Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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Chapter 4<br />

Generating Functions<br />

4.1 The Idea of Generating Functions<br />

4.1.1 Visualizing Counting with Pictures<br />

Suppose you are going to choose three pieces of fruit from among apples, pears<br />

and bananas for a snack. We can symbolically represent all your choices as<br />

+ + + + + + + + + .<br />

Here we are using a picture of a piece of fruit to stand for taking a piece of that fruit.<br />

Thus stands for taking an apple, for taking an apple and a pear, and <br />

for taking two apples. You can think of the plus sign as standing for the “exclusive<br />

or,” that is, + would stand for “I take an apple or a banana but not both.” To<br />

say “I take both an apple and a banana,” we would write . We can extend the<br />

analogy to mathematical notation by condensing our statement that we take three<br />

pieces of fruit to<br />

3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + .<br />

In this notation 3 stands for taking a multiset of three apples, while 2 <br />

stands for taking a multiset of two apples and a banana, and so on. What our<br />

notation is really doing is giving us a convenient way to list all three element<br />

multisets chosen from the set {, , }.1<br />

Suppose now that we plan to choose between one and three apples, between<br />

one and two pears, and between one and two bananas. In a somewhat clumsy way<br />

we could describe our fruit selections as<br />

+ 2 + ···+ 2 2 + ···+ 2 2 2<br />

+ 3 + ···+ 3 2 + ···+ 3 2 2 . (4.1)<br />

1This approach was inspired by George Pólya’s paper “Picture Writing,” in the December, 1956 issue<br />

of the American Mathematical Monthly, page 689. While we are taking a somewhat more formal approach<br />

than Pólya, it is still completely in the spirit of his work.<br />


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