Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a


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structure/process distinction, because networks do not employ either explicit symbols<br />

or rules. Instead, a network’s program is a set <strong>of</strong> causal or associative links<br />

from signaling processors to receiving processors. The activity that is produced in<br />

the receiving units is literally caused by having an input pattern <strong>of</strong> activity modulated<br />

by an array <strong>of</strong> connection weights between units. In this sense, connectionist<br />

models seem markedly associationist in nature (Bechtel, 1985); they can be comfortably<br />

related to the old associationist psychology (Warren, 1921).<br />

Artificial neural networks are not necessarily embodiments <strong>of</strong> empiricist philosophy.<br />

Indeed, the earliest artificial neural networks did not learn from experience;<br />

they were nativist in the sense that they had to have their connection weights<br />

“hand wired” by a designer (McCulloch & Pitts, 1943). However, their associationist<br />

characteristics resulted in a natural tendency for artificial neural networks to<br />

become the face <strong>of</strong> modern empiricism. This is because associationism has always<br />

been strongly linked to empiricism; empiricist philosophers invoked various<br />

laws <strong>of</strong> association to explain how complex ideas could be constructed from the<br />

knowledge provided by experience (Warren, 1921). By the late 1950s, when computers<br />

were being used to bring networks to life, networks were explicitly linked<br />

to empiricism (Rosenblatt, 1958). Rosenblatt’s artificial neural networks were not<br />

hand wired. Instead, they learned from experience to set the values <strong>of</strong> their connection<br />

weights.<br />

What does it mean to say that artificial neural networks are empiricist? A famous<br />

passage from Locke (1977, p. 54) highlights two key elements: “Let us then suppose<br />

the mind to be, as we say, white paper, void <strong>of</strong> all characters, without any idea, how<br />

comes it to be furnished? . . . To this I answer, in one word, from experience.”<br />

The first element in the above quote is the “white paper,” <strong>of</strong>ten described as<br />

the tabula rasa, or the blank slate: the notion <strong>of</strong> a mind being blank in the absence<br />

<strong>of</strong> experience. Modern connectionist networks can be described as endorsing the<br />

notion <strong>of</strong> the blank slate (Pinker, 2002). This is because prior to learning, the pattern<br />

<strong>of</strong> connections in modern networks has no pre-existing structure. The networks<br />

either start literally as blank slates, with all connection weights being equal to<br />

zero (Anderson et al., 1977; Eich, 1982; Hinton & Anderson, 1981), or they start with<br />

all connection weights being assigned small, randomly selected values (Rumelhart,<br />

Hinton, & Williams, 1986a, 1986b).<br />

The second element in Locke’s quote is that the source <strong>of</strong> ideas or knowledge or<br />

structure is experience. Connectionist learning rules provide a modern embodiment<br />

<strong>of</strong> this notion. Artificial neural networks are exposed to environmental stimulation—<br />

activation <strong>of</strong> their input units—which results in changes to connection weights.<br />

These changes furnish a network’s blank slate, resulting in a pattern <strong>of</strong> connectivity<br />

that represents knowledge and implements a particular input-output mapping.<br />

In some systems, called self-organizing networks, experience shapes connectivity<br />

130 Chapter 4

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