Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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150 B. Mathematical Induction<br />

cent stamps, so with one more five cent stamp, so can k cents. Thus by the (strong)<br />

principle of mathematical induction, we can make n cents in stamps with five and<br />

six cent stamps for each n ≥ 20.<br />

Some people might say that we really had five base cases, n =20, 21, 22, 23, and<br />

24, in the proof above and once we had proved those five consecutive base cases,<br />

then we could reduce any other case to one of these base cases by successively<br />

subtracting 5. That is an appropriate way to look at the proof. A logician would<br />

say that it is also the case that, for example, by proving we could make 22 cents, we<br />

also proved that if we can make 20 cents and 21 cents in stamps, then we could also<br />

make 22 cents. We just didn’t bother to use the assumption that we could make 20<br />

cents and 21 cents! So long as one point of view or the other satisfies you, you are<br />

ready to use this kind of argument in proofs.<br />

Problem 368. A number greater than one is called prime if it has no factors<br />

other than itself and one. Show that each positive number is either a prime<br />

or a power of a prime or a product of powers of prime numbers.<br />

Problem 369. Show that the number of prime factors of a positive number<br />

n ≥ 2 is less than or equal to 2 n. (If a prime occurs to the kth power in a<br />

factorization of n, you can consider that power as k prime factors.) (There<br />

is a way to do this by induction and a way to do it without induction. It<br />

would be ideal to find both ways.)<br />

Problem 370. One of the most powerful statements in elementary number<br />

theory is Euclid’s Division Theorem. a This states that if m and n are positive<br />

integers, then there are unique nonnegative intergers q and r with 0 ≤ r < n,<br />

such that m = nq + r. The number q is called the quotient and the number<br />

r is called the remainder. In computer science it is common to denote r by<br />

m n. In elementary school you learned how to use long division to<br />

find q and r. However, it is unlikely that anyone ever proved for you that<br />

for any pair of positive intgers, m and n, there is such a pair of nonnegative<br />

numbers q and r. You now have the tools needed to prove this. Do so. (h)<br />

a In a curious twist of language, mathematicians have long called The Division Algorithm or<br />

Euclid’s Division Algorithm. However as computer science has grown in importance, the word<br />

algorithm has gotten a more precise definition: an algorithm is now a method to do something.<br />

There is a method (in fact there are more than one) to get the q and r that Euclid’s Division<br />

Theorem gives us, and computer scientists would call these methods algorithms. Your author<br />

has chosen to break with mathematical tradition and restrict his use of the word algorithm to<br />

the more precise interpretation as a computer scientist probably would. We aren’t giving a<br />

method here, so this is why the name used here is “Euclid’s Division Theorem.”

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