College Algebra, 2013a

College Algebra, 2013a

College Algebra, 2013a


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1.6 Graphs of Functions 101<br />

on [−4, −2] we do not mention the actual y values that f attains along the way. Thus, we report<br />

where the behavior occurs, not to what extent the behavior occurs. 7 Also notice that we do not<br />

say that a function is increasing, decreasing or constant at a single x value. In fact, we would run<br />

into serious trouble in our previous example if we tried to do so because x = −2 is contained in an<br />

interval on which f was increasing and one on which it is decreasing. (There’s more on this issue<br />

– and many others – in the Exercises.)<br />

We’re now ready for the more formal algebraic definitions of what it means for a function to be<br />

increasing, decreasing or constant.<br />

Definition 1.10. Suppose f is a function defined on an interval I. Wesayf is:<br />

ˆ increasing on I if and only if f(a)

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