Torts - Cases, Principles, and Institutions Fifth Edition, 2016a

Torts - Cases, Principles, and Institutions Fifth Edition, 2016a

Torts - Cases, Principles, and Institutions Fifth Edition, 2016a


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Witt & Tani, TCPI 3. Strict Liability <strong>and</strong> Negligence<br />

trespass. . . . On these reasons I concur with Brothers Gould <strong>and</strong> Nares, that the present action is<br />

maintainable.<br />

Notes<br />

1. Direct <strong>and</strong> indirect. Given the liability st<strong>and</strong>ard set out in The Case of the Thorns <strong>and</strong> in<br />

Weaver v. Ward, it seems vital to Blackstone that the writ of trespass be restricted to direct rather<br />

than indirect consequences. The football (soccer!) example he offers illustrates his concern. Do<br />

Nares or Gould have a good answer? On the other h<strong>and</strong>, is Blackstone’s distinction between<br />

direct <strong>and</strong> indirect distinction sustainable? What about De Grey’s idea that directness follows<br />

from the relevant agent’s intentions rather than from the path of the object in question? What<br />

about Gould’s idea that Willis <strong>and</strong> Ryal were not agents in the right way?<br />

2. The great William Blackstone. Blackstone, whose opinion failed to carry the day in Scott<br />

v. Shepherd, was one of the most important jurists in the history of the common law. As the first<br />

holder of the Vinerian Chair of English Law at Oxford University, Blackstone was responsible for<br />

turning the common law into a subject worthy of university study. His Commentaries on the<br />

Laws of Engl<strong>and</strong>, published in four volumes between 1765 <strong>and</strong> 1769, aimed to take the<br />

accumulated forms of action in the common law <strong>and</strong> make sense of them as a body of law<br />

founded on rational principles with coherence <strong>and</strong> integrity. Given that the common law had<br />

accumulated in ad hoc fashion for over seven hundred years by the time he began to write, this<br />

was no small feat. Blackstone’s effort was so successful that virtually every American law<br />

student for the next century learned the law by reading American editions of the Vinerian<br />

Professor’s great text. And unlike contemporary common law works such as digests <strong>and</strong> practice<br />

manuals, which functioned even in their time as reference books, the four volumes of Blackstone<br />

remain readable as a classic text to this day.<br />

Does Blackstone’s commitment to reason <strong>and</strong> the rule of law as a body of principles help<br />

us underst<strong>and</strong> his view in Scott v. Shepherd? To be sure, the great jurist’s distinction between<br />

direct <strong>and</strong> indirect injuries will be very difficult to maintain in practice. But what mechanisms are<br />

his fellow judges likely to try to invoke in order hold off the problem that Blackstone’s soccer<br />

example identifies? At the heart of Scott v. Shepherd, then, is a deep problem in legal theory.<br />

Law aims to articulate principles of general application that can resolve future disputes. But the<br />

multifariousness of human behavior <strong>and</strong> social life <strong>and</strong> the limits of reason make it exceedingly<br />

hard to exclude human discretion from the operation of the law.<br />

3. Whose act? The action on the case was more appealing to Blackstone in Scott v. Shepherd<br />

because of its association with a heightened liability st<strong>and</strong>ard of negligence. Plaintiffs in actions<br />

on the case typically only recovered damages if they could show that a defendant’s negligent or<br />

otherwise wrongful act caused the injury in question. This meant that the innocent kicker of a<br />

soccer ball would not be stuck with liability for the damage done by the same soccer ball at some<br />

later time, where the later damage would not have occurred but for the initial innocent kick. Only<br />

a negligent or otherwise wrongful initial act would raise the possibility of the actor being held<br />

liable for such downstream damages.<br />


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