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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Don’t Let Phosphorus Erode Away<br />


Activator Spray Adjuvant Selection in<br />

Trees and Vines<br />

LODI RULES for Sustainable Winegrowing:<br />

A Quality Winegrape Program<br />

Nitrogen Fertilization Alters Phosphorus<br />

Status of Grapevines<br />

<strong>September</strong> 16-17, <strong>2021</strong> - Visalia, California<br />

Register at progressivecrop.com/conference<br />


Volume 6: Issue 5

4<br />


Nitrogen Regulations<br />

in California and the<br />

Certified Crop Adviser’s<br />

Role<br />

PUBLISHER: Jason Scott<br />

Email: jason@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

EDITOR: Marni Katz<br />

ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Cecilia Parsons<br />

Email: article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

PRODUCTION: design@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

Phone: 559.352.4456<br />

Fax: 559.472.3113<br />

Web: www.progressivecrop.com<br />


8<br />

14<br />

18<br />

New Knowledge-Based<br />

Information Developed<br />

to Enhance Water and<br />

Nitrogen Use Efficiency<br />

in Desert Fresh Market<br />

Carrots<br />

Don’t Let Phosphorus<br />

Erode Away<br />

Ongoing University<br />

of California Hemp<br />

Research to Address<br />

Water, N issues<br />

4<br />

Mark Cady<br />

Senior Environmental<br />

Scientist, California<br />

Department of Food and<br />

Agriculture, Fertilizer<br />

Research and Education<br />

Program<br />

Michael Cahn<br />

UCCE Irrigation and Water<br />

Resources Advisor, Monterey<br />

County<br />

Daniel Geisseler<br />

Nutrient Management<br />

Specialist, UC Davis<br />

Ali Montazar<br />

UCCE Irrigation and Water<br />

Management Advisor,<br />

Imperial County<br />

Franz Niederholzer<br />

UCCE Farm Advisor, Colusa<br />

and Sutter/Yuba Counties<br />

Clifford P. Ohmart, Ph.D.<br />

Ohmart Consulting Services<br />

Jerome Pier<br />

Chair, Western Region<br />

Certified Crop Advisers<br />

Association<br />

Rhonda Smith<br />

UCCE Farm Advisor, Sonoma<br />

County<br />

Tian Tian<br />

UCCE Area Viticulture Farm<br />

Advisor, Kern County<br />

Jeannette E. Warnert<br />

Communications Specialist,<br />

UC ANR<br />

Eryn Wingate<br />

Agronomist, Tri-Tech Ag<br />

Products, Inc.<br />


22<br />

26<br />

32<br />

Activator Spray Adjuvant<br />

Selection in Trees and<br />

Vines<br />


for Sustainable<br />

Winegrowing: A Quality<br />

Winegrape Program<br />

Nitrogen Fertilization<br />

Alters Phosphorus Status<br />

of Grapevines and<br />

Their Association with<br />

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal<br />

Fungi<br />

22<br />

32<br />



Surendra Dara<br />

UCCE Entomology and<br />

Biologicals Advisor, San Luis<br />

Obispo and Santa Barbara<br />

Counties<br />

Kevin Day<br />

UCCE Pomology Farm Advisor,<br />

Tulare and Kings Counties<br />

Elizabeth Fichtner<br />

UCCE Farm Advisor,<br />

Kings and Tulare Counties<br />

Katherine Jarvis-Shean<br />

UCCE Orchard Systems<br />

Advisor, Sacramento, Solano<br />

and Yolo Counties<br />

Steven Koike<br />

Tri-Cal Diagnostics<br />

Jhalendra Rijal<br />

UCCE Integrated Pest<br />

Management Advisor,<br />

Stanislaus County<br />

Kris Tollerup<br />

UCCE Integrated Pest Management<br />

Advisor, Fresno, CA<br />

Mohammad Yaghmour<br />

UCCE Area Orchard Systems<br />

Advisor, Kern County<br />

The articles, research, industry updates, company profiles, and advertisements<br />

in this publication are the professional opinions of writers<br />

and advertisers. Progressive Crop Consultant does not assume any<br />

responsibility for the opinions given in the publication.<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 3

Nitrogen Regulations in<br />

California and the Certified<br />

Crop Adviser’s Role<br />

By MARK CADY | Senior Environmental Scientist, California Department of Food and Agriculture,<br />

Fertilizer Research and Education Program<br />

and JEROME PIER | Chair, Western Region Certified Crop Advisers Association<br />

California Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) are an integral part of the nitrogen management compliance picture (all photos by Vicky Boyd.)<br />

In the last 10 or more years, water<br />

quality regulations that address nitrate<br />

in groundwater have expanded<br />

dramatically. Starting in 2012, the regulatory<br />

agencies charged with protecting<br />

California’s water quality have increased<br />

their scrutiny of and demands on<br />

agriculture. So, it is essential for crop<br />

consultants to understand the regulations<br />

and how regulations affect their<br />

customers.<br />

Regulatory History<br />

The challenges associated with nitrate<br />

in groundwater and its sources have<br />

been recognized for at least a generation.<br />

In 1987, the California State<br />

Legislature directed the State Water<br />

Resources Control Board to prepare<br />

a report on nitrate contamination in<br />

drinking water. The convened expert<br />

panel reported that agriculture was<br />

likely an important contributor to<br />

nitrate in groundwater.<br />

In 2012, however, the regulatory<br />

landscape changed dramatically. First,<br />

a major study of nitrate in California<br />

drinking water was published by UC<br />

Davis. This sprawling effort, titled<br />

Addressing Nitrate in California’s<br />

Drinking Water, focused on the Tulare<br />

Lake Basin and the Salinas Valley. The<br />

multi-volume report was produced by<br />

the UC Davis Center for Watershed<br />

Sciences. It showed that nitrate problems<br />

would likely worsen for the next<br />

several decades and that most nitrate<br />

currently in drinking water wells was<br />

applied to the surface decades earlier.<br />

An important conclusion of the report<br />

was that agricultural fertilizers and<br />

animal wastes applied to cropland are<br />

by far the largest regional sources of<br />

nitrate in groundwater. Thus, in the last<br />

decade, the State and Regional Water<br />

Boards have been more assertive in<br />

regulating agricultural contributions to<br />

groundwater nitrate.<br />

The Central Valley Irrigated Lands Regulatory<br />

Program (ILRP) started in the<br />

first part of this century with a focus on<br />

pesticides in surface water. That focus<br />

expanded in 2012 when the ‘Waste<br />

Discharge Requirements for the Eastern<br />

San Joaquin River Watershed (ESJ)<br />

General Order’ was first adopted by the<br />

Central Valley Regional Water Quality<br />

Control Board (CVRWQCB). This order<br />

required grower reporting of nitrogen<br />

fertilizer applied to cropland and<br />

estimates of the nitrogen removed with<br />

harvested crops, so the efficiency of<br />

nitrogen fertilizer use could be calculated.<br />

Growers record this information<br />

in their Nitrogen Management Plans<br />

(NMPs) as specified by the CVRWQCB.<br />

The reporting of NMP data was carried<br />

out through the ESJ Water Quality<br />

Coalition, a grower-led intermediary<br />

that anonymized the data and provided<br />

statistical analysis on a township basis.<br />

A component of the statistical analysis<br />

is identification of outlier values (i.e.,<br />

parcels where the nitrogen efficiency<br />

Continued on Page 6<br />

4 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 5

Continued from Page 4<br />

is low relative to others in township.)<br />

These outlier growers are then targeted<br />

for outreach and increasing reporting<br />

requirements. Growers in all regions of<br />

the Central Valley are represented by<br />

coalitions. Nitrogen reporting requirements<br />

are now in place for all Central<br />

Valley regions and crops with the<br />

exception of rice.<br />

In 2018, the State Water Board stepped<br />

into the picture and revised the ESJ<br />

Order to include new provisions to be<br />

precedential to all regional boards. The<br />

precedents adopted include reporting<br />

of nitrogen application (A) to and removal<br />

(R) from cropland, reporting of<br />

irrigation water used, testing on-farm<br />

domestic wells for nitrate and reporting<br />

nitrate exceedances to the well<br />

users. With these new requirements,<br />

the NMPs became the Irrigation and<br />

Nitrogen Management Plans (INMPs).<br />

The regional boards were directed to<br />

Advertorial<br />

Earthworms thrive in healthy soil. Worm populations<br />

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use both A/R and A-R (the nitrogen<br />

