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121110-4 Nasir et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 121110 (2015)

FIG. 3. Effective medium parameters

of (a) metamaterial A and (b) metamaterial

B. Please note that Im(e z ) curves

in AAO and air overlap in (a) and (b).

(c) Experimentally measured and (d)

simulated reflectance dispersions of

the metamaterial B for p-polarised

light. The apparent change of contrast

in (c) is due to the change of the detector

in the measurements from the visible

(top panel) to IR (bottom panel).

The angular range corresponds to

30 –70 in glass. The light line in air

and the effective plasma frequency are

marked with solid and dashed lines,


infrared spectral range to 1200 nm. This is related to two

simultaneous effects: an increase in the nanorod aspect ratio

which affects the CSP of the individual nanorods, and a

reduction of the coupling between the CSPs on neighbouring


The metamaterials’ optical properties have been modelled

using both an analytical transfer matrix method (TMM)

combined with an EMT based homogenization (Eq. (1)) as

well as full-vectorial microscopic numerical simulations

based on a finite element method (FEM). The tabulated permittivity

of Au was used 31 incorporating a correction to the

mean free path of electrons in electrochemically deposited

gold. 18 In the case of the numerical modelling, the unit cell

of a periodic square array with the periodicity given by the

inter-rod distance was modelled. The experimental data is in

good agreement with both numerical and EMT modelling,

reproducing the spectral position of the extinction peaks.

The EMT theory in particular, allows efficient extraction of

the effective medium parameters of the metamaterial and the

effective plasma frequency (Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)).

The real part of the effective permittivity components,

e x,y and e z , have the same sign for short wavelengths, where

the metamaterials operate in the elliptical dispersion regime,

while the effective plasma frequency is reached at wavelengths

around 795 nm and 1280 nm for metamaterials A and

B, respectively. For longer wavelengths, the metamaterials

are hyperbolic, supporting bulk plasmon polaritons. 11 If the

AAO matrix is removed so that the nanorods are in air, the

effective plasma frequency is shifted to shorter wavelengths

of about 625 nm and 850 nm, for metamaterials A and B,

respectively. Still the effective plasma frequency is sufficiently

away from the absorption resonance of e x,y .

The reflection spectra (Figs. 3(c) and 3(d)) show a set of

waveguided modes supported by the anisotropic metamaterial

slab in the visible spectral range where the dispersion is

elliptic in nature. The measured modes lie between light

lines of the air superstrate and the glass substrate, thus they

are leaky in the substrate and can be excited in attenuated

total internal reflection (ATR) measurements. 11 For the angle

of incidence corresponding to wavevectors smaller than the

light line in air, the modes are Fabry-Perot-type resonances

of the planar metamaterial slab. The mode structure drastically

changes in the IR spectral range below the effective

plasma frequency, where the dispersion is hyperbolic, and,

for the p-polarised light, the metamaterial has a strong metallic

behaviour supporting plasmon-polaritonic modes. 11 The

measured mode dispersions (Fig. 3(c)) are in a good agreement

with simulated dispersions (Fig. 3(d)) of the metamaterial

slab. Thus, the planar metamaterial waveguides can be

designed to support different types of modes in different dispersion

ranges using the control over the effective plasma

frequency developed here.

In conclusion, we have demonstrated hyperbolic

nanorod based metamaterials which allow improved flexibility

in designing the effective plasma frequency

throughout the visible and near-infrared ranges using

anodization in selenic acid. In particular, this approach

allows the effective plasma frequency to be designed in

the technologically important telecom wavelength range.

Such metamaterials are important for extending the spectral

reach of these versatile metamaterials and are

expected to impact applications in polarisation optics,

design of nonlinear optical response, sensing applications

and fluorescence control in the infrared.

This work was supported, in part, by EPSRC (UK)

and the ERC iPLASMM Project (No. 321268). A.Z.

acknowledges support from the Royal Society and the

Wolfson Foundation. G.W. acknowledges the support from

the EC FP7 Project No. 304179 (Marie Curie Actions).

The data access statement: all data supporting this

research are provided in full in the results section.

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