Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a

Mind, Body, World- Foundations of Cognitive Science, 2013a


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contents <strong>of</strong> mental states and behaviour. To actually use the contents <strong>of</strong> mental states<br />

to predict behaviour—assuming rationality—is to adopt the intentional stance.<br />

For instance, given the propositional attitudes “Dawson believes that Charles<br />

Ives’ music anticipated minimalism” and “Dawson desires to only listen to early<br />

minimalist music,” and assuming that Dawson’s behaviour rationally follows from<br />

the contents <strong>of</strong> his intentional states, one might predict that “Dawson <strong>of</strong>ten listens<br />

to Ives’ compositions.” The assumption <strong>of</strong> rationality, “in combination with home<br />

truths about our needs, capacities and typical circumstances, generates both an<br />

intentional interpretation <strong>of</strong> us as believers and desirers and actual predictions <strong>of</strong><br />

behavior in great pr<strong>of</strong>usion” (Dennett, 1987, p. 50).<br />

Adopting the intentional stance is also known as employing commonsense<br />

psychology or folk psychology. The status <strong>of</strong> folk psychology, and <strong>of</strong><br />

its relation to cognitive science, provides a source <strong>of</strong> continual controversy<br />

(Christensen & Turner, 1993; Churchland, 1988; Fletcher, 1995; Greenwood, 1991;<br />

Haselager, 1997; Ratcliffe, 2007; Stich, 1983). Is folk psychology truly predictive?<br />

If so, should the theories <strong>of</strong> cognitive science involve lawful operations on propositional<br />

attitudes? If not, should folk psychology be expunged from cognitive science?<br />

Positions on these issues range from eliminative materialism’s argument<br />

to erase folk-psychological terms from cognitive science (Churchland, 1988), to<br />

experimental philosophy’s position that folk concepts are valid and informative,<br />

and therefore should be empirically examined to supplant philosophical concepts<br />

that have been developed from a purely theoretical or analytic tradition<br />

(French & Wettstein, 2007; Knobe & Nichols, 2008).<br />

In form, at least, the intentional stance or folk psychology has the appearance<br />

<strong>of</strong> a scientific theory. The intentional stance involves using a set <strong>of</strong> general, abstract<br />

laws (e.g., the principle <strong>of</strong> rationality) to predict future events. This brings it into contact<br />

with an important view <strong>of</strong> cognitive development known as the theory-theory<br />

(Gopnik & Meltz<strong>of</strong>f, 1997; Gopnik, Meltz<strong>of</strong>f, & Kuhl, 1999; Gopnik & Wellman, 1992;<br />

Wellman, 1990). According to the theory-theory, children come to understand the<br />

world by adopting and modifying theories about its regularities. That is, the child<br />

develops intuitive, representational theories in a fashion that is analogous to a scientist<br />

using observations to construct a scientific theory. One <strong>of</strong> the theories that a<br />

child develops is a theory <strong>of</strong> mind that begins to emerge when a child is three years<br />

old (Wellman, 1990).<br />

The scientific structure <strong>of</strong> the intentional stance should be <strong>of</strong> no surprise,<br />

because this is another example <strong>of</strong> the logicism that serves as one <strong>of</strong> the foundations<br />

<strong>of</strong> classical cognitive science. If cognition really is the product <strong>of</strong> a physical symbol<br />

system, if intelligence really does emerge from the manipulation <strong>of</strong> intentional<br />

representations according to the rules <strong>of</strong> some mental logic, then the semanticist’s<br />

84 Chapter 3

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