Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a


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A second condition <strong>of</strong> the perceptron at equilibrium is that o ~c<br />

is a value that causes<br />

the derivative above to be equal to 0. As before, we can set the derivative to 0 and<br />

solve for the value <strong>of</strong> o ~c<br />

. This time the result is c/(c + d), which in a traditional contingency<br />

table is equal to the conditional probability P(O|~C):<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The main implication <strong>of</strong> the above equations is that they show that perceptron<br />

activity is literally a conditional probability. This provides a computational pro<strong>of</strong> for<br />

the empirical hypothesis about perceptron activity that was generated from examining<br />

Figure 4-6.<br />

A second implication <strong>of</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> is that when faced with the same contingency<br />

problem, a perceptron’s equilibrium is not the same as that for the Rescorla-Wagner<br />

model. At equilibrium, the associative strength for the cue C that is determined by<br />

Rescorla-Wagner training is literally P (Chapman & Robbins, 1990). This is not the<br />

case for the perceptron. For the perceptron, P must be computed by taking the<br />

difference between its output when the cue is present and its output when the cue<br />

is absent. That is, P is not directly represented as a connection weight, but instead<br />

is the difference between perceptron behaviours under different cue situations—<br />

that is, the difference between the conditional probability output by the perceptron<br />

when a cue is present and the conditional probability output by the perceptron<br />

when the cue is absent.<br />

Importantly, even though the perceptron and the Rescorla-Wagner model<br />

achieve different equilibria for the same problem, it is clear that both are sensitive to<br />

contingency when it is formally defined as P. Differences between the two reflect<br />

an issue that was raised in Chapter 2, that there exist many different possible algorithms<br />

for computing the same function. Key differences between the perceptron<br />

and the Rescorla-Wagner model—in particular, the fact that the former performs a<br />

nonlinear transformation on internal signals, while the latter does not—cause them<br />

to adopt very different structures, as indicated by different equilibria. Nonetheless,<br />

these very different systems are equally sensitive to exactly the same contingency.<br />

This last observation has implications for the debate between contingency theory<br />

and associative learning (Cheng, 1997; Cheng & Holyoak, 1995; Shanks, 2007). In<br />

Elements <strong>of</strong> Connectionist <strong>Cognitive</strong> <strong>Science</strong> 157

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