Dominick Salvatore Schaums Outline of Microeconomics, 4th edition Schaums Outline Series 2006

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Decreasing cost industry 192, 208p, 210p

Decreasing returns to scale 125, 126, 143–144p,



ceteris paribus 14–15, 21–22p

change in 15, 20, 24–27p

elasticity of 39–43, 47–55p, 212, 238, 240,

247p, 249p

for a factor 283–285, 293–296p

individual consumer 14, 21–27p

law of 15

market 15–16, 27p

schedule of 14, 21–23p

theory 62–101

Demand curves:

derivation of individual’s 69–70, 89–90p

derivation of market 15–17, 31–35p

for a factor 283–285, 293–296p

for an inferior good 89p, 95p

imperfect competition 194–195p

individual consumer 15, 21–27p

kinked 241–242, 245, 253–255p

market 15–16, 27p

monopolistic competition 238–239, 247–249p

oligopoly 239–240, 249–250p

perfect competition 184, 195–196p

pure monopoly 212, 221–222p

Derived demand 293–294p

Diminishing marginal utility 63, 71, 73–75p

Diminishing returns, law of 119–120, 126, 129p,


Diseconomies of scale 150–151, 162–169p

Distribution 1, 7p

Dominant strategy 272–273, 277–278p

Duopoly (see oligopoly)

Dynamics 2, 11–12p


activity, circular flow of 1, 8–9p

efficiency 229–230p

good 1, 5p

problem 1, 6p

profit 7p

rent 286, 290, 297p

resources 1, 5–6p

systems 1, 6p

Economies of scale 150–151, 162–163p

Edgeworth box diagram 85p

Edgeworth model 240–241, 245, 250–253p

Efficiency wage theory 338, 346p

Elasticity of demand:

arc 40–41, 45, 47–48p

cross 43–44, 45, 54–56p

defined 39, 45, 47p

factors influencing 52p

income 42–43, 45, 54–55p, 68–69

Elasticity of demand: (Cont.)

point 40–41, 45, 213, 221–223p

relation to total expenditures 41–42, 48–50p, 213,


Elasticity of technical substitution 125, 140–142p

Elasticity of supply 44, 45, 56–59p

Empirical demand curves 107, 108, 116–117p

Engel curve:

defined 68, 71

income elasticity of demand and 68, 89–91p

shapes of 68, 89–91p

Entrepreneurship 1, 5p

Envelope curve 149, 163–164p

Equalizing wage differences 285


defined 2, 3, 12p, 31–36p, 309p

demand-supply model 9–11p, 18, 31–33p

long-run 189–190, 204–205p, 206–209p

short-run 185–187, 198–204p

stable 19, 20, 32–34p

unstable 19, 20, 32–34p

Exchange 68, 84, 87p, 312, 325–326p

Expansion path 124–125, 126, 138–139p

Expansion income 105–106, 114p

Expenditure index 104, 108, 113–114p

Experience goods 336, 338, 340–341p

Explicit costs 146, 153, 155p


monopolistic 289, 301p

monopsonistic 289, 304p

External economies and diseconomies 207–208p, 318,

319, 332–333p

External effect 285, 295p

Factors of production 1, 5p


objective of 198–199, 259p

representative 184, 188

Fixed costs 146, 154, 156–158p

Free enterprise system 1, 6p

Functions 2, 3, 9–10p

Gambler 105, 114–115p

Game theory 272, 274, 276p

General equilibrium analysis:

consumption contract curve 68, 86–87p, 315, 319,


defined 2, 3, 12p, 312, 319, 339–340p

Edgeworth box diagram 86p, 315, 319, 326–327p

of exchange 312–313, 320

of production 313–314, 320

production contract curve 315

of production and exchange 315, 320, 327–328p

transformation curve 314–315, 324–325p

and welfare economics 316, 320, 329p

Giffen good 95–96p

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