Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a


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an enormously high-quality visual world that seems to be delivered to us effortlessly.<br />

“You open your eyes and—presto!—you enjoy a richly detailed picture-like experience<br />

<strong>of</strong> the world, one that represents the world in sharp focus, uniform detail and<br />

high resolution from the centre out to the periphery” (Noë, 2002, p. 2).<br />

Indeed, our visual experience suggests that perception puts us in direct contact<br />

with reality. Perception is transparent; when we attempt to attend to perceptual processing,<br />

we miss the processing itself and instead experience the world around us<br />

(Gendler & Hawthorne, 2006). Rather than experiencing the world as picture-like<br />

(Noë, 2002), it is as if we simply experience the world (Chalmers, 2006; Merleau-<br />

Ponty, 1962). Merleau-Ponty (1962, p. 77) noted that “our perception ends in objects,<br />

and the object[,] once constituted, appears as the reason for all the experiences <strong>of</strong> it<br />

which we have had or could have.” Chalmers (2006) asserts that,<br />

in the Garden <strong>of</strong> Eden, we had unmediated contact with the world. We were<br />

directly acquainted with objects in the world and with their properties. Objects<br />

were presented to us without causal mediation, and properties were revealed to us<br />

in their true intrinsic glory. (Chalmers, 2006, p. 49)<br />

To say that visual processing is transparent is to say that we are only aware <strong>of</strong> the<br />

contents that visual processes deliver. This was a central assumption to the so-called<br />

New Look theory <strong>of</strong> perception. For instance, Bruner (1957, p. 124) presumed that<br />

“all perceptual experience is necessarily the end product <strong>of</strong> a categorization process.”<br />

Ecological perception (Gibson, 1979), a theory that stands in strong opposition<br />

in almost every respect to the New Look, also agrees that perceptual processes<br />

are transparent. “What one becomes aware <strong>of</strong> by holding still, closing one eye, and<br />

observing a frozen scene are not visual sensations but only the surfaces <strong>of</strong> the world<br />

that are viewed now from here” (p. 286, italics original).<br />

That visual processing is transparent is not a position endorsed by all. For<br />

instance, eighteenth-century philosopher George Berkeley and nineteenth-century<br />

art critic John Ruskin both argued that it was possible to recover the “innocence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the eye” (Gombrich, 1960). According to this view, it is assumed that at birth<br />

humans have no concepts, and therefore cannot experience the world in terms <strong>of</strong><br />

objects or categories; “what we really see is only a medley <strong>of</strong> colored patches such<br />

as Turner paints” (p. 296). Seeing the world <strong>of</strong> objects requires learning about the<br />

required categories. It was assumed that an artist could return to the “innocent<br />

eye”: “the painter must clear his mind <strong>of</strong> all he knows about the object he sees, wipe<br />

the slate clean, and make nature write her own story” (p. 297).<br />

Most modern theories <strong>of</strong> visual perception take the middle ground between the<br />

New Look and the innocent eye by proposing that our experience <strong>of</strong> visual categories<br />

is supported by, or composed <strong>of</strong>, sensed information (Mach, 1959). Mach (1959)<br />

proclaimed that,<br />

Seeing and Visualizing 361

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