efficiency ratio and the total excess<br />

nitrogen, respectively) to evaluate<br />

compliance. All regional boards are<br />

required to adopt these precedents into<br />

orders by February 2023. The CVR-<br />

WQCB updated its ILRP orders in 2019.<br />

Another major nitrate-related regulatory<br />

effort in the Central Valley is the<br />

Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for<br />

Long-Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS).<br />

This is a multi-stakeholder effort that<br />

seeks to manage the long-term loading<br />

of salts in the Central Valley. Of<br />

interest here is the focus on nitrate. The<br />

CVRWQCB adopted the regulations<br />

proposed by the CV-SALTS stakeholders<br />

in 2018. The goals of CV-SALTS<br />

regulations are “1) to ensure a safe<br />

drinking water supply; 2) to achieve<br />

balanced salt and nitrate loadings;<br />

and 3) to implement long-term and<br />

managed aquifer restoration programs<br />

where reasonable, feasible and practicable.”<br />

While the CV-<br />

SALTS process<br />

affects all discharges<br />

in the Central<br />

Valley, each of the<br />

above goals represent<br />

challenges to<br />

growers in terms of<br />

costs of compliance<br />

and improving<br />

nitrogen fertilizer<br />

management. Fortunately<br />

for growers,<br />

the administration<br />

of regulatory<br />

requirements is<br />

handled by the<br />

coalitions that were<br />

established for the<br />

ILRP.<br />

Looking again at<br />

2012, the Central<br />

Coast Regional Water<br />

Quality Control<br />

Board (CCRWQCB)<br />

adopted its first<br />

order to require reporting<br />

of nitrogen<br />

applications. This<br />

information was<br />

reported directly to the Regional Water<br />

Board. Just this year, the CCRWQCB<br />

adopted the updated “Ag Order 4.0,”<br />

incorporating the ESJ precedents and<br />

setting long-term limits on excess<br />

nitrogen applied to crops. Farming operations<br />

must now submit information<br />

on nitrogen applied to and removed<br />

from cropland. The order includes a<br />

schedule of targets for excess nitrogen<br />

fertilizer roughly defined as A-R. After<br />

2026, specific excess nitrogen targets<br />

are in place for all crops. Those targets<br />

rachet down from 300 lbs/ac in 2026 to<br />

just 50 lbs/ac in 2050. For reference, the<br />

CCRWQCB estimates that currently<br />

only approximately 6% of the acres of<br />

high-value crops meet the 2050 benchmark.<br />

The situation in the Central Valley is<br />

different than in the Central Coast. The<br />

Central Valley coalitions have developed<br />

a methodology to determine what<br />

those targets should be on a township<br />

basis. The methodology, a sophisticated<br />

modelling effort for the entire<br />

Central Valley, has been approved by<br />

the CVRWQCB Executive Officer and<br />

is scheduled to produce target excess<br />

nitrogen values in 2023.<br />

The Crop Adviser’s Role<br />

California Certified Crop Advisers<br />

(CCAs) are an integral part of the<br />

nitrogen management compliance picture.<br />

The CVRWQCB determined that<br />

CCAs who received special training<br />

in nitrogen management are qualified<br />

to certify growers’ INMPs. There are<br />

now nearly 900 CCAs eligible to certify<br />

INMPs.<br />

For several years, CCAs became eligible<br />

to certify Central Valley growers’<br />

NMPs through training received via a<br />

day-and-a-half in-person conference<br />

given once a year and presented by UC<br />

faculty. Funded by the CDFA Fertilizer<br />

Research and Education Program<br />

(FREP), this successfully certified nearly<br />

1,000 CCAs. On <strong>October</strong> 1, 2020, the<br />

certification program changed to a Nitrogen<br />

Management Specialty category<br />

managed by the International Certified<br />

Crop Adviser organization. All CCAs<br />

who had the nitrogen management certification<br />

were “grandfathered” into the<br />

6 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

new Nitrogen Management Specialty<br />

category. CCAs who had not yet been<br />

certified now must take the Nitrogen<br />

Specialty category exam to be qualified<br />

to sign INMPs. UC staff developed online<br />

training modules to assist CCAs<br />

in passing the specialty exam. The<br />

training is available to any CCA and<br />

provides 16 continuing education units<br />

(CEUs) for a cost of $120. More information<br />

regarding the online training<br />

and the specialty exam can be found<br />

at certifiedcropadvisor.org/ca-nsp/.<br />

CCAs who have the California Nitrogen<br />

Management Specialty (CA-NSP)<br />

category must obtain eight CEUs in<br />

nutrient management and seven CEUs<br />

in soil and water management over<br />

two years but are still only required to<br />

obtain 40 total CEUs to maintain their<br />

certification. There is an additional fee<br />

required to maintain the CA-NSP.<br />

CCAs may find that certifying INMPs,<br />

especially the irrigation portions of the<br />

forms, moves them out of the nutrient<br />

management comfort zones. Because<br />

we all recognize the importance of<br />

irrigation management in nitrogen<br />

management, we can also realize that<br />

it’s a crucial area for CCAs to step into.<br />

Information regarding anticipated<br />

crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and irrigation<br />

water to be applied is required<br />

in the INMPs. Instructions provided<br />

with the plans suggest that the UC or<br />

coalition may provide the information<br />

to complete the ETc question, but<br />

the data are not readily available. To<br />

resolve the conflicts involving ETc<br />

determination, a statewide project was<br />

funded to create an accepted clearinghouse<br />

of coefficient values for the<br />

major crops in California. The project<br />

is nearing completion and should go<br />

a long way to helping CCAs provide<br />

accurate answers for the ETc questions<br />

in the INMP. Alternatively, this<br />

year, a project involving the National<br />

Aeronautics and Space Administration<br />

(NASA), the Environmental Defense<br />

Fund and a host of other partners will<br />

make ETc data available through interactive<br />

maps on the web. The project is<br />

called OpenET and is set to be released<br />

by the end of the year.<br />

FREP is holding its annual conference<br />

this year in San Luis Obispo from <strong>October</strong><br />

26-28. There will be sessions on<br />

OpenET, ILRP water quality coalitions<br />

and other nutrient and irrigation management<br />

topics. For more information,<br />

see cdfa.ca.gov/is/ffldrs/frep/FREP-<br />

Conference.html.<br />

Mark Cady is currently supervisor of<br />

the CDFA FREP. His understanding of<br />

water quality regulation comes from<br />

four years as an environmental scientist<br />

with the CVRWQCB. FREP’s role is to<br />

fund and facilitate research and education<br />

to advance the environmentally<br />

safe and agronomically sound use and<br />

handling of fertilizing materials. Please<br />

visit cdfa.ca.gov/is/ffldrs/frep for more<br />

information.<br />

Comments about this article? We want<br />

to hear from you. Feel free to email us<br />

at article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

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• Protects fertilization<br />

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• Increases plant nutrient<br />

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• Increases in yield<br />

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These two adjacent plots visually show a very clear difference in<br />

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Openings for<br />

Areas Consultants<br />

Call Dave<br />

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 7

New Knowledge-Based Information<br />

Developed to Enhance Water and<br />

Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Desert<br />

Fresh Market Carrots<br />

By ALI MONTAZAR | UCCE Irrigation and Water Management Advisor, Imperial County<br />

DANIEL GEISSELER | Nutrient Management Specialist, UC Davis<br />

and MICHAEL CAHN | UCCE Irrigation and Water Resources Advisor, Monterey County<br />

Carrot field under furrow irrigation system in the Imperial Valley (all photos by A. Montazar.)<br />

