College Algebra, 2013a

College Algebra, 2013a

College Algebra, 2013a


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Index 1071<br />

central angle, 701<br />

change of base formulas, 442<br />

characteristic polynomial, 626<br />

Charles’s Law, 355<br />

circle<br />

center of, 498<br />

definition of, 498<br />

from slicing a cone, 495<br />

radius of, 498<br />

standard equation, 498<br />

standard equation, alternate, 519<br />

circular function, 744<br />

cis(θ), 995<br />

coefficient of determination, 226<br />

cofactor, 616<br />

Cofunction Identities, 773<br />

common base, 420<br />

common logarithm, 422<br />

commutative property<br />

function composition does not have, 366<br />

matrix<br />

addition, 579<br />

vector<br />

addition, 1015<br />

dot product, 1034<br />

complementary angles, 696<br />

Complex Factorization Theorem, 290<br />

complex number<br />

n th root, 1000, 1001<br />

n th Roots of Unity, 1006<br />

argument<br />

definition of, 991<br />

properties of, 995<br />

conjugate<br />

definition of, 288<br />

properties of, 289<br />

definition of, 2, 287, 991<br />

imaginary part, 991<br />

imaginary unit, i, 287<br />

modulus<br />

definition of, 991<br />

properties of, 993<br />

polar form<br />

cis-notation, 995<br />

principal argument, 991<br />

real part, 991<br />

rectangular form, 991<br />

set of, 2<br />

complex plane, 991<br />

component form of a vector, 1013<br />

composite function<br />

definition of, 360<br />

properties of, 367<br />

compound interest, 470<br />

conic sections<br />

definition, 495<br />

conjugate axis of a hyperbola, 532<br />

conjugate of a complex number<br />

definition of, 288<br />

properties of, 289<br />

Conjugate Pairs Theorem, 291<br />

consistent system, 553<br />

constant function<br />

as a horizontal line, 156<br />

formal definition of, 101<br />

intuitive definition of, 100<br />

constant of proportionality, 350<br />

constant term of a polynomial, 236<br />

continuous, 241<br />

continuously compounded interest, 472<br />

contradiction, 549<br />

coordinates<br />

Cartesian, 6<br />

polar, 919<br />

rectangular, 919<br />

correlation coefficient, 226<br />

cosecant<br />

graph of, 801<br />

of an angle, 744, 752<br />

properties of, 802<br />

cosine<br />

graph of, 791<br />

of an angle, 717, 730, 744<br />

properties of, 791

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