Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a


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One might think that artifacts are not important because they are not explicit<br />

consequences <strong>of</strong> a design. However, in many cases artifacts are crucial sources <strong>of</strong><br />

information that help us reverse engineer an information processor that is a “black<br />

box” because its internal mechanisms are hidden from view.<br />

2.9 Algorithms from Artifacts<br />

Neuroscientist Valentino Braitenberg imagined a world comprising domains <strong>of</strong><br />

both water and land (Braitenberg, 1984). In either <strong>of</strong> these domains one would find<br />

a variety <strong>of</strong> agents who sense properties <strong>of</strong> their world, and who use this information<br />

to guide their movements through it. Braitenberg called these agents “vehicles.”<br />

In Braitenberg’s world <strong>of</strong> vehicles, scientists encounter these agents and attempt to<br />

explain the internal mechanisms that are responsible for their diverse movements.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> these scientists adopt what Braitenberg called an analytic perspective: they<br />

infer internal mechanisms by observing how external behaviours are altered as a<br />

function <strong>of</strong> specific changes in a vehicle’s environment. What Braitenberg called<br />

analysis is also called reverse engineering.<br />

We saw earlier that a Turing machine generates observable behaviour as it calculates<br />

the answer to a question. A description <strong>of</strong> a Turing machine’s behaviours—<br />

be they by design or by artifact—would provide the sequence <strong>of</strong> operations that<br />

were performed to convert an input question into an output answer. Any sequence<br />

<strong>of</strong> steps which, when carried out, accomplishes a desired result is called an algorithm<br />

(Berlinski, 2000). The goal, then, <strong>of</strong> reverse engineering a Turing machine or<br />

any other calculating device would be to determine the algorithm it was using to<br />

transform its input into a desired output.<br />

Calculating devices exhibit two properties that make their reverse engineering<br />

difficult. First, they are <strong>of</strong>ten what are called black boxes. This means that we can<br />

observe external behaviour, but we are unable to directly observe internal properties.<br />

For instance, if a Turing machine was a black box, then we could observe its<br />

movements along, and changing <strong>of</strong> symbols on, the tape, but we could not observe<br />

the machine state <strong>of</strong> the machine head.<br />

Second, and particularly if we are faced with a black box, another property that<br />

makes reverse engineering challenging is that there is a many-to-one relationship<br />

between algorithm and mapping. This means that, in practice, a single input-output<br />

mapping can be established by one <strong>of</strong> several different algorithms. For example,<br />

there are so many different methods for sorting a set <strong>of</strong> items that hundreds <strong>of</strong><br />

pages are required to describe the available algorithms (Knuth, 1997). In principle,<br />

an infinite number <strong>of</strong> different algorithms exist for computing a single input-output<br />

mapping <strong>of</strong> interest (Johnson-Laird, 1983).<br />

Multiple Levels <strong>of</strong> Investigation 43

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