Carrots are one of the 10 major<br />

commodities in Imperial County,<br />

with an average acreage of nearly<br />

16,000 over the past decade. The farm<br />

gate value of fresh market and processing<br />

carrots was about $66 million<br />

in 2019. In the low desert region, fresh<br />

market and processing carrots are planted<br />

from <strong>September</strong> to December for<br />

harvest from January to May. Most carrots<br />

are typically sprinkler irrigated for<br />

stand establishment and subsequently<br />

furrow irrigated for the remainder of<br />

the growing season. However, there<br />

are fields that are irrigated by solid set<br />

sprinkler systems the entire crop season.<br />

Carrot is a cool-season crop that demands<br />

specific growing conditions and<br />

effective use of nitrogen (N) and water<br />

applications for successful commercial<br />

production. N and water management<br />

in carrot is crucial for increasing crop<br />

productivity and decreasing costs and<br />

nitrate leaching losses. The N needs of<br />

carrots for optimum storage root yield<br />

depends on the climate, soil texture<br />

and conditions, residual soil N from<br />

the previous season and irrigation<br />

management. There is not enough<br />

research on N management to free<br />

local growers of the worry associated<br />

with being short on the amounts<br />

applied, which may cause a loss in<br />

yield and profitability. The industry<br />

needs reliable information on N and<br />

consumptive water use of carrots to<br />

optimize irrigation and N management,<br />

enhance water and nitrogen use efficiency<br />

and achieve full economic gains<br />

in a sustainable soil and water quality<br />

approach.<br />

This study aimed to quantify optimal<br />

N and water applications under current<br />

management practices and to fill<br />

knowledge gaps for N and water management<br />

in carrots through conducting<br />

experimental trials in the low desert of<br />

California. This article presents some<br />

of the information developed for desert<br />

fresh market carrots.<br />

Field Trials and Measurements<br />

Field trials were conducted on fresh<br />

market carrot cultivars at the UC<br />

Desert Research and Extension Center<br />

(DREC) and four commercial fields in<br />

the low desert region during the 2019-<br />

20 and 2020-21 seasons (Table 1, see<br />

page 10). The sites represent various<br />

aspects of nitrogen applied (N applications<br />

ranged between 176 and 272 lbs<br />

ac -1 ), irrigation water applied (varied<br />

from 1.6 to 2.9 ac-feet/ac), irrigation<br />

systems (three fields under sprinkler<br />

irrigation and two fields under furrow<br />

irrigation) and soil types (sandy loam<br />

to silty clay loam).<br />

The DREC trials consisted of two<br />

irrigation regimes and three nitrogen<br />

scenarios (Fig. 2, see page 10). At the<br />

commercial sites, due to logistical<br />

limitations, the measurements were<br />

carried out from five sub-areas selected<br />

(50 feet x 50 feet) in an experimental<br />

assigned plot (400 feet x 400 feet) with<br />

a homogeneous soil type, which was<br />

the dominant soil at the site. These<br />

areas represented common irrigation<br />

and N fertilizer management practices<br />

followed by growers.<br />

The actual consumptive water use<br />

(actual crop evapotranspiration (ET))<br />

was measured using the residual of the<br />

energy balance method with a combination<br />

of surface renewal and eddy<br />

covariance equipment (fully automated<br />

ET tower, Fig. 3, see page 10). As an<br />

affordable tool to estimate actual crop<br />

ET, Tule Technology sensors were also<br />

set up at all experimental sites. The<br />

Tule ET data were verified using the<br />

ET estimates from the fully automated<br />

ET tower. Canopy images were taken<br />

on weekly to a 15-day basis utilizing an<br />

infrared camera (NDVI digital camera)<br />

to quantify crop canopy coverage over<br />

the crop season. Actual soil nitrate content<br />

(NO 3<br />

-N) at the crop root zone (one<br />

to five feet) and the total N percentage<br />

in tops and roots were determined<br />

pre-seeding, post-harvest and monthly<br />

over the season. Plant measurements<br />

were carried out on 40-plant samples<br />

collected randomly per replication of<br />

each treatment/sub-area, and deter-<br />

Continued on Page 10<br />

8 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>



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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 9

Experimental Site Seeding (first irrigation) Date Harvest Date Irrigation Practices<br />

DREC-1<br />

Oct 11, 2019<br />

Mar 18, 2020<br />

Sprinker<br />

DREC-2<br />

Oct 14, 2020<br />

Mar 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Sprinker<br />

C1<br />

Oct 24, 2019<br />

Mar 30, 2020<br />

Sprinker<br />

C2<br />

Oct 2, 2019<br />

Mar 19, 2020<br />

Furrow<br />

C3<br />

Oct 4, 2019<br />

Mar 17, 2020<br />

Furrow<br />

C4<br />

Oct 2, 2020<br />

Apr 12, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Sprinker<br />

Table 1: General information for the experimental sites. Plants were established using sprinkler irrigation at all sites.<br />

Continued from Page 8<br />

minations were made on marketable<br />

yield and biomass accumulation. Fresh<br />

weight and dry weight of roots and foliage<br />

were measured on a regular basis.<br />

Findings and Recommendations<br />

Irrigation Management<br />

The common irrigation practice in<br />

carrot stand establishment in the low<br />

desert is to irrigate the field every other<br />

day using sprinkler systems during the<br />

first two weeks after seeding. Carrots<br />

germinate slowly, and hence, the beds<br />

need to be kept moist to prevent crusting.<br />

A comparison between the averages<br />

of applied water and actual consumptive<br />

water use for a 30-day period<br />

after seeding suggested that carrots are<br />

typically over-irrigated during plant<br />

establishment. An average of 3.8 inches<br />

was measured as actual consumptive<br />

water use for this period across the<br />

experimental sites (Fig. 4, see page 12),<br />

while the applied water varied from<br />

two to three times of this amount.<br />

The results clearly demonstrated that<br />

the carrot sites had variable actual consumptive<br />

water uses depending upon<br />

early/late planting, irrigation practice,<br />

length of crop season, soil type and<br />

weather conditions. For instance, site<br />

C-4 was a sprinkler irrigated field with<br />

a dominant soil texture of sandy clay<br />

loam where the carrots were harvested<br />

very late 193 days after seeding (DAS).<br />

The seasonal consumptive water use<br />

was 19.2 inches at this site (Fig. 4, see<br />

page 12). Our results show that the<br />

seasonal crop water use of fresh market<br />

carrots is nearly 16.0 inches for a typical<br />

crop season of 160 days with planting<br />

in <strong>October</strong>. Approximately 50% of<br />

crop water needs occurred during the<br />

first 100 days after seeding and the other<br />

50% during the last 60 days before<br />

harvest. Crop canopy model developed<br />

in this study demonstrated that fresh<br />

market carrots reach 85% canopy coverage<br />

by 100 days after seeding.<br />

The amount of water that needs to be<br />

applied in an individual field depends<br />

on crop water requirements and the<br />

efficiency of the irrigation system.<br />

Assuming an average irrigation efficiency<br />

of 70%, the approximate gross<br />

irrigation water needs of carrot fields<br />

in the low desert would be 2.0 ac-feet/<br />

ac (pre-irrigation is not included) for<br />

a 160-day crop season. Pre-irrigation<br />

along with proper irrigation scheduling<br />

over the season may effectively maintain<br />

crop water needs and salinity in<br />

carrots.<br />

Water stress should be avoided<br />

throughout the carrot growing cycle.<br />

The critical period for irrigation is<br />

between fruit set and harvest. Sprinkler<br />

irrigation may be considered as a more<br />

effective irrigation tool when compared<br />

with furrow irrigation. More frequent<br />

and light irrigation events are possible<br />

by sprinkler irrigation. Over-irrigation<br />

of carrot fields increases the incidence<br />

of hairy roots, and severe drying and<br />

wetting cycles result in significant<br />

splitting of roots. Sprinklers also reduce<br />

salinity issues which is important<br />

since carrots are very sensitive to salt<br />

accumulation.<br />

Continued on Page 12<br />

Figure 2: The DREC trials consisted of two irrigation regimes and<br />

three nitrogen scenarios.<br />

Figure 3: Monitoring stations in one of the commercial experimental<br />

sites.<br />

10 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

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Interval is only 4 hours, and the Pre-Harvest Interval is 1 day for most crops.<br />

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 11

Figure 5: Canopy development curve for the low desert fresh market carrots over the<br />

