Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a


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mentioned in the current section are considered to be calculators for this reason.<br />

In spite <strong>of</strong> the many-levelled differences between the abacus, electronic calculator,<br />

difference engine, THROBACK, and slide rule, at a very abstract level—the level<br />

concerned with input-output mappings—these devices are equivalent.<br />

To summarize the discussion to this point, how might one explain calculating<br />

devices? There are at least four different approaches that could be taken, and each<br />

approach involves answering a different question about a device. What is its physical<br />

nature? What is its architecture? What procedures does it use to calculate? What<br />

input-output mapping does it compute?<br />

Importantly, answering each question involves using very different vocabularies<br />

and methods. The next few pages explore the diversity <strong>of</strong> these vocabularies.<br />

This diversity, in turn, accounts for the interdisciplinary nature <strong>of</strong> cognitive science.<br />

2.7 Formal Accounts <strong>of</strong> Input-Output Mappings<br />

For a cyberneticist, a machine was simply a device for converting some input into<br />

some output—and nothing more (Ashby, 1956, 1960; Wiener, 1948, 1964). A cyberneticist<br />

would be concerned primarily with describing a machine such as a calculating<br />

device in terms <strong>of</strong> its input-output mapping. However, underlying this simple<br />

definition was a great deal <strong>of</strong> complexity.<br />

First, cybernetics was not interested in the relation between a particular input<br />

and output, but instead was interested in a general account <strong>of</strong> a machine’s possible<br />

behaviour “by asking not ‘what individual act will it produce here and now?’ but<br />

‘what are all the possible behaviours that it can produce?’” (Ashby, 1956, p. 3).<br />

Second, cybernetics wanted not only to specify what possible input-outputs<br />

could be generated by a device, but also to specify what behaviours could not be<br />

generated, and why: “Cybernetics envisages a set <strong>of</strong> possibilities much wider than<br />

the actual, and then asks why the particular case should conform to its usual particular<br />

restriction” (Ashby, 1956, p. 3).<br />

Third, cybernetics was particularly concerned about machines that were nonlinear,<br />

dynamic, and adaptive, which would result in very complex relations between<br />

input and output. The nonlinear relationships between four simple machines that<br />

interact with each other in a network are so complex that they are mathematically<br />

intractable (Ashby, 1960).<br />

Fourth, cybernetics viewed machines in a general way that not only ignored<br />

their physical nature, but was not even concerned with whether a particular<br />

machine had been (or could be) constructed or not. “What cybernetics <strong>of</strong>fers is the<br />

framework on which all individual machines may be ordered, related and understood”<br />

(Ashby, 1956, p. 2).<br />

How could cybernetics study machines in such a way that these four different<br />

40 Chapter 2

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