Dominick Salvatore Schaums Outline of Microeconomics, 4th edition Schaums Outline Series 2006

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(d ) Fig. 8-20 is similar to that in Problem 8.20(c) but reflects the changes introduced in this problem.

Fig. 8-20

8.22 Suppose that in Problem 8.20(a), the market supply function in the long run became instead

QS 0 ¼ 85,000 þ 2500P. (a) What would the new industry long-run equilibrium price and quantity

be? (b) Explain why this is a decreasing cost industry, (c) If, as a result of a change in relative factor

prices, the entire set of cost curves of each firm shifted not only downward but also to the right so

that the lowest point on the LAC curve occurs now at the output of 600 units, how many firms will

there be in this industry? (d) Draw a figure similar to that in Problem 8.20(c) but reflecting the

changes introduced in this problem.


The new equilibrium price ad quantity become

QD 0 ¼ QS 0

100,000 5000p ¼ 85,000 þ 2500P

15,000 ¼ 7500p

P ¼ $2 (new equilibrium price 3)

100,00 5000(2) ¼ 85,000 þ 2500(2)

90,000 ¼ 90,000 (new equilibrium quantity 3)



Since the new long-run equilibrium price 3 is lower than the long-run equilibrium price 1 [see Problem

8.19(a)], this is a decreasing cost industry. That is, as industry output rises, there is a new absolute reduction

in factor prices so that the whole set of each firm’s cost curves shifts down, and the lowest LAC becomes $2

[from $4 at long-run equilibrium 1 in Problem 8.19(a)]. This reduction in costs resulting from the expansion of

the entire industry is called an “external economy” and will be discussed in detail in Chapter 14. It should be

noted that decreasing cost industries are the least prevalent of the three cases discussed, while increasing cost

industries are the most prevalent.

The LAC curve not only shifts down but we are told that it also shifts to the right. At the new long-run equilibrium

point 3, each firm will produce 600 units of output and there will then be 150 firms in the industry to

produce the industry equilibrium output of 90,000 units.

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