growing season.<br />

Figure 4: Cumulative actual crop water consumption<br />

(actual ET) at each of the experimental sites. Surface<br />

renewal actual daily ET is reported here.<br />

Nitrogen Management<br />

The results demonstrated that a wide<br />

range of N accumulated both in roots<br />

and tops at harvest (Fig. 6). For instance,<br />

a total N content of 312.9 lbs<br />

ac -1 was observed in a fresh market<br />

carrot field with a long growing season<br />

of 193 days, including 202.9 and<br />

110.0 lbs N ac -1 in roots and tops,<br />

respectively. The total N accumulated<br />

in plants (roots + tops) was<br />

less than 265 lbs ac -1 in the other<br />

sites.<br />

A linear regression model was<br />

found for the total N uptake in<br />

roots after 60 to 73 DAS without<br />

declining near harvest (Fig. 6).<br />

Small, gradual increases in N<br />

contents of roots were observed<br />

until about 65 DAS. This suggested<br />

that N begins to accumulate<br />

at a rapid rate between 65 and<br />

80 DAS; however, the period<br />

of rapid increase could vary<br />

depending on early (<strong>September</strong>)<br />

or late (November) plantings.<br />

N uptake in tops increased<br />

gradually following a quadratic<br />

regression, and in most sites<br />

levelled off or declined slightly<br />

late in the season. Although the<br />

N accumulated in tops appeared<br />

Figure 6: N accumulation trends in storage roots,<br />

to drop down or level off in most<br />

tops and total (plants) over the growing season at the<br />

sites beyond 120 to 145 DAS, the<br />

experimental sites.<br />

N content decline occurred after<br />

DAS 155 at site C-4 with a longer<br />

growing season.<br />

Continued from Page 10<br />

These findings suggest that a total N<br />

accumulation of 260 lbs ac -1 occurred<br />

by 160 DAS, with 145 lbs ac -1 in roots<br />

and 115 lbs ac -1 in tops. Across all sites,<br />

nearly 28% of seasonal N accumulation<br />

occurred by 80 DAS (Fig. 6) when<br />

the canopy cover reached an average<br />

of 67% (Fig. 5). The large proportion<br />

of this N content was taken up during<br />

a 30-day period (50 to 80 DAS). The<br />

results also suggest that nearly 50% of<br />

the total N was taken up during a 50-<br />

day period (80 to 130 DAS). This 50-day<br />

period appears to be the most critical<br />

period for N uptake, particularly in the<br />

storage roots, when carrots developed<br />

the large canopy and the extensive<br />

rooting system. The majority of N is<br />

taken up during the months of December<br />

to February, and, hence, proper N<br />

fertility in the effective crop root zone<br />

is essential during this period. For a<br />

160-day crop season, 22% of N uptake<br />

could be accomplished over the last 30<br />

days before harvest.<br />

Carrots have a deep rooting system that<br />

allows for improved capture of N from<br />

deep in the soil profile. The fibrous<br />

roots were present at the depth of five<br />

feet below the soil surface at site DREC-<br />

2 (Fig. 7). There is a risk of leaching<br />

soil residual N due to heavy pre-irrigation<br />

(a common practice for salinity<br />

management in the low desert) in late<br />

summer prior to land preparation. N is<br />

likely accumulated at the deeper depths<br />

by the beginning of the growing season,<br />

and consequently, there is a potential N<br />

contribution from the soil for carrots<br />

when the roots are fully developed.<br />

Since residual soil N contribution can<br />

be considerable in carrots, pre-plant<br />

soil nitrate-N assessment down to 60<br />

cm depth could be a tool enabling<br />

farmers to improve N management and<br />

maximize yield and quality while minimizing<br />

economic and environmental<br />

costs.<br />

12 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Careful management of N applications<br />

in the low desert carrots is crucial<br />

because fertilizers are the main source<br />

of N, particularly due to low organic<br />

matter content of the soils and very<br />

low nitrate level of the Colorado River<br />

water. Knowing this fact, the soil<br />

NO 3<br />

-N contents pre-seeding and over<br />

the growing season at different sites<br />

revealed that none of the sites had N<br />

deficiency during the crop season, and<br />

consequently, the practice of splitting<br />

N applications, as done by the farmers<br />

(applying 9% to 15% of total seasonal<br />

N as pre-plant and the remainders<br />

through irrigation events over the<br />

season), was likely effective in most<br />

cases. It appears that the practice of<br />

15% to 30% seasonal N applications<br />

though irrigation events 45 to 70 DAS<br />

has similar effectiveness to sidedress N<br />

applications.<br />

Within the range of N application rates<br />

examined at the experimental sites,<br />

there were no significant relationships<br />

between carrot fresh root yield and N<br />

application rate, although the results<br />

suggested a positive effect of N application<br />

on carrot yield. Sufficient N<br />

availability in the crop root zone over<br />

the growing season and the lack of<br />

significant yield response to N applications<br />

demonstrate that N optimal rates<br />

could be likely less than the applied<br />

amounts in most sites. Adequate nitrogen<br />

and water applications reduce costs<br />

and help prevent leaching, while excess<br />

N may lead to excessive N storage in<br />

the roots, which may be a concern for<br />

processing carrots. Integrated optimal<br />

N and water management needs to be<br />

approached to accomplish greater N<br />

and water efficiency, and consequently<br />

keep lower rates beneficial to overall<br />

profitability.<br />

Funding for this study was provided<br />

by California Department of Food and<br />

Agriculture (CDFA) Fertilizer Research<br />

and Education Program (FREP) and<br />

California Fresh Carrots Advisory<br />

Board.<br />

Comments about this article? We want<br />

to hear from you. Feel free to email us at<br />

article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

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Figure 7: Carrot storage and fibrous roots<br />

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 13

Don’t Let<br />

Phosphorus<br />

Erode Away<br />

How to Improve P Use Efficiency While Protecting Environmental Resources<br />

By ERYN WINGATE | Agronomist, Tri-Tech Ag Products, Inc.<br />

Phosphorus (P) availability limited<br />

food production and human<br />

population until the Green Revolution.<br />

After the second World War,<br />

mineral fertilizers and powerful new<br />

pesticides drove record yields and exponential<br />

world population growth. While<br />

nitrogen fertilizer usually takes all the<br />

credit, phosphorus is a close second,<br />

and even the major limiting element<br />

under some conditions. Mining P-rich<br />

ore introduced more P to the biosphere<br />

than ever before. Instead of relying on<br />

biological P cycling, mineral fertilizer<br />

now keeps our fields productive<br />

through years of back-to-back planting.<br />

P fertilizer provides undeniable improvements<br />

to yield and crop quality,<br />

but leaks in the system destabilize surrounding<br />

ecology, causing a cascade of<br />

effects that shift global P cycling. With<br />

fertilizer prices on the rise and environmental<br />

impact mounting, everyone can<br />

benefit from improving P management.<br />

All living organisms require P. It constitutes<br />

about 9% of our DNA, it is the<br />

backbone of the phospholipid fatty acids<br />

giving our cells their structure, and<br />

P is a critical component of Adenosine<br />

Triphosphate (ATP), the powerhouse<br />

of the cell. Plants take up most of their<br />

P via the roots as the anion phosphate<br />

Runoff and wind erosion from agricultural fields introduces excess phosphorus and nitrogen to freshwater and marine environments. Nutrient loading<br />

causes algal blooms and eutrophication, killing off fish and destabilizing the entire ecosystem.<br />

14 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>



GRAPES<br />


(P 2<br />

O 4<br />

3-<br />

). Crops require lots of P early in<br />

development to support rapidly growing<br />

cells. P is required at every stage of<br />

growth, first to support DNA transcription<br />

and translation, then to build<br />

the cellular structure and to supply<br />

energy needed to carry out all the activity.<br />

Ensuring early access to enough<br />

plant-available P drives vigorous root<br />

growth and sets the crop up for success.<br />

Activity and Availability<br />

P bioavailability limits many natural<br />

ecosystems, and plants have evolved<br />

several ways to gain access to the essential<br />

element. P is immobile in soil, and<br />

most of it is tied up in mineral pools<br />

with very little available as phosphate in<br />

soil solution. Some P minerals are very<br />

stable and resist dissolution. Others<br />

readily dissolve with slight adjustments<br />

in pH or enzyme activity. Plants and<br />

fungi take advantage of the labile mineral<br />

pool by excreting phosphatase and<br />

lowering the pH in their direct vicinity.<br />

Mycorrhizal fungi bond with plant<br />

roots, extending their hyphae far past<br />

where the plant can reach to bring back<br />

phosphorus and water in exchange for<br />

photosynthate. Soil organic matter also<br />

Continued on Page 16<br />


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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 15

available P2O5 in the upper six inches.<br />

Celery takes up about 100 lbs of<br />

P2O5 per acre, and about 70% of the<br />

P is removed from the field with the<br />

harvested crop. Soils with 100 ppm P<br />

have 460 lbs P2O5 per acre down to six<br />

inches, providing more than five times<br />

the P demand of most vegetable crops.<br />

Most crops send roots below six inches,<br />

gaining access to even more P.<br />

Phosphorus fertilizer gives crops immediate<br />

access to P, circumventing the<br />

slower biological cycling. Phosphoric<br />

acid, monoammonium phosphate and<br />

other sources initially spike soil solution<br />

phosphate, but the effect does not<br />

last. In calcareous and high-pH soils, P<br />

eventually disappears from the plant<br />

available pool as it binds with calcium<br />

to form the mineral apatite. Under<br />

acidic conditions, phosphate precipitates<br />

with iron and aluminum hydroxides.<br />

The P fixation rate depends on<br />

many factors, including pH, temperature,<br />

moisture and the concentration<br />

of other compounds in soil solution.<br />

Growers apply more P fertilizer every<br />

year to meet immediate crop needs,<br />

even though total soil P levels continue<br />

rising.<br />

Likelihood of crop response to phosphorus fertilizer (adapted from Geisseler,<br />

Daniel. (2015). California Fertilization Guidelines. Fertilizer Research and Education<br />

