Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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160 C. Exponential Generating Functions<br />

Problem 398. Without giving the proof, how can you compute the EGF f (x)<br />

for the number of structures using a set of size n in the species F 1 ·F 2 ·····F k<br />

of structures on k-tuples of subsets of X from the EGFs f i (x) for F i for each<br />

i from 1 to k? (Here we are using the natural extension of the idea of the<br />

pair of structures to the idea of a k-tuple structure.)<br />

Theorem C.4.1. If F 1 , F 2 ,...,F n are species of subsets of the set X and F i has EGF f i (x),<br />

then the family of k-tuple structures F 1 ·F 2 ·····F n has EGF ∏ n<br />

i=1 f i(x).<br />

We call Theorem C.4.1 the product principle for exponential generating functions.<br />

We give two corollaries; the proof of the second is not immediate though<br />

not particular difficult.<br />

Corollary C.4.2. If F is a species of structures on subsets of X and f (x0) is the EGF<br />

for F , then f (x) k is the EGF for the k-tuple structure on k-tuples of F -structures using<br />

disjoint subsets of X.<br />

Our next corollary uses the idea of a k-set structure. Suppose we have a species<br />

F of structures on nonempty subsets of X, that is, a species of structures which<br />

assigns no structures to the empty set. Then we can define a new species F (k) of<br />

structures, called “k-set structures,” using nonempty subsets of X. Given a fixed<br />

positive integer k, ak-set structure on a subset Y of X consists of a k-element<br />

set of nonempty disjoint subsets of X whose union is Y and an assignment of an<br />

F -structure to each of the disjoint subsets. This is a species on the set of subsets of<br />

X; the subset used by a k-set structure is the union of the sets of the structure. To<br />

recapitulate, the set of k-set structures on a subset Y of X is the set of all possible<br />

assignments of F -structures to k nonempty disjoint sets whose union is Y. (You<br />

can also think of the k-set structures as a family of structures defined on blocks of<br />

partitions of subsets of X into k blocks.)<br />

Corollary C.4.3. If F is a species of structures on nonempty subsets of X and f (x) is the<br />

f (x)<br />

EGF for F , then for each positive integer k,<br />

k<br />

is the EGF for the family F (k) of k-set<br />

k!<br />

structures on subsets of X<br />

Problem 399. Prove Corollary C.4.3. (h)<br />

· Problem 400. Use the product principle for EGFs to explain the results of<br />

Problems 390 and Problem 391.<br />

Problem 401. · Use the general product principle for EGFs or one of its corollaries<br />

to explain the relationship between the EGF for painting streetlight<br />

poles in only one color and the EGF for painting streetlight poles in 4 colors

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