Dominick Salvatore Schaums Outline of Microeconomics, 4th edition Schaums Outline Series 2006

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228 PRICE AND OUTPUT UNDER PURE MONOPOLY [CHAP. 9distribution of the five units of production between the two plants makes the monopolist’s STC greater andprofits smaller.Fig. 9-169.13 In Fig. 9-16, D 1 and D 2 are two alternative D curves facing a monopolist. (a) Determine the monopolist’sshort-run equilibrium output and price with each alternative D curve. (b) Can you define the shortrunsupply curve of this monopolist? Explain.(a)(b)The SMC curve intersects from below the MR 1 curve and the MR 2 curve at the same point, so that with eitherD curve the best level of output for the monopolist is 2.5 units per time period. However, if the D curve facingthe monopolist is D 1 , this best level of output will be supplied at P 1 ¼ $5.50; with D 2 , the same (best) level ofoutput will be supplied at P 2 ¼ $6.75.Since the same best level of output will be supplied at different prices, depending on the price elasticity and thelevel of D, there is no unique relationship between quantity supplied and price. So we cannot define the shortrunsupply curve of the monopolist.9.14 Two alternative D functions facing the monopolist are QD 1 ¼ 12 2 P and QD 2 ¼ 8 2 P/3. The monopolistincurs an SMC of $1 to increase output from one to two units, an SMC of $3 to increase outputfrom two to three units, an SMC of $9 to increase output from three to four units, and an SMC of $18 toincrease output from four to five units, (a) At what price will the monopolist supply the best level ofoutput when D 1 is the demand curve? If D 2 is the demand curve? (b) Check your results by usingthe formula MR ¼ P(1 2 1/e). (c) What can you say about the monopolist’s short-run supply curve?(a) The monopolist will supply the short-run best level of output of three units at P 2 ¼ $15 with D 2 and at P 1 ¼ $9with D 1 .Fig. 9-17

CHAP. 9] PRICE AND OUTPUT UNDER PURE MONOPOLY 229(b)At P 2 , e 2 ¼ 5/3; at P 1 , e 1 ¼ 3. Therefore,MR 2 ¼ P 2 11e 2$6 ¼ P 2 115=3 6$6 ¼ P 215thus P 2 ¼ $15.MR 1 ¼ P 1 11e 1$6 ¼ P 1 113 2$6 ¼ P 13(c)thus P 1 ¼ $9.The short-run supply curve of the monopolist is undefined. (As we will see in the next chapter, the same is truefor all other imperfectly competitive firms.)LONG-RUN EQUILIBRIUM UNDER PURE MONOPOLY9.15 With reference to Fig. 9-18, (a) explain why the monopolist is not in long-run equilibrium when utilizingplant 1. (b) At what point is this monopolist in long-run equilibrium? (c) Find the monopolist’s totalprofit when the monopolist is in long-run equilibrium, and compare this with the maximum total profitthis monopolist can make when operating plant 1.Fig. 9-18(a)(b)(c)This monopolist is not in long-run equilibrium when operating plant 1 because at the point where SAC 1 istangent to the LAC curve, MR . LMC ¼ SMC 1 .The monopolist’s long-run equilibrium output is five units and is given by the point where the LMC curveintersects the MR curve from below. Thus, MR ¼ LMC ¼ SMC 2 .At the long-run equilibrium level of output of five units, P ¼ $7 and SAC ¼ LAC ¼ $4. Thus, the monopolistmakes a profit $3 per unit and a maximum long-run total profit of $15. This compares with a maximum shortruntotal profit of $6 at the best short-run output of three units. Note that this monopolist underutilizes a plantsmaller than the optimum scale of plant when in long-run equilibrium.9.16 (a) Draw a figure showing a pure monopolist operating the optimum scale of plant at its optimumrate of output when in long-run equilibrium. (b) Draw another figure showing a pure monopolistoverutilizing a larger-than-the-optimum scale of plant when in long-run equilibrium, (c) State thegeneral condition which determines whether a monopolist will operate scale of plant, a largerthan-the-optimumscale of plant, or a smaller-than-the-optimum scale of plant, when in long-runequilibrium.



At P 2 , e 2 ¼ 5/3; at P 1 , e 1 ¼ 3. Therefore,

MR 2 ¼ P 2 1


e 2

$6 ¼ P 2 1




$6 ¼ P 2


thus P 2 ¼ $15.

MR 1 ¼ P 1 1


e 1

$6 ¼ P 1 1




$6 ¼ P 1



thus P 1 ¼ $9.

The short-run supply curve of the monopolist is undefined. (As we will see in the next chapter, the same is true

for all other imperfectly competitive firms.)


9.15 With reference to Fig. 9-18, (a) explain why the monopolist is not in long-run equilibrium when utilizing

plant 1. (b) At what point is this monopolist in long-run equilibrium? (c) Find the monopolist’s total

profit when the monopolist is in long-run equilibrium, and compare this with the maximum total profit

this monopolist can make when operating plant 1.

Fig. 9-18




This monopolist is not in long-run equilibrium when operating plant 1 because at the point where SAC 1 is

tangent to the LAC curve, MR . LMC ¼ SMC 1 .

The monopolist’s long-run equilibrium output is five units and is given by the point where the LMC curve

intersects the MR curve from below. Thus, MR ¼ LMC ¼ SMC 2 .

At the long-run equilibrium level of output of five units, P ¼ $7 and SAC ¼ LAC ¼ $4. Thus, the monopolist

makes a profit $3 per unit and a maximum long-run total profit of $15. This compares with a maximum shortrun

total profit of $6 at the best short-run output of three units. Note that this monopolist underutilizes a plant

smaller than the optimum scale of plant when in long-run equilibrium.

9.16 (a) Draw a figure showing a pure monopolist operating the optimum scale of plant at its optimum

rate of output when in long-run equilibrium. (b) Draw another figure showing a pure monopolist

overutilizing a larger-than-the-optimum scale of plant when in long-run equilibrium, (c) State the

general condition which determines whether a monopolist will operate scale of plant, a largerthan-the-optimum

scale of plant, or a smaller-than-the-optimum scale of plant, when in long-run


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