Program. http://geisseler.ucdavis.edu/Guidelines/Home.html.)<br />

Continued from Page 15<br />

stores P, and microbial activity releases<br />

phosphate into solution according to<br />

population dynamics and access to<br />

carbon and nutrients.<br />

Most P fertilizer recommendations are<br />

based on observed crop response to<br />

fertilization at different soil P concentrations.<br />

Many studies in the western<br />

region show that crop yield and quality<br />

increases when fertilizer is applied to<br />

soil with less than 40 ppm P measured<br />

by the Olsen test. Soil containing 40<br />

ppm P holds roughly 180 lbs plant<br />

Environmental Impacts<br />

While adsorbed P might not be accessible<br />

to the crop, the extra nutrition<br />

disproportionately impacts freshwater<br />

and marine environments when it<br />

escapes the farm via runoff or wind<br />

erosion. Relatively small increases in<br />

P concentration in lakes, streams and<br />

ocean water cause major ecological<br />

shifts. High N and P levels induce eutrophication<br />

by triggering algal blooms<br />

that block sunlight from penetrating<br />

the water’s surface layer. Unable to<br />

photosynthesize, aquatic plants die<br />

and sink to the bottom, introducing an<br />

overabundant food supply to microorganisms.<br />

Aerobic metabolism depletes<br />

the water’s oxygen concentration as<br />

microbes decompose the plant material.<br />

Oxygen diffusion down to lower depths<br />

can’t keep pace with the consumption<br />

rate. Hypoxic zones drive away or kill<br />

off fish, and the aquatic ecosystem<br />

unravels, leading to permanent dead<br />

16 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

zones under the worst conditions.<br />

Researchers point to organic matter<br />

as the solution to almost every soil<br />

quality challenge, and phosphorus is<br />

no exception. Increasing soil organic<br />

matter and microbial activity helps<br />

prevent erosion and increases the<br />

bioavailability of P already in the soil.<br />

Microbial metabolism releases carbon<br />

dioxide, dissolving calcium phosphate<br />

minerals. Enzymes and organic acids<br />

also liberate phosphate, while mycorrhizal<br />

networks mine phosphorus from<br />

parts of the soil profile that plant roots<br />

cannot reach. Meanwhile, microbial<br />

activity and organic matter build soil<br />

structure, forming stable aggregates<br />

that resist erosion from water and<br />

wind. One major windstorm can blow<br />

away an inch of topsoil carrying away<br />

valuable phosphate fertilizer. Soil with<br />

100 ppm P concentration holds almost<br />

80 pounds of plant-available phosphate<br />

in the upper inch of soil. Many fields<br />

have accumulated P to well over 200<br />

ppm, doubling or tripling the cost of<br />

eroded P.<br />

Phosphorus fertilizer is a valuable<br />

‘While a heavy P<br />

application may<br />

have significantly<br />

increased yield<br />

the first couple<br />

of years, continued<br />

applications<br />

at the same rate<br />

may have little<br />

effect.’<br />

tool and a mainstay of almost every<br />

fertilizer regimen. Increased yields<br />

and reasonably priced fertilizer keep<br />

growers applying mineral P every<br />

season. While a heavy P application<br />

may have significantly increased yield<br />

the first couple of years, continued<br />

applications at the same rate may have<br />

little effect. Soil tests can help determine<br />

baseline P content and the soil’s<br />

adsorption capacity. Water quality, soil<br />

pH and calcium content affect how<br />

quickly P fertilizer precipitates out of<br />

the plant-available pool. Management<br />

practices like splitting P into several<br />

applications or applying it with an<br />

organic amendment can help keep a<br />

steady supply of P in plant-available<br />

form. Like most agricultural challenges,<br />

the best solutions are multipronged,<br />

with many little adjustments adding up<br />

to dramatically improve the big picture.<br />

Better P management will protect our<br />

freshwater and marine environments,<br />

enhance crop quality and even save<br />

growers some money.<br />

References<br />

Brady, Nile C. and Weil, Ray R. (2008).<br />

The Nature and Properties of Soils. Fourteenth<br />

Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall.<br />

Filippelli, Gabriel. (2008). The Global<br />

Phosphorus Cycle: Past, Present, and<br />

Future. Elements. 4. 89-95. 10.2113/<br />

GSELEMENTS.4.2.89.<br />

Geisseler, Daniel. (2015). California Fertilization<br />

Guidelines. Fertilizer Research<br />

and Education Program. http://geisseler.<br />

ucdavis.edu/Guidelines/Home.html<br />

Liu, Guodong, Li, yuncong, & Gazula,<br />

Aparna. (2019). Conversion of Parts Per<br />

Million on Soil Test Reports to Pounds<br />

Per Acre. University of Florida Extension.<br />

https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/hs1229<br />

Wyant, Karl A., Corman, Jessica R., &<br />

Elser, James J. (Eds.). (2013). Phosphorus,<br />

Food, and our Future. Oxford<br />

University Press.<br />

Comments about this article? We want<br />

to hear from you. Feel free to email us at<br />

article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

Healthier roots,<br />

efficient carbohydrate<br />

storage, increased yield<br />

Improves<br />

phosphorus<br />

efficiency and lateral<br />

root branching.<br />

Stimulates root<br />

growth and<br />

metabolism.<br />

Promotes soil<br />

microbial diversity,<br />

improving soil<br />

structure and plant<br />

nutrient availability.<br />


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camera app or Google Lens<br />

redoxgrows.com<br />

@redoxgrows<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 17

Ongoing University of California Hemp<br />

Research to Address Water, N issues<br />

By JEANNETTE E. WARNERT | Communications Specialist, UC ANR<br />

UCCE and UC Davis research efforts to understand the opportunities and<br />

challenges for industrial hemp production in California are growing.<br />

As a crop relatively new to California growers and researchers, there is still<br />

much to learn about variety choices, how varieties and crop responses differ<br />

across regions with different soils and climates, best practices for nutrient management,<br />

and pest and disease issues.<br />

Industrial hemp field research efforts began at the University in 2019 after the<br />

previous year’s Farm Bill declared the crop should no longer be considered a<br />

controlled substance, but rather an agricultural commodity. Hemp is valued for<br />

its fiber and edible seeds; however, in California, producing hemp primarily for<br />

essential oils, including medicinal cannabidiol (CBD), is thought to offer the best<br />

economic outlook. U.S. and California hemp acreage surged in 2019, but fell in<br />

2020.<br />

Hemp Water-Use Study Expands<br />

In a study coordinated by Jeff Steiner of Oregon State University’s (OSU) Global<br />

Hemp Innovation Center, drip irrigation trials are underway in California, Oregon<br />

and Colorado. Research was conducted in 2020 at the UC West Side Research<br />

and Extension Center in Five Points and at the UC Davis campus in addition to<br />

three sites in Oregon, with an additional site in Colorado added in <strong>2021</strong>. These<br />

studies were set up to determine water use of industrial hemp for CBD production<br />

under irrigation regimes ranging from about 40% to 100% of estimated crop water<br />

requirements, with comparisons of responses observed across the five sites with<br />

different soils, climate and other environmental conditions.<br />

The study, funded by USDA and OSU, includes photoperiod-sensitive cultivars,<br />

where the flowering response is triggered by shortening day lengths in mid- to<br />

late summer in central California, and auto-flower varieties that do not require<br />

shortening day length to flower.<br />

Some of the irrigation treatments impose moderate to more severe deficit irrigation<br />

to help assess the crop responses to water stress. Deficit irrigation is a method<br />

of conserving water by applying less than what might be considered optimum for<br />

maintaining rapid growth.<br />

Researchers found that hemp appears to be<br />

tough under deficit irrigation, a method of<br />

conserving water by applying less than what<br />

might be considered optimum for maintaining<br />

rapid growth (all photos courtesy B. Hutmacher.)<br />

“This plant appears to be quite tough under deficit irrigation,” said UCCE Specialist<br />

Bob Hutmacher at the UC WSREC.<br />

“We need to learn more about benefits and drawbacks to stressing the plants,”<br />

