Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a

Combinatorics Through Guided Discovery, 2004a


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96 5. The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion<br />

Problem 232. Give a proof of your formula for the principle of inclusion<br />

and exclusion. (h)<br />

Problem 233. We get a more elegant proof if we ask for a picture enumerator<br />

for A 1 ∪ A 2 ∪···∪A n . so let us assume A is a set with a picture function P<br />

defined on it and that each set A i is a subset of A.<br />

(a) By thinking about how we got the formula for the size of a union,<br />

write down instead a conjecture for the picture enumerator of a union.<br />

You could use notation like E P ( ⋂ i:i∈S A i ) for the picture enumerator<br />

of the intersection of the sets A i for i in a subset of S of [n].<br />

(b) If x ∈ ⋃ n<br />

i=1 A i, what is the coefficient for P(x) in (the inclusionexclusion<br />

side of) your formula for E P ( ⋃ n<br />

i=1 A i)? (h)<br />

(c) If x ⋃ n<br />

i=1 A i, what is the coefficient of P(x) in (the inclusion-exclusion<br />

side of) your formula for E P ( ⋃ n<br />

i=1 A i)?<br />

(d) How have you proved your conjecture for the picture enumerator of<br />

the union of the sets A i ?<br />

(e) How can you get the formula for the principle of inclusion and exclusion<br />

from your formula for the picture enumerator of the union?<br />

Problem 234. Frequently when we apply the principle of inclusion and<br />

exclusion, we will have a situation like that of part (d) of Problem 231.d.<br />

That is, we will have a set A and subsets A 1 , A 2 ,...,A n and we will want<br />

the size or the probability of the set of elements in A that are not in the<br />

union. This set is known as the complement of the union of the A i sinA,<br />

and is denoted by A \ ⋃ n<br />

i=1 A i,orifA is clear from context, by ⋃ n<br />

i=1 A i. Give<br />

the fomula for ⋃ n<br />

i=1 A i. The principle of inclusion and exclusion generall<br />

refers to both this formula and the one for the union.<br />

We can find a very elegant way of writing the formula in Problem 234 if we<br />

let ⋂ i:i∈∅ A i = A. for this reason, if we have a family of subsets A i of a set A, we<br />

define1 ⋂ i:i∈∅ A i = A.<br />

1For those interested in logic and set theory, given a family of subsets A i of a set A, we define ⋂ i:i∈S A i<br />

to be the set of all members x of A that are in A i for all i ∈ S. (Note that this allows x to be in some other<br />

A j s as well.) Then if S = ∅, our intersection consists of all members x of A that satisfy the statement “if<br />

i ∈∅, then x ∈ A i .” But since the hypothesis of the “if-then” statement is false, the statement itself is<br />

true for all x ∈ A. Therefor ⋂ i:i∈∅ A i = A.

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