Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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1.2. Basic Counting Principles 11<br />

(c) What does the digraph of a one-to-one and onto function from a finite<br />

set S to a set T look like?<br />

• Problem 27. The word permutation is actually used in two different ways in<br />

mathematics. A permutation of a set S is one-to-one from S onto S. How<br />

many permutations does an n-element set have?<br />

Notice that there is a great deal of consistency between the use of the word<br />

permutation in Problem 27 and the use in Problem 20. If we have some way<br />

a 1 , a 2 ,...,a n of listing our set, then any other list b 1 , b 2 ,...,b n gives us the permutation<br />

of S whose rule is f (a i )=b i , and any permutation of S, say the one given by<br />

g(a i )=c i gives us a list c 1 , c 2 ,...,c n of S. Thus there is really very little difference<br />

between the idea of a permutation of S and an n-element permutation of S when<br />

n is the size of S.<br />

1.2.3 The bijection principle<br />

Another name for a one-to-one and onto function is bijection. The digraphs marked<br />

(a), (b), and (e) in Figure 1.2.3 are digraphs of bijections. The description in Problem<br />

26.c of the digraph of a bijection from X to Y illustrates one of the fundamental<br />

principles of combinatorial mathematics, the bijection principle:<br />

Two sets have the same size if and only if there is a bijection between<br />

them.<br />

It is surprising how this innocent sounding principle guides us into finding insight<br />

into some otherwise very complicated proofs.<br />

1.2.4 Counting subsets of a set<br />

Problem 28. The binary representation of a number m is a list, or string,<br />

a 1 a 2 ...a k of zeros and ones such that m = a 1 2 k−1 + a 2 2 k−2 + ···+ a k 2 0 .<br />

Describe a bijection between the binary representations of the integers between<br />

0 and 2 n − 1 and the subsets of an n-element set. What does this tell<br />

you about the number of subsets of an n-element set? (h)<br />

Notice that the first question in Problem 8 asked you for the number of ways<br />

to choose a three element subset from a 12 element subset. You may have seen a<br />

notation like ( n k ), C(n, k),or nC k which stands for the number of ways to choose a k-<br />

element subset from an n-element set. The number ( n )<br />

k<br />

is read as “n choose k” and<br />

is called a binomial coefficient for reasons we will see later on. Another frequently<br />

used way to read the binomial coefficient notation is “the number of combinations<br />

of n things taken k at a time." You are going to be asked to construct two bijections<br />

that relate to these numbers and figure out what famous formula they prove. We

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