College Trigonometry, 2011a

College Trigonometry, 2011a

College Trigonometry, 2011a


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1016 Applications of <strong>Trigonometry</strong><br />

The properties in Theorem 11.18 are easily verified using the definition of vector addition. 9<br />

the commutative property, we note that if ⃗v = 〈v 1 ,v 2 〉 and ⃗w = 〈w 1 ,w 2 〉 then<br />

For<br />

⃗v + ⃗w = 〈v 1 ,v 2 〉 + 〈w 1 ,w 2 〉<br />

= 〈v 1 + w 1 ,v 2 + w 2 〉<br />

= 〈w 1 + v 1 ,w 2 + v 2 〉<br />

= ⃗w + ⃗v<br />

Geometrically, we can ‘see’ the commutative property by realizing that the sums ⃗v + ⃗w and ⃗w + ⃗v<br />

are the same directed diagonal determined by the parallelogram below.<br />

⃗v<br />

⃗w<br />

⃗w + ⃗v<br />

⃗v + ⃗w<br />

⃗w<br />

⃗v<br />

Demonstrating the commutative property of vector addition.<br />

The proofs of the associative and identity properties proceed similarly, and the reader is encouraged<br />

to verify them and provide accompanying diagrams. The existence and uniqueness of the additive<br />

inverse is yet another property inherited from the real numbers. Given a vector ⃗v = 〈v 1 ,v 2 〉, suppose<br />

we wish to find a vector ⃗w = 〈w 1 ,w 2 〉 so that ⃗v + ⃗w = ⃗0. By the definition of vector addition, we<br />

have 〈v 1 + w 1 ,v 2 + w 2 〉 = 〈0, 0〉, and hence, v 1 + w 1 = 0 and v 2 + w 2 =0. Wegetw 1 = −v 1 and<br />

w 2 = −v 2 so that ⃗w = 〈−v 1 , −v 2 〉. Hence, ⃗v has an additive inverse, and moreover, it is unique<br />

and can be obtained by the formula −⃗v = 〈−v 1 , −v 2 〉. Geometrically, the vectors ⃗v = 〈v 1 ,v 2 〉 and<br />

−⃗v = 〈−v 1 , −v 2 〉 have the same length, but opposite directions. As a result, when adding the<br />

vectors geometrically, the sum ⃗v +(−⃗v) results in starting at the initial point of ⃗v and ending back<br />

at the initial point of ⃗v, or in other words, the net result of moving ⃗v then −⃗v is not moving at all.<br />

⃗v<br />

−⃗v<br />

Using the additive inverse of a vector, we can define the difference of two vectors, ⃗v − ⃗w = ⃗v +(− ⃗w).<br />

If ⃗v = 〈v 1 ,v 2 〉 and ⃗w = 〈w 1 ,w 2 〉 then<br />

9 The interested reader is encouraged to compare Theorem 11.18 and the ensuing discussion with Theorem 8.3 in<br />

Section 8.3 and the discussion there.

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