Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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118 6. Groups acting on sets<br />

3, and so on. Then a coloring of the edges with 12 red, 23 blue, 34 red and<br />

41 blue can be represented as<br />

{(12, R), (23, B), (34, R), (41, B)} . (6.4)<br />

If ρ is the rotation through 90 degrees, then we have a permutation ρ acting<br />

on its edges. This permutation acts on the colorings to give us a permutation<br />

ρ of the set of colorings.<br />

(a) What is ρ of the coloring in (6.4)?<br />

(b) What is ρ 2 of the coloring in (6.4)?<br />

If G is a group that acts on the set S, we define the action of G on the colorings<br />

(S, f ) by by<br />

σ((S, f )) = σ ({ (x, f (x)) | x ∈ S }) = { (σ(x), f (x)) | x ∈ S } .. (6.5)<br />

We have two bars over σ because σ is a permutation of one set that gives us a<br />

permutation σ of a second set, and then σ acts to give a permutation σ of a thid set,<br />

the set of colorings. For example, suppose we want to analyze colorings of the faces<br />

of a cube under the action of the rotation group of the cube as we have defined it<br />

on the vertices. Each vertex-permutation σ in the group gives a permutation σ of<br />

the faces of the cube. Then each permutation σ of the faces gives us a permutation<br />

σ of the colorings of the faces.<br />

In the special case that G is a group of permutations of S rather than a group<br />

acting on S, Equation (6.5) becomes<br />

σ((S, f )) = σ({(x, f (x)) | x ∈ S}) ={(σ(x), f (x)) | x ∈ S}.<br />

In the case where G is the rotation group of the square acting on the vertices of the<br />

square, the example of acting on a coloring by ρ that we saw in (6.3) is an example<br />

of this kind of action. In the standard notation, when we act on a coloring by σ,the<br />

color in position i moves to position σ(i).<br />

Problem 285. Why does the action we have defined on colorings in Equation<br />

(6.5) take a coloring to a coloring?<br />

Problem 286. Show that if G is a group of permutations of a set S, and f is<br />

a coloring function on S, then the equation<br />

σ({(x, f (x)) | x ∈ S}) ={(σ(x), f (x)) | x ∈ S}<br />

defines an action of G on the colorings (S, f ) of S. (h)

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