Torts - Cases, Principles, and Institutions Fifth Edition, 2016a

Torts - Cases, Principles, and Institutions Fifth Edition, 2016a

Torts - Cases, Principles, and Institutions Fifth Edition, 2016a


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Witt & Tani, TCPI 3. Strict Liability <strong>and</strong> Negligence<br />

1910, every state in the U.S. adopted comprehensive no-fault workers’ compensation schemes.<br />

See JOHN FABIAN WITT, THE ACCIDENTAL REPUBLIC (2004). Under workers’ compensation,<br />

injured employees whose injuries arise out of <strong>and</strong> in the course of the work are typically entitled<br />

to medical care <strong>and</strong> services <strong>and</strong> a fraction of their wage loss replacement—typically two-thirds of<br />

the injured employee’s weekly wages, or two-thirds of the jurisdiction’s median weekly wage,<br />

whichever is lower. Claimants may also receive payments for disabling injuries <strong>and</strong> for<br />

“disfigurement.” N.Y. WORK COMP. LAW. § 13, 15. If the employee is killed, his or her<br />

dependents may be eligible for death benefits. Id. § 16. In exchange for these obligations,<br />

modern workers’ compensation statutes immunize employers from overlapping tort liability. Id. §<br />

11. Note that the original New York statute from 1910 did not provide employers with the quid<br />

pro quo of immunization from tort liability. It left injured employees with the choice to sue in tort<br />

for negligence or to file a compensation claim—a choice to be exercised after suffering the injury.<br />

3. The triumph of workers’ compensation—<strong>and</strong> the tragedy of William Werner. Coming as it<br />

did in the face of such a widespread movement to enact workers’ compensation, the Ives decision<br />

was hotly controversial. Moreover, just days after Judge Werner announced the decision, the<br />

infamous Triangle Shirt-Waist Fire on the eastern edge of Washington Square Park in New York<br />

City killed more than a hundred young women workers, many of whom leapt to their deaths from<br />

the factory windows when they found the exits locked <strong>and</strong> impassable. An amendment to the<br />

state constitution quickly passed, providing that workers’ compensation statutes were<br />

constitutional as a matter of state law. Judge Werner, a self-made man from western New York<br />

who had been an ambitious <strong>and</strong> promising c<strong>and</strong>idate for nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court,<br />

lost his campaign to become the chief judge of the state. His former political sponsor, Theodore<br />

Roosevelt, condemned him as the worst kind of reactionary judge. Werner died soon thereafter a<br />

broken <strong>and</strong> defeated man. In 1917, the U.S. Supreme Court put the last nail in his coffin by ruling<br />

decisively that the Federal Constitution permitted workers’ compensation liability. For Werner’s<br />

story, see WITT, THE ACCIDENTAL REPUBLIC, Chapter 6.<br />

4. State constitutions <strong>and</strong> tort reform. Even though Ives seems like a cautionary tale for state<br />

courts striking down legislation dealing with tort law, state courts regularly invalidate tort reform<br />

statutes today. See John Fabian Witt, The Long History of State Constitutions <strong>and</strong> American Tort<br />

Law, 36 RUTGERS L.J. 1159, 1163 (2005). In the past two decades, courts have struck down tort<br />

reform statutes limiting awards for noneconomic damages, see, e.g., Atlanta Oculoplastic<br />

Surgery, P.C. v. Nestlehutt, 691 S.E.2d 218 (Ga. 2010) <strong>and</strong> Lebron v. Gottlieb Mem’l Hosp., 930<br />

N.E.2d 895 (Ill. 2010); tort reform statutes that cap punitive damages, see, e.g., Bayer<br />

CropScience LP v. Schafer, 385 S.W.3d 822 (Ark. 2011); tort reform statutes that cap total<br />

damages, see, e.g., State ex rel. Ohio Acad. of Trial Lawyers v. Sherwood, 715 N.E.2d 1062 (Ohio<br />

1999); tort reform statutes creating additional procedural hurdles for plaintiffs, see, e.g., Wall v.<br />

Marouk, 302 P.3d 775 (Okla. 2013); tort reform statutes barring plaintiffs from suing individual<br />

tortfeasors, see, e.g., Clarke v. Or. Health Sci. Univ., 175 P.3d 418 (Or. 2007); tort reform statutes<br />

abolishing joint <strong>and</strong> several liability, see, e.g., Best v. Taylor Mach. Works, 689 N.E.2d 1057 (Ill.<br />

1997); <strong>and</strong> discovery statutes m<strong>and</strong>ating unlimited disclosure of plaintiffs’ medical records, see,<br />

e.g., id. Should state courts override legislative action in the torts area?<br />

5. Tort persists—third-party claims. Workers’ compensation was designed in significant<br />

part to remove lawyers <strong>and</strong> expensive litigation from workplace injury disputes. The statutes<br />


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