Hutmacher said.<br />

Continued on Page 20<br />

18 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

®<br />




<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 19

Continued from Page 18<br />

The auto-flower cultivars tested tend<br />

to use less water than the photoperiod-sensitive<br />

cultivars because they can<br />

be grown in a shorter season. In the San<br />

Joaquin Valley, auto-flower cultivars in<br />

these studies were ready for harvest in<br />

75 to 90 days after seeding.<br />

“Water use is very variety-specific” Hutmacher<br />

said. “Auto-flower varieties may<br />

have potential to be grown in the spring<br />

and harvested by early summer, or<br />

planted in late summer and harvested<br />

before winter. With a short-season crop,<br />

and with a decent water supply, farmers<br />

could consider double-cropping with<br />

such varieties, potentially increasing<br />

profits.”<br />

Yields were variable, but showed promise<br />

for auto-flower varieties.<br />

“In our studies, the highest-yielding<br />

auto-flower cultivars have produced<br />

80% to 90% of yields of the much larger<br />

full-season, photoperiod-sensitive<br />

plants, and some varieties may be equal,”<br />

he said.<br />

Hemp Planting Density Studies<br />

In cooperation with Kayagene Company<br />

of Salinas, Dan Putnam, UCCE<br />

forage crops specialist at UC Davis, and<br />

Hutmacher have conducted studies<br />

in 2019 and 2020 with two auto-flower<br />

varieties to determine the effect of<br />

plant density on crop growth, yield and<br />

chemical concentrations. Since some of<br />

the auto-flower varieties are smaller and<br />

earlier maturing than many photoperiod-sensitive<br />

cultivars, data in these<br />

studies will help determine the tradeoff<br />

between higher densities needed to increase<br />

yields versus increases in the cost<br />

of higher seeding rates.<br />

A key concern for growers is producing<br />

a crop with economic levels of CBD<br />

or other compounds of commercial<br />

interest, while staying within regulatory<br />

limits for THC (tetrahydrocannabinol),<br />

the psychoactive compound found in<br />

marijuana, a related plant. According to<br />

CDFA, an industrial hemp crop grown<br />

in the state may have no more than 0.3%<br />

THC when plant samples are analyzed.<br />

“This is a challenge for growers. You<br />

don’t want to risk too high a THC<br />

level,” Hutmacher said. “Farmers must<br />

test to make sure THC is at a level to<br />

meet regulations. If it’s too high, CDFA<br />

regulations would require the crop be<br />

destroyed.”<br />

The studies provide opportunities for<br />

the scientists to assess plant-to-plant<br />

variation and impacts of flower bud position<br />

on THC and CBD concentrations.<br />

The data collected across a range of<br />

cultivars differing in plant growth habit<br />

may help better inform both researchers<br />

and regulatory groups in decisions regarding<br />

how to monitor plant chemical<br />

composition.<br />

Hutmacher and Putnam are also working<br />

with commercial companies to test<br />

lines in the field, including Arcadia<br />

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20 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Biosciences in Davis, Phylos Biosciences<br />

in Portland and Front Range Biosciences<br />

in Salinas.<br />

“There are a lot of challenges when it<br />

comes to estimating maturity with<br />

these varieties,” Putnam said. “Each<br />

variety will mature at different times,<br />

and deciding when is the best time is a<br />

key decision. We’re still learning about<br />

this issue”<br />

In <strong>2021</strong>, in variety trials also coordinated<br />

by OSU’s Global Hemp Initiative<br />

Center, data will be collected from studies<br />

at up to 12 locations ranging from<br />

Oregon, Washington and California<br />

in the West to New York, Vermont and<br />

Kentucky in the eastern U.S. to compare<br />

varieties grown for CBD and other<br />

essential oils.<br />

“Our participation in these multi-site<br />

trials is important in efforts to identify<br />

across very diverse environments and<br />

latitudes the plant response in terms of<br />

attained levels of CBD and THC,” Hutmacher<br />

said.<br />

Launch of Hemp Fertilizer<br />

Project in <strong>2021</strong><br />

As a new crop in California, little is<br />

known about crop nitrogen needs<br />

and application optimization to<br />

prevent environmental problems<br />

related to overuse. In <strong>2021</strong>, a<br />

team of UC Davis researchers are<br />

launching a three-year nitrogen<br />

management trial supported by the<br />

CDFA Fertilizer Research Education<br />

Program (FREP). An important<br />

part of the project is THC and<br />

CBD analysis, a costly enterprise.<br />

Three companies are providing seeds or<br />

clones for the project: Cultivaris Hemp<br />

of Encinitas, Kayagene of Salinas and<br />

Phylos Biosciences of Portland. Alkemist<br />

Labs of Garden Grove is donating<br />

services for analyzing crop samples.<br />

“These are incredibly valuable donations<br />

to assist with this project, certainly in<br />

excess of $50,000 in donated materials<br />

Another study is using data from 2019 and 2020 to<br />

help determine the tradeoff between higher densities<br />

needed to increase yields versus increases in the cost of<br />

higher seeding rates.<br />

and services from each of those companies,”<br />

Hutmacher said. The collaboration<br />

with the donors makes the<br />

development of environmentally sound<br />

nitrogen optimization information<br />

for growers possible together with the<br />

money provided by CDFA-FREP for the<br />

trials.<br />

Comments about this article? We want<br />

to hear from you. Feel free to email us<br />

at article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 21


Activator Spray Adjuvant<br />

Selection in Trees and Vines<br />

By FRANZ NIEDERHOLZER | UCCE Farm Advisor, Colusa and Sutter/Yuba Counties<br />

and RHONDA SMITH | UCCE Farm Advisor, Sonoma County<br />

If the label includes phrases such as “use of an adjuvant may improve results” or “complete coverage is needed for best results,” then you<br />

may want to look into selecting and using an appropriate activator adjuvant (photo courtesy F. Niederholzer.)<br />

Agricultural spray adjuvants are<br />

materials added to the spray tank<br />

when loading the sprayer. They<br />

include products classified as activator<br />

adjuvants and marketed as wetters/<br />

spreaders, stickers, humectants and/<br />

or penetrators. Activator adjuvants are<br />

marketed to improve the performance<br />

of pesticides and foliar fertilizers.<br />

Activator adjuvants can have a place in<br />

tree and vine crop sprays, but matching<br />

the material to the job can be tricky. A<br />

bad match can lead to minor or major<br />

losses to the grower. Minor losses<br />

can result from excess spreading and<br />

pesticide runoff from the target plant.<br />

Phytotoxicity can cause major damage.<br />

This article describes ingredients<br />

and functions of activator adjuvants<br />

commonly sprayed on tree and vine<br />

crops. Suggestions regarding activator<br />

adjuvant selection are offered. Growers<br />

must make their own activator adjuvant<br />

use decisions based on experience,<br />

particular needs and risk tolerance.<br />

When to Use an Activator Adjuvant<br />

Read and follow the specific instructions<br />

on the label. If the pesticide<br />

or foliar fertilizer label indicates the<br />

product should be used with a certain<br />

type or brand of adjuvant(s), that’s what<br />

you need to use. For example, the Bravo<br />

Weather stik ® label cautions against<br />

using specific adjuvants and puts the<br />

responsibility on PCA or grower court<br />

regarding adjuvant use.<br />

If the label includes phrases such as<br />

“use of an adjuvant may improve results”<br />

or “complete coverage is needed for<br />

best results,” then you may want to look<br />

into selecting and using an appropriate<br />

activator adjuvant.<br />

Before proceeding with use of an<br />

activator adjuvant, first look at your<br />

existing spray program. Are you<br />

already doing the best spray job you<br />

can? Good spray coverage begins with<br />

proper sprayer calibration and setup.<br />

Is your sprayer calibration dialed in<br />

for different stages of canopy development?<br />

Optimum sprayer setup (gallons<br />

of spray per acre, ground speed, fan<br />

output and nozzle selection/arrangement)<br />

changes from dormant to bloom<br />

to early growing season to preharvest<br />

sprays. Adjusting your sprayer to best<br />

match orchard and vineyard conditions<br />

at each general stage in canopy<br />

development is the foundation of an<br />

effective, efficient spray program. An<br />

activator adjuvant will not make up for<br />

excessive tractor speed, poor nozzle<br />

arrangement and/or worn nozzles. Your<br />

money is best spent first dialing in your<br />

sprayer(s) for the whole season before<br />

considering an extra material in the<br />

tank that is not required on the label.<br />

If you have your sprayer(s) dialed in for<br />

each orchard and stage of growth, now<br />

22 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>


is the time to say, “OK, I want to<br />

think about a little extra boost to<br />

my spray job.”<br />

®<br />

Which Activator Adjuvant to Use<br />

First, know the properties of the<br />

pesticide you will use. Does it work<br />

on the plant surface or inside the<br />

plant? This is a key point in selecting<br />

adjuvants. Here is a quick<br />

review of the main classifications<br />

and characteristics of activator<br />

adjuvants as they currently appear<br />

in the field. Note: Certain products<br />

can provide more than one adjuvant<br />

property; that can be beneficial in<br />

the field. For example, non-ionic<br />

surfactants can work as surfactants<br />

and penetrators, depending on use<br />

rate.<br />

Wetters/Spreaders<br />

These materials contain surfactants<br />

that decrease the contact angle and<br />

increase the spreading of the spray<br />

droplet on the target. High rates of<br />

wetters/spreaders may also increase<br />

penetration of pesticides into<br />

the target tissue (leaves or fruit),<br />

potentially causing phytotoxicity.<br />

Excessive spreading of pesticide<br />

spray solution and runoff from the<br />

target may result when using a new<br />

or higher rate of spreader, especially<br />

when using silicon “super-spreaders”.<br />

Test new combinations of<br />

spreader material(s) and spray<br />

volume before regular use. Spray<br />

volume per acre or adjuvant use rate<br />

will probably have to be reduced if<br />

a labeled rate of adjuvant provides<br />

excessive spreading.<br />

To check for excessive spreading,<br />

place a length of black plastic sheeting<br />

under several trees or vines in a<br />

row. Secure the plastic with spikes,<br />

wire staples and/or weights. Spray<br />

the new adjuvant and pesticide<br />

combination using your current<br />

sprayer setup. Reenter the field right<br />

after spraying, wearing appropriate<br />

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microflora. Many soils are low in zinc and also require other micronutrients for the growth of good crops.<br />

