Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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1.3. Some Applications of the Basic Principles 25<br />

1.3.3 The pigeonhole principle<br />

◦ Problem 60. American coins are all marked with the year in which they<br />

were made. How many coins do you need to have in your hand to guarantee<br />

that on two (at least) of them, the date has the same last digit? (When we<br />

say “to guarantee that on two (at least) of them,...” wemean that you can<br />

find two with the same last digit. You might be able to find three with that<br />

last digit, or you might be able to find one pair with the last digit 1 and one<br />

pair with the last digit 9, or any combination of equal last digits, as long as<br />

there is at least one pair with the same last digit.)<br />

There are many ways in which you might explain your answer to Problem 60.<br />

For example, you can partition the coins according to the last digit of their date;<br />

that is, you put all the coins with a given last digit in a block together, and put<br />

no other coins in that block; repeating until all coins are in some block. Then you<br />

have a partition of your set of coins. If no two coins have the same last digit, then<br />

each block has exactly one coin. Since there are only ten digits, there are at most<br />

ten blocks and so by the sum principle there are at most ten coins. In fact with ten<br />

coins it is possible to have no two with the same last digit, but with 11 coins some<br />

block must have at least two coins in order for the sum of the sizes of at most ten<br />

blocks to be 11. This is one explanation of why we need 11 coins in Problem 60.<br />

This kind of situation arises often in combinatorial situations, and so rather than<br />

always using the sum principle to explain our reasoning , we enunciate another<br />

principle which we can think of as yet another variant of the sum principle. The<br />

pigeonhole principle states that<br />

If we partition a set with more than n elements into n parts, then at least<br />

one part has more than one element.<br />

The pigeonhole principle gets its name from the idea of a grid of little boxes that<br />

might be used, for example, to sort mail, or as mailboxes for a group of people in an<br />

office. The boxes in such grids are sometimes called pigeonholes in analogy with<br />

stacks of boxes used to house homing pigeons when homing pigeons were used to<br />

carry messages. People will sometimes state the principle in a more colorful way<br />

as “if we put more than n pigeons into n pigeonholes, then some pigeonhole has<br />

more than one pigeon.”<br />

Problem 61. Show that if we have a function from a set of size n to a set of<br />

size less than n, then f is not one-to-one. (h)<br />

Problem 62.<br />

• Show that if S and T are finite sets of the same size, then a<br />

function f from S to T is one-to-one if and only if it is onto. (h)

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