Dominick Salvatore Schaums Outline of Microeconomics, 4th edition Schaums Outline Series 2006

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Monopolistic competition: (Cont.)

defined 238, 245, 246p

demand curves 238–239, 247p

excess capacity 248–249p

long-run equilibrium 239, 248–249p

price and output 238–239, 247–248p

product differentiation 195p, 246p

short-run equilibrium 238, 247p

Monopolistic exploitation 287, 301p


bilateral 289, 306–308p

compared with other models 230–231p

control 216–218, 219, 231–233p

defined 212, 220–221p

demand curve 212, 220–221p

efficiency 229–231p

long-run equilibrium 215–216, 229–231p

multiplant 226–228p

price discrimination 218, 233–236p

price and output 212, 221–222p

short-run equilibrium 213–215, 219, 224–226p

Monopsonistic exploitation 289, 305p

Monopsony 288–289, 302, 305p

Moral hazard 337, 339, 345p

Multiplant firm 226–227p

Nash equilibrium 273, 275, 277–278p

Natural monopoly 222p, 231p

Necessities 42, 54p

Neutral technical progress 153, 154, 177p

New approach to consumer demand theory 106, 108,


Noncompeting groups 309p

Nonprice competition 248p

Non-zero-sum game 272, 275

Normal good 15, 22p, 42, 59, 89–91p

Normal profit 207p, 220p, 259p

Normative economics 2–3, 12–13p

Numéraire 325p


Bertrand model 240, 244, 250–251p

centralized cartel model 242, 244, 255–256p

Chamberlin model 241, 244, 253p

collusion 242–244, 253–259p

compared with other models 259–260p

Cournot model 240, 244, 250–252p

defined 239, 245, 246–247p

Edgeworth model 240–241, 245, 250–252p

efficiency 244, 259–260p

game theory 254p

kinked demand curve model 241–242, 245, 254p

marked-sharing cartel model 243, 245, 256p

nonprice competition 248p

price leadership by dominant firm model 257–259p

price leadership by low-cost firm model 256–257p

Oligopoly: (Cont.)

price and output 239, 247–250p

Sweezy model 241, 254p

Oligopsony 303p

Opportunity cost doctrine 155p

Optimal combination of factors 283, 286, 289,

291–293p, 298–300p, 303–305p

Optimal rate of output 163p, 213–216, 255–258p

Optimal scale of plant 162–163p, 215–216, 226–227p

Ordinal utility 66, 99p

Output (see production theory)

Output effect 140p

Output elasticity 152, 154

Paasche index 105, 108, 113–114p

Pareto optimum 316–317, 320, 327–330p

Partial equilibrium analysis 2, 3, 12p, 322p

Payoff 272, 275, 277–278p

Payoff matrix 272, 275, 277–278p

Peak-load pricing 263, 265, 268–269p

Per-unit tax 38p, 232p

Perfect competition:

compared with other models 230, 231p, 249p,

259–260p, 384p

constant cost industries 190, 192, 205–206p

decreasing cost industries 192, 205–208p

defined 184, 192, 194–195p

demand curve 184, 195–196p

efficiency 194p, 230–231p, 248–249p, 259p, 334p

increasing cost industries 191–192, 205–208p

long-run 189, 204–205p

price and employment of factors 283–284, 291–302p

price and output 184–211

short-run 185–189, 192, 200–204p

supply curve 189, 201–203p

very short-run 185, 196–197p

Players 272, 275, 276p

Point elasticity of demand 40–42, 45, 47–51p

Positive economics 2–3, 12–18p


absolute 328p

and employment of inputs 283–310

equilibrium 11p, 19, 31–36p

relative 328–329p

Price ceiling 36p

Price-consumption curve 69, 71, 89–91p

Price discrimination:

first degree 218, 233–234p

second degree 218, 234–235p

third degree 218, 235–236p

Price elasticity of demand 39–40, 45, 47–53p

Price floor 36p

Price index number 104, 108, 113–114p

Price leadership:

by dominant firm 243–244, 258p

by low-cost firm 256–257p

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