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essential elements to improve plant health and growth.<br />

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Organically complexed with plant based amino acids, organic acids,<br />

and complexed polysaccharides.<br />

Continued on Page 24<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 23

L<br />


Continued from Page 23<br />

PPE, and evaluate coverage. If material<br />

is pooling at the lower portion of leaves<br />

and/or fruit, excessive spreading is<br />

occurring. Check to see if pooling is<br />

occurring only in a certain area(s) of<br />

the canopy or throughout the canopy.<br />

If more spray solution is landing on the<br />

black plastic tarp under the trees/vines<br />

than between them, then runoff is<br />

occurring. Some ground deposit should<br />

be expected from standard airblast<br />

sprayer use.<br />

Compare the results of your adjuvant<br />

test with a similar application of your<br />

current pesticide/adjuvant combination<br />

on another portion of the row. If<br />

there is no pooling or runoff with the<br />

new adjuvant in the tank, you can use<br />

the adjuvant with confidence. A lack<br />

of pooling or run off with the new<br />

adjuvant also might mean that your<br />

old sprayer setup and tank mix didn’t<br />

'Products that are advertised for use<br />

with plant growth regulators should<br />

have a higher chance of crop safety<br />

compared with those that don’t.’<br />

deliver adequate coverage.<br />

If the test with the new adjuvant<br />

showed pooling on leaves and/or runoff<br />

on the ground, you have several choices:<br />

1) You can reduce spray volume per<br />

acre by replacing some or all nozzles<br />

with smaller nozzle sizes on the sprayer<br />

in an effort to reduce overspreading.<br />

If you saw overspreading on some<br />

portions of the canopy but not others,<br />

reduce nozzle size only on the part of<br />

the spray boom that targets the oversprayed<br />

part of the canopy. Recheck<br />

spray coverage if nozzling changes were<br />

made. 2) Reduce the adjuvant rate and<br />

recheck coverage/spreading. 3) You can<br />

go back to your established program<br />

without the new adjuvant.<br />

What’s the “best” course of action? That<br />

depends on your farming operation.<br />

Reducing spray volume per acre means<br />

more ground covered per full spray<br />

tank, a potential time and cost savings.<br />

If spraying is done during the heat of<br />

the day in hot, dry climate, spray water<br />

evaporation is a major issue, and it may<br />

be best to keep the higher spray volume<br />

and reduce the spreader rate or eliminate<br />

it entirely. Checking coverage and<br />

overspreading allows you to make the<br />

best decision possible; avoid damage<br />

and, hopefully, save money. All farm-<br />

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24 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>


ing operations are different. Make the<br />

choice that best fits your farm.<br />

Stickers<br />

These adjuvants can increase the<br />

retention time of the pesticide on the<br />

leaf and reduce rain wash-off. They may<br />

limit movement of systemic pesticides<br />

into the plant and are probably most<br />

beneficial when used with protectant<br />

materials (cover sprays). Do you<br />

overhead irrigate? Is there rain on the<br />

horizon? If you answer yes to either<br />

one of these questions, you may benefit<br />

from using a sticker.<br />

Humectants<br />

Under low humidity conditions, humectants<br />

can help reduce spray droplet<br />

evaporation before and after deposition<br />

on the plant. This is especially valuable<br />

when small droplets and/or materials<br />

that must be absorbed into the plant<br />

(systemic pesticides, PGRs, nutrients,<br />

etc.) are used in the summer under<br />

high temperature and low relative humidity<br />

conditions.<br />

Penetrators<br />

Frequently used with herbicides, these<br />

products include oils (petroleum, vegetable<br />

or modified vegetable oils) and<br />

non-ionic surfactants used at higher<br />

rates. In crop sprays, penetrators can be<br />

used to increase absorption of systemic<br />

pesticides (e.g., oil with Agri-Mek) as<br />

well as translaminar materials. Penetrator<br />

adjuvants should be used with<br />

caution or avoided entirely with surface<br />

active pesticides such as cover sprays or<br />

else phytotoxicity may result. Finally,<br />

some penetrators can increase the<br />

rain-fastness of some pesticides.<br />

Do Your Homework<br />

Use a product intended for crop spraying.<br />

Many activator adjuvants were<br />

developed and intended for use with<br />

herbicides. Products that are advertised<br />

Progressive Crop Consultant Ads With CCC Banners 0813<strong>2021</strong> RRR.pdf 2 8/13/<strong>2021</strong> 9:11:19 AM<br />

for use with plant growth regulators<br />

should have a higher chance of crop<br />

safety compared with those that don’t.<br />

This is still no guarantee of a phytotoxicity-free<br />

application.<br />

If you choose to use an adjuvant that is<br />

not specifically listed on the pesticide<br />

or foliar fertilizer label, jar test the<br />

planned spray solution first. Use the<br />

same spray water source. Include all<br />

leaf feeds, other adjuvants and pesticide(s)<br />

that you plan to put in the spray<br />

tank. Do this before tank mixing these<br />

materials.<br />

A lot of time and money rides on<br />

effective pesticide application. Do your<br />

homework before the spray tank is<br />

filled and you will be well on your way<br />

to solid results.<br />

Comments about this article? We want<br />

to hear from you. Feel free to email us at<br />

article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 25


LODI RULES for Sustainable<br />

Winegrowing: A Quality<br />

Winegrape Program<br />

By CLIFFORD P. OHMART, PH.D. | Ohmart Consulting Services<br />

The LODI RULES is organized into six chapters: Business Management,<br />

Human Resources Management, Ecosystem Management,<br />

Soil Management, Water Management and Pest Management.<br />

No tillage and maintenance of a cover crop every vine row gets<br />

the most practice points because these practices promote soil<br />

health through better drainage, increased organic matter content,<br />

increased soil moisture holding capacity and better soil microbial<br />

activity (all photos courtesy Lodi Winegrowers Workbook 2nd<br />

edition 2008. Ohmart, C. P., Storm C. P. and Matthiasson, S. K. eds.<br />

345pp.)<br />

To achieve certification, a vineyard must be farmed using practices<br />

that score 50% or more of the total possible points in each LODI<br />

RULES chapter and 70% of the points in the six chapters combined.<br />

What are the Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing<br />

(LODI RULES), which entered its 16 th year in<br />

<strong>2021</strong>? It is a set of farming practices that result in<br />

higher quality winegrapes and wine according to grower and<br />

winemaker panelists on a recent webinar entitled ‘Boots on<br />

the Ground – A masterclass in sustainable viticulture & LODI<br />

RULES,’ a collaboration of the SommFoundation and the Lodi<br />

Winegrape Commission and hosted by Elaine Chukan Brown.<br />

On a technical level, LODI RULES is California’s first<br />

third-party certified sustainable winegrape-growing program.<br />

It was initially developed for growers in Lodi’s Crush District<br />

#11 but made available to any California winegrape grower in<br />

2008, expanded to Israel (Golan Heights Winery) in 2017 and<br />

Washington State winegrape growers in 2020. LODI RULES<br />

encompasses more than 120 farming practices, some of which<br />

will be discussed in this article, and is certified by Protected<br />

Harvest, a non-profit third-party certifier of sustainable farming<br />

programs.<br />

Origins of LODI RULES<br />

From 2003 to 2004, I led the team of 22 winegrape growers,<br />

Lodi Winegrape Commission staff, crop consultants, PCAs,<br />

UC Farm Advisors, a wildlife biologist and a winemaker to<br />

create the first edition of the LODI RULES farming standards.<br />

They were based on what the team considered to be the<br />

most sustainable farming practices in the Lodi Winegrowers<br />

Workbook (Ohmart and Matthiasson 2000.) They were then<br />

submitted to Protected Harvest for scientific peer review and<br />

endorsed in 2005. The LODI RULES farming standards have<br />

been updated twice since then. The program has grown from<br />

six growers and 1200 vineyard acres in 2005 to more than 130<br />

Continued on Page 28<br />

26 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>


KDL<br />

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Help ensure your grape crop<br />

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Properly timed applications of Agro-K’s KDL ® 0-0-24, can<br />

