Dominick Salvatore Schaums Outline of Microeconomics, 4th edition Schaums Outline Series 2006

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income of $450 and 10 h of leisure per week (point B) and an income of $200 and 40 h of leisure

(point A). However, with the same 40 h of leisure and an income of $400, the individual would be at

point G on indifference curve IV. (a) What is the wage rate, as indicated by the lowest incomeleisure

constraint line in panel A? The middle income-leisure line? The highest income-leisure line?

(b) How many hours of work per week will the individual choose at each wage rate? (c) If after

working 40 h per week at a wage of $5 per hour the individual is offered an overtime wage rate of

$10 per hour, how many additional hours will the individual work?

(a) The wage rate (W) is always given by the slope of the income-leisure constraint line. The lower line

in panel A indicates that if the individual works 80 hours per week for a weekly salary of $400 or

40 h for $200, then

Similarly, with the middle line,

Finally, with the top line,

W ¼ $400

80 h ¼ $200 ¼ $5 per hour

40 h

W ¼ $650 ¼ $8:125 ffi $8:13 per hour

80 h

W ¼ $800 ¼ $10 per hour

80 h

Fig. 4-34

(b) In Fig. 4-35, the indifference curves of panel B in Fig. 4-34 are superimposed on the income-leisure

lines of panel A. At W ¼ $5, the individual is in equilibrium at point A by working 40 h per week

for a weekly salary of $200 and using the remaining 40 h per week for leisure. At W ffi $8.13, the individual

is in equilibrium at point F and works 50 h per week for a weekly salary of $400. At W ¼ $10,

the individual is in equilibrium at point G and goes back to working 40 h per week for the same weekly

salary of $400. Thus, at the very high W ¼ $10, the individual prefers more leisure to more work and

the individual’s supply curve for work slopes backward.

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