Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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6.1. Permutation Groups 105<br />

What you have observed about iota in Problem 251 is called the identity property<br />

of iota. In the context of permutations, people usually call the function ι “the<br />

identity” rather than calling it “iota.”<br />

Since rotating first by 90 degrees and then by 270 degrees has the same effect<br />

as doing nothing, we can think of the 270 degree rotation as undoing what the 90<br />

degree rotation does. For this reason we say that in the rotations of the square, ρ 3 is<br />

the “inverse” of ρ. In general, a function ϕ : T → S is called an inverse of a function<br />

σ : S → T (the lower case Greek letter sigma) if ϕ ◦ σ = σ ◦ ϕ = ι. For a slower<br />

introduction to inverses and practice with them, see Section A.1.3 in Appendix A.<br />

Since a permutation is a bijection, it has a unique inverse, as in Section A.1.3. And<br />

since the inverse of a bijection is a bijection (again, as in the Appendix), the inverse<br />

of a permutation is a permutation.<br />

We use ϕ −1 to denote the inverse of the permutation ϕ. We’ve seen that the<br />

rotations of the square are functions that return the square to its original position<br />

but may move the vertices to different places. In this way we create permutations<br />

of the vertices of the square. We’ve observed three important properties of these<br />

permutations.<br />

• (Identity Property) These permutations include the identity permutation.<br />

• (Inverse Property) Whenever these permutations include ϕ, they also include<br />

ϕ −1 .<br />

• (Closure Property) Whenever these permutations include ϕ and σ, they also<br />

include ϕ ◦ σ.<br />

A set of permutations with these three properties is called a permutation group2<br />

or a group of permutations. We call the group of permutations corresponding to<br />

rotations of the square the rotation group of the square. There is a similar rotation<br />

group with n elements for any regular n-gon.<br />

• Problem 252. If f : S → T, g : T → X, and h : X → Y, ish ◦ (g ◦ f )=<br />

(h ◦ g) ◦ f ? What does this say about the status of the associative law<br />

in a group of permutations?<br />

ρ ◦ (σ ◦ ϕ) =(ρ ◦ σ) ◦ ϕ<br />

• Problem 253.<br />

(a) How should we define ϕ −n for an element ϕ of a permutation group? (h)<br />

(b) Will the two standard rules for exponents<br />

a m a n = a m+n and (a m ) n = a mn<br />

2The concept of a permutation group is a special case of the concept of a group that one studies in<br />

abstract algebra. When we refer to a group in what follows, if you know what groups are in the more<br />

abstract sense, you may use the word in this way. If you do not know about groups in this more abstract<br />

sense, then you may assume we mean permutation group when we say group.

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