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APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 107, 121110 (2015)

Tuning the effective plasma frequency of nanorod metamaterials

from visible to telecom wavelengths

M. E. Nasir, a) S. Peruch, N. Vasilantonakis, W. P. Wardley, W. Dickson, G. A. Wurtz,

and A. V. Zayats

Department of Physics, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom

(Received 11 June 2015; accepted 13 September 2015; published online 25 September 2015)

Hyperbolic plasmonic metamaterials are important for designing sensing, nonlinear, and emission

functionalities, which are, to a large extent, determined by the epsilon-near-zero behaviour

observed close to an effective plasma frequency of the metamaterial. Here, we describe a method

for tuning the effective plasma frequency of a gold nanorod-based metamaterial throughout the

visible and near-infrared spectral ranges. These metamaterials, fabricated by two-step anodization

in selenic acid and chemical post-processing, consist of nanorods with diameters of around 10 nm

and interrod distances of around 100 nm and have a low effective plasma frequency down to a

wavelength range below 1200 nm. Such metamaterials open up new possibilities for a variety of

applications in the fields of bio- and chemical sensing, nonlinearity enhancement, and fluorescence

control in the infrared. VC 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4931687]

The ability to design the optical properties of metamaterials

has already achieved a significant impact in a variety

of photonic, data processing, and sensing applications. 1–6

Various types of metamaterials have been explored in the

radio-frequency (RF), terahertz, infrared, and optical regions

based on split-ring resonators, nanorod pairs, coaxial structures,

fishnets, and other approaches, allowing both the electric

and magnetic resonances to be engineered, providing

control of the permittivity and permeability of the nanostructured

media. 7–9 The adaptation of the above mentioned

approaches at longer wavelengths is straightforward, while

their scaling down to the visible spectral range is difficult

due to challenging top-down fabrication required at the subwavelength


A different class of metamaterials based on arrays of

aligned plasmonic nanorods has also been studied. 10 This

type of anisotropic metamaterial has unique electromagnetic

properties determined by the electromagnetic interaction

between the rods forming the array and can be described

within the effective medium theory (EMT) via the effective

permittivity tensor components e x ¼ e y 6¼ e z , corresponding

to the direction perpendicular to (x,y) and along (z) nanorod

axes. The metamaterial behaves as an indefinite metamaterial

(Re(e z ) ¼ 1) at RFs and can exhibit hyperbolic dispersion

in the spectral range where Re[e x,y (k)] > 0 and

Re[e z (k)] < 0. For a plasmonic nanorod-based metamaterial,

the hyperbolic regime has a short-wavelength cut-off typically

in the visible spectral range, but no long-wavelength

limit. The optical properties of such anisotropic metamaterials

are governed by their ability to support bulk plasmonpolaritons

which define the behaviour of the extraordinary

modes supported by the metamaterial. 11 Both ordinary and

extraordinary modes are related to the inter-rod coupling

via cylindrical surface plasmons (CSPs) supported by the

nanorods in the array. 12,13 These peculiar dispersion properties

exhibited by the metamaterial have been used for

a) mazhar.nasir@kcl.ac.uk

negative refraction index engineering and super-resolution

applications, deep-subwavelength wave guiding, spontaneous

emission control, nonlinearity enhancement, ultrasensitive

refractive index sensing, etc. 4–6,10,11,14–16

Many of the above described properties are defined by the

ÞŠ 0) of the metamaterial,

which is the onset of hyperbolic dispersion and around

which the so-called epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) regime takes

place. In contrast to other types of metamaterials, which can

be easily fabricated at long wavelengths, but which are problematic

in the visible, control over the bulk plasma frequency

of nanorod-based metamaterials can easily be achieved in the

visible spectral range by changing the interaction between the

nanorods in the array. This can be accomplished by changing

either the period of the array or the nanorod diameter, using a

bottom-up, template-based fabrication approach. Typically,

metamaterials comprised of arrays of aligned metallic nanorods

are synthesised in a porous alumina template fabricated

using conventional electrolytes, such as sulphuric or oxalic

acid, and have an effective plasma frequency limited to the

visible spectral range of 530–650 nm (Refs. 17 and 18) for Aubased

metamaterials and to shorter wavelengths for those fabricated

using Ag. The use of other plasmonic metals results in

increased losses due to the intrinsic material properties. Thus,

in contrast to other types of metamaterials, it is not straightforward

to fabricate such nanorod-based metamaterials with an

effective plasma frequency in the infrared and telecom spectral


In this paper, we describe the design, fabrication and

characterisation of metamaterials based on periodic arrays of

vertically aligned Au nanorods which allows the effective

plasma frequency to be tuned throughout the visible and into

the infra-red spectral range. Highly ordered nanoporous alumina

templates with 15 nm pore diameter and 120 nm

interpore spacing over large cm-sized areas are fabricated by

two-step anodization in selenic acid. The effective plasma

frequency of Au-nanorod based metamaterials obtained with

such templates can then be tuned by controlling the nanorod

effective plasma frequency (Re½e z ðx ef f


0003-6951/2015/107(12)/121110/5/$30.00 107, 121110-1

VC 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

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