


2.24 (a) Under what form of market organization is equilibrium determined exclusively by the forces of

demand and supply? (b) How could interferences with the operation of the market mechanism

prevent the attainment of equilibrium?



The equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of a commodity are determined exclusively by the

interaction of the forces of demand and supply only in a perfectly competitive market. A market is said to

be perfectly competitive when the number of buyers and sellers of the identical commodity are so numerous

that no individual buyer or seller is able (or behaves as though able) to affect the price of the commodity. In

addition, in a perfectly competitive market, entry into and exit from the industry are “easy,” there is a perfect

knowledge of prices and quantities, and there are no interferences with the operation of the market mechanism.

(The perfectly competitive type of market organization will be discussed extensively in Chapter 9. How

equilibrium is reached in noncompetitive markets is discussed in Chapters 10 to 12.)

Interferences with the operation of the market mechanism (i.e., interferences with the operation of the forces

of demand and supply) could prevent the attainment of equilibrium as described in Problems 2.17, 2.21, 2.22,

and 2.23. This occurs, for example, if the government imposes a price floor (as in the case of some agricultural

commodities for the alleged purpose of aiding farmers) or a price ceiling (as in the case of rent control for the

alleged purpose of helping poor families). In such cases, the equilibrium price may not be attained and either a

surplus or a shortage of the commodity results.

2.25 What happens if, starting from the position of equilibrium in Problem 2.17(b) and (c), the government

(a) imposes a price floor of $4 on commodity X? (b) Imposes instead a price ceiling of $2 on

commodity X?

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