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121110-2 Nasir et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 121110 (2015)

diameter via post processing of the pores while keeping both

the inter-rod spacing and rod length constant.

The optical properties of plasmonic nanorod metamaterials

are determined by the coupling of cylindrical surface

plasmons supported by individual nanorods in the array. On

the macroscopic level, this is well described by the Maxwell-

Garnett type EMTs which can be validated through comparison

with the experimental and microscopic numerical modelling.

19 The effective permittivities in both the in-plane and

out of plane directions are given by

ð1 þ pÞe Au þ ð1 pÞe h

e xy ¼ e h

ð1 pÞe Au þ ð1 þ pÞe h

e z ¼ pe Au þ ð1

pÞe h ; (1)

where p ¼ p(r/d) 2 is the nanorod concentration with r being

radius of the nanorods and d being distance between the

nanorods, e Au and e h are the permittivities of Au and the host

medium (Al 2 O 3 ), respectively. This model is valid away

from the Brillouin zone edge of the nanorod array with

k 0 p d , where k 0 is the wavevector of the incident light in

the plane of the metamaterial slab. 11 The effective plasma

frequency of Au nanorod metamaterials, which is determined

by Re(e z ) ¼ 0, is affected by both the host medium properties

and the nanorod concentration. 11 This frequency separates

the elliptic dispersion regime, where the metamaterial

behaves as a strongly anisotropic dielectric, and the hyperbolic

regime where the metamaterial supports bulk plasmonpolaritons

due to its metallo-dielectric behaviour.

In order to fabricate the metamaterial, Au nanorods are

electrodeposited in porous anodic alumina oxide (AAO) templates,

synthesized by a two-step anodization process. An aluminium

film of 800 nm thickness was sputtered on a

multilayer substrate comprised of a glass slide with a 10 nm

thick adhesion layer of tantalum pentoxide and a 7 nm thick

Au film acting as a weakly conducting layer. Tantalum pentoxide

is deposited by sputtering tantalum using a 20% oxygen/80%

argon mixture. The porous alumina structures were

synthesized by a two step-anodization in 0.3 M selenic acid

at 40–48 V at 0 C. The temperature of the sample and electrolyte

was controlled throughout the anodization process.

After an initial anodization step, the porous layer formed

was removed by etching in a solution of H 3 PO 4 (3.5%) and

CrO 3 (20 g l –1 )at70 C leaving an ordered, patterned surface.

The samples were then subjected to a second anodization

step under the same conditions as in the first step and

subsequently etched in 30 mM NaOH to tune the diameters

of pores from 15 nm to 50 nm. Gold electrodeposition was

performed using a three-electrode geometry and a noncyanide

solution. The length of the nanorods was controlled

by the electrodeposition time.

In general, the geometrical parameters of the porous alumina

template used for nanorod metamaterial fabrication are

determined by the electrolyte used for anodization and by

the applied anodizing potential. The pore diameter and interpore

spacing of the porous alumina template is proportional

to the applied voltage with proportionality constants

k d ¼ 1.29 nm V 1 and k int ¼ 2.52 nm V 1 , respectively. 20–24

Therefore, for a chosen electrolyte, the diameter of the pores

can be increased in a pore widening process for a given

voltage, resulting in an increase in the nanorod concentration

p. However, due to the limitations of currently used electrolytes,

a different approach is required in order to provide

ENZ-related functionalities in the infrared, including at telecom


Self-ordered porous alumina is typically obtained in

acidic electrolytes, such as sulphuric, oxalic, phosphoric,

malonic, and tartaric acids. 25–28 In these electrolytes, the diameter

of pores is determined by the applied voltage with a

proportionality constant equal to or greater than 1 nm/V and

the interpore distance determined by a proportionality constant

2.52 nm V 1 . In selenic acid, 24 the pore diameter of

the self-ordered porous alumina template has a weaker dependence

on the applied voltage (a proportionality constant

is 0.3 nm/V) while the interpore distance has about the

same dependence (proportionality constant 2.33 nm V 1 ).

Figure 1(b) shows the SEM image of the self-ordered porous

alumina template formed in 0.3 M selenic acid at 48 V,

keeping the temperature at 0 C. The regular pore arrays

have been observed within micrometre sized domains. The

diameter of the pores is 15 nm with an interpore separation

of approximately 112 nm. The porosity, determining nanorod

concentration p, of the anodic alumina obtained in selenic

acid is 3.4%, much lower than achievable with sulphuric

acid (down to 12.6%). 22,29 It is very interesting to note that

both sulphuric acid and selenic acid possess similar chemical

structures (Fig. 1(c)) but totally different anodization behaviour.

In the case of acids having similar chemical structure,

acid strength decreases as the size of the central atom

increases. The atomic size of selenium is bigger than sulphur;

therefore, selenic acid is less soluble than sulphuric acid

under the same anodization conditions. This low solubility

accounts for the much smaller pore diameter observed here.

With a decrease in anodization temperature, the solubility

of selenic acid decreases leading to the unusual selfordered

porous alumina with smaller than expected pore

diameter, while the period remains unaffected. This unique

porous alumina structure has enabled the metamaterials’

plasma frequency to be tuned throughout the visible and

near-infrared spectral ranges. Additionally, since the geometry

of the gold nanorods is determined by the porous alumina

template, the diameter of nanorods may be varied by changing

the pore diameter in a pore widening process while keeping

the inter-rod spacing the same. Alternatively, we can

also tune the pore diameter while keeping the interpore distance

constant by raising the temperature during the anodization

process. Figure 1(e) shows the effect of varying the

nanorod diameter while maintaining constant nanorod spacing

and length. With a reduction in nanorod concentration, a

monotonous long-wavelength shift of the dominating extinction

peak is observed, accompanied by a broadening of the

peak due to the red-shift of the effective plasma frequency

(as the concentration of metal becomes smaller the interaction

between the nanorods becomes weaker).

Metamaterials comprised of Au nanorods embedded in

an AAO matrix were designed with the effective plasma frequency

in the infrared spectral range (Fig. 2). The extinction

spectra show the two typical dominating resonances, which

are well separated from each other spectrally. A short wavelength

resonance is associated with plasmonic excitations by

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