Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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6.2. Groups Acting on Sets 115<br />

We have seen that the fact that we have defined a permutation group as the<br />

permutations of some specific set doesn’t preclude us from thinking of the elements<br />

of that group as permuting the elements of some other set as well. In order to keep<br />

track of which permutations of which set we are using to define our group and<br />

which other set is being permuted as well, we introduce some new language and<br />

notation. We are going to say that the group D 4 “acts” on the edges and diagonals<br />

of a square and the group R of permutations of the vertices of a cube that arise from<br />

rigid motions of the cube “acts” on the edges, faces, diagonals, etc. of the cube.<br />

• Problem 280. In Figure 6.1.3 we show a cube with the positions of its vertices<br />

and faces labeled. As with motions of the square, we let we let ϕ(x) be the<br />

label of the place where vertex previously in position x is now.<br />

(a) In Problem 263 we wrote in two row notation the permutation ρ of<br />

the vertices that corresponds to rotating the cube 90 degrees around<br />

a vertical axis through the faces t (for top) and u (for underneath).<br />

(We rotated in a right-handed fashion around this axis, meaning that<br />

vertex 6 goes to the back and vertex 8 comes to the front.) Write in two<br />

row notation the permutation ρ of the faces that corresponds to this<br />

member ρ of R.<br />

(b) In Problem 263 we wrote in two row notation the permutation ϕ that<br />

rotates the cube 120 degrees around the diagonal from vertex 1 to<br />

vertex 7 and carries vertex 8 to vertex 6. Write in two row notation the<br />

ϕ of the faces that corresponds to this member of R.<br />

(c) In Problem 263 we computed the two row notation for ρ ◦ ϕ. Now<br />

compute the two row notation for ρ ◦ ϕ (ρ was defined in Part 280.a),<br />

and write in two row notation the permutation ρ ◦ ϕ of the faces that<br />

corresponds to the action of the permutation ρ ◦ ϕ on the faces of the<br />

cube. (For this question it helps to think geometrically about what<br />

motion of the cube is carried out by ρ ◦ ϕ.) What do you observe<br />

about ρ ◦ ϕ and ρ ◦ ϕ?<br />

We say that a permutation group G acts on a set S if, for each member σ of G<br />

there is a permutation σ of S such that<br />

σ ◦ ϕ = σ ◦ ϕ<br />

for every member σ and ϕ of G. In Problem 280.c you saw one example of this<br />

condition. If we think intuitively of ρ and ϕ as motions in space, then following<br />

the action of ϕ by the action of ρ does give us the action of ρ ◦ ϕ. We can also<br />

reason directly with the permutations in the group R of rigid motions (rotations)<br />

of the cube to show that R acts on the faces of the cube.<br />

Problem 281. Show that a group G of permutations of a set S acts on S with<br />

ϕ = ϕ for all ϕ in G.

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