Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a


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<strong>of</strong> staff paper. Since the time <strong>of</strong> Pythagoras, scholars have understood that music<br />

reflects regularities that are intrinsically mathematical (Ferguson, 2008). There is<br />

an extensive literature on the mathematical nature <strong>of</strong> music (Assayag et al., 2002;<br />

Benson, 2007; Harkleroad, 2006). For instance, different approaches to tuning<br />

instruments reflect the extent to which tunings are deemed mathematically sensible<br />

(Isac<strong>of</strong>f, 2001).<br />

To elaborate, some pairs <strong>of</strong> tones played simultaneously are pleasing to the ear,<br />

such as a pair <strong>of</strong> notes that are a perfect fifth apart (see Figure 4-10)—they are consonant—while<br />

other combinations are not (Krumhansl, 1990). The consonance <strong>of</strong><br />

notes can be explained by the physics <strong>of</strong> sound waves (Helmholtz & Ellis, 1954). Such<br />

physical relationships are ultimately mathematical, because they concern ratios <strong>of</strong><br />

frequencies <strong>of</strong> sine waves. Consonant tone pairs have frequency ratios <strong>of</strong> 2:1 (octave),<br />

3:2 (perfect fifth), and 4:3 (perfect fourth). The most dissonant pair <strong>of</strong> tones, the tritone<br />

(an augmented fourth) is defined by a ratio that includes an irrational number<br />

(√2:1), a fact that was probably known to the Pythagoreans.<br />

The formal nature <strong>of</strong> music extends far beyond the physics <strong>of</strong> sound. There<br />

are formal descriptions <strong>of</strong> musical elements, and <strong>of</strong> entire musical compositions,<br />

that are analogous to the syntax <strong>of</strong> linguistics (Chomsky, 1965). Some researchers<br />

have employed generative grammars to express these regularities (Lerdahl<br />

& Jackend<strong>of</strong>f, 1983; Steedman, 1984).<br />

For instance, Lerdahl and Jackend<strong>of</strong>f (1983) argued that listeners impose a<br />

hierarchical structure on music, organizing “the sound signals into units such as<br />

motives, themes, phrases, periods, theme-groups, sections and the piece itself ”<br />

(p. 12). They defined a set <strong>of</strong> well-formedness rules, which are directly analogous to<br />

generative rules in linguistics, to define how this musical organization proceeds and<br />

to rule out impossible organizations.<br />

That classical music is expected to have a hierarchically organized, well-formed<br />

structure is a long-established view amongst scholars who do not use generative<br />

grammars to capture such regularities. Composer Aaron Copland (1939, p. 113)<br />

argued that a composition’s structure is “one <strong>of</strong> the principal things to listen for”<br />

because it is “the planned design that binds an entire composition together.”<br />

One important musical structure is the sonata-allegro form (Copland, 1939),<br />

which is a hierarchical organization <strong>of</strong> musical themes or ideas. At the top level <strong>of</strong> this<br />

hierarchy are three different components that are presented in sequence: an initial<br />

exposition <strong>of</strong> melodic structures called musical themes, followed by the free development<br />

<strong>of</strong> these themes, and finishing with their recapitulation. Each <strong>of</strong> these segments<br />

is itself composed <strong>of</strong> three sub-segments, which are again presented in sequence.<br />

This structure is formal in the sense that the relationship between different themes<br />

presented in different sub-segments is defined in terms <strong>of</strong> their key signatures.<br />

Classical Music and <strong>Cognitive</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 267

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