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KDL’s unique formulation links potassium to a sugar complex<br />

that can quickly penetrate plant tissue – encouraging<br />

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Even when tissue analysis shows adequate K levels, KDL<br />

provides a rapid increase in brix that also encourages color<br />

development and phenolics. KDL also improves uniform<br />

maturity helping to minimize harvesting passes.<br />

To find out how KDL can be a part of your comprehensive<br />

science-based nutrition program, call 800-328-2418, visit<br />

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Pinot noir<br />

Treatment<br />

KDL Nutrient<br />

Program<br />

monomeric<br />

anthocyanins<br />

malvidin<br />

polymeric<br />

anthocyanins<br />

Bunch Weight<br />

(lbs.)/5 vines<br />

gallic acid<br />

200%<br />

150%<br />

100%<br />

50%<br />

0%<br />

catechin<br />

Juice<br />

Brix pH %K<br />

93.8 25.2 3.48 0.066<br />

Control #7 90.0 23.5 3.45 0.073<br />

Control #8 93.0 23.9 3.50 0.072<br />

1) Fully replicated trial conducted by Hale Agricultural Services,<br />

Santa Maria CA Trial location Kendall Jackson Vineyards, Santa Maria, CA<br />

2) Juice data generated from replicated samples by Dr. Ken Fugelsang,<br />

Dept of Enology and Viticulture, Fresno State Univ.<br />

epicatechin<br />

polymeric<br />

phenols<br />

AGRO-K CORpORAtiOn<br />

8030 Main Street, NE • Minneapolis, MN 55432<br />

800-328-2418 • www.agro-k.com<br />

Science-Driven Nutrition SM<br />

© <strong>2021</strong> Agro-K Corporation<br />

quercetin<br />

aglycone<br />

quercetin<br />

glycosides<br />

caffeic acid<br />

KDL Nutrient Program<br />

Average of Controls 7 & 8<br />

caftaric acid<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 27


Continued from Page 26<br />

growers and 68,000 acres participating<br />

in <strong>2021</strong>. In 2008, one winery started<br />

paying bonuses for LODI RULES<br />

certified grapes, and since then, many<br />

others have followed suit. One estimate<br />

has the annual bonuses exceeding $2<br />

million.<br />

The LODI RULES is organized into<br />

six chapters: Business Management,<br />

Human Resources Management, Ecosystem<br />

Management, Soil Management,<br />

Water Management and Pest Management.<br />

Each farming practice standard<br />

is assigned a number of points based on<br />

its assessed level of importance in sustainable<br />

winegrowing. To achieve certification,<br />

a vineyard must be farmed<br />

using practices that score 50% or more<br />

of the total possible points in each<br />

chapter and 70% of the points in the six<br />

chapters combined. The purpose of this<br />

scoring is so that a vineyard does not<br />

obtain certification while performing<br />

poorly in one chapter but very high in<br />

all the others. Furthermore, pesticides<br />

used in the vineyard are run through a<br />

pesticide risk model that calculates risk<br />

points for each application. To achieve<br />

ensures all growers<br />

are up to date<br />

with their records<br />

and practices. The<br />

auditors submit<br />

their reports to<br />

Protected Harvest<br />

near harvest for<br />

final certification<br />

decisions.<br />

I will now highlight<br />

a few of the<br />

practices in each of<br />

the LODI RULES<br />

chapters. I will<br />

remind you that<br />

there are more<br />

than 120 practice<br />

standards, so I am<br />

only able to touch<br />

on a few of them. For a complete copy<br />

of the LODI RULES farming standards,<br />

go to lodigrowers.com in the grower<br />

resources section. A farming practice<br />

standard is a description of a practice<br />

that is required to be done in order<br />

to qualify for the points awarded for<br />

doing the practice. It is very specific<br />

and is described in a way that enables<br />

an auditor to clearly verify the practice<br />

The farming practice standards for ecosystem management focus<br />

primarily on parts of the farm that are outside the vineyard, such<br />

as riparian areas like the one seen here.<br />

One might ask, ‘Why is having a sustainable<br />

management vision plan for<br />

the farm so important?’ I will answer<br />

this question by quoting one of my<br />

favorite Yogi Berra statements: “If you<br />

don’t know where you are going, you<br />

may end up some place else!” Sustainable<br />

winegrowing is a long-term commitment<br />

and needs long-term goals so<br />

one has a target to aim for.<br />

“If you don’t know where<br />

you are going, you may<br />

end up some place else!”<br />

certification, the risk points from the<br />

year’s pesticide applications cannot<br />

exceed a rigorous risk points threshold.<br />

Independent professional auditors are<br />

contracted by Protected Harvest to<br />

audit annually the practices being used<br />

in each participating vineyard. An onsite<br />

audit is done on any vineyard new<br />

to the program and at least every three<br />

years after that. A desk audit is done<br />

each year for every vineyard not visited<br />

on-site. And finally, a grower is chosen<br />

at random each year for an audit to<br />

be done with a 48-hour notice. This<br />

-Yogi Berra<br />

is being done during the onsite audit of<br />

the vineyard being certified.<br />

Business Management<br />

The very first farming practice standard<br />

in LODI RULES is the requirement that<br />

a grower attend a LODI RULES workshop<br />

sponsored by the Lodi Winegrape<br />

Commission where they learn how to<br />

develop a sustainable management<br />

vision plan for their farm. They then<br />

need to draft the plan that contains<br />

elements that they were introduced to<br />

in the workshop.<br />

Other important practices in the chapter<br />

are developing plans for leadership<br />

succession within the farming enterprise<br />

and business risk management as<br />

well as tracking fuel and electricity use<br />

following the adage if you can’t measure<br />

it, you can’t manage it.<br />

Human Resources Management<br />

The first practice standard in the chapter<br />

is to develop a human resources<br />

management plan for the farm. Other<br />

practice standards relate to team building,<br />

employee training and development,<br />

employee performance evaluation,<br />

employee orientation, providing<br />

health care and benefits, safety training<br />

and a safety rewards program.<br />

Ecosystem Management<br />

The farming practice standards for ecosystem<br />

management focus primarily on<br />

parts of the farm that are outside the<br />

vineyard. They start with an environ-<br />

28 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>


Many wineries now require sustainability certification of their<br />

growers.<br />

mental survey to identify and document<br />

important environmental features<br />

such as swales, riparian areas, trees,<br />

woodlands or vernal pools whose presence<br />

would impact how the farming is<br />

done in the vineyard.<br />

This is followed by<br />

the development<br />

of an Ecosystem<br />

Management plan<br />

for the farm. Then<br />

there is a series of<br />

detailed farming<br />

practice standards<br />

for managing<br />

important ecosystem<br />

elements from<br />

cover crops in the<br />

vineyard, vegetation<br />

adjacent to the<br />

vineyard, and, if<br />

present, managing<br />

woodlands, individual<br />

trees, seasonal<br />

wetlands or riparian<br />

habitat.<br />

There are other practice standards<br />

focused on biodiversity and providing<br />

nesting boxes for owls, birds and bats.<br />

And finally, if a grower has grazing animals<br />

on the farming, a grazing management<br />

plan needs to be developed<br />

and implemented.<br />

Soil Management<br />

The soil management chapter starts<br />

with farming practice standards for developing<br />

and implementing a nutrient<br />

management plan based on vine needs<br />

over the season, a soil conservation<br />

plan to minimize erosion due to wind<br />

and water and a soil map confirmed<br />

by soil coring or a soil pit. No tillage<br />

and maintenance of a cover crop every<br />

vine row gets the most practice points<br />

because these practices promote soil<br />

health through better drainage, increased<br />

organic matter content, increased<br />

soil moisture holding capacity<br />

and better soil microbial activity.<br />

Soil and vine tissue sampling is<br />

Continued on Page 30<br />


GROWING.<br />


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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 29


Continued from Page 29<br />

required to be done to monitor the<br />

nutrient availability and status in vine<br />

tissue so as to guide nutrient additions<br />

if they are determined to be necessary.<br />

Several farming practice standards<br />

address nitrogen management due to<br />

its importance in vine performance as<br />

well as its mobility in the soil, making<br />

it prone to leaching into the ground<br />

water during winter rains.<br />

Water Management<br />

Water management is a critical element<br />

of sustainable winegrowing because it<br />

is a precious resource in California as<br />

well as the recognized fact that irrigation<br />

management is one of the most<br />

important ways to influence winegrape<br />

quality and therefore wine quality. The<br />

chapter starts with a practice standard<br />

for the development and implementation<br />

of a water management plan that<br />

Additional Environmental Stress Conditions that the product is useful for:<br />

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states goals and strategies, followed by<br />

a focus on soil water holding capacity,<br />

water intake rate and permeability, and<br />

irrigation system design and performance<br />

measuring and monitoring.<br />

Due to the importance of a properly<br />

performing irrigation system, several<br />

standards focus on amount of water<br />

used, maintenance, distribution uniformity<br />

and pump efficiency, with practices<br />

specific to micro, sprinkler or flood<br />

systems. There are also practice standards<br />

for irrigation scheduling based<br />

on monitoring vine water demand,<br />

level of soil moisture and avoidance of<br />

offsite movement of irrigation water.<br />

Pest Management<br />

I have long felt that pest management<br />

is one of the most challenging areas of<br />

sustainable winegrowing to capture<br />

in a set of farming practice standards.<br />

That is because, ideally, pest problems<br />

in the vineyard are<br />

minimal due to<br />

the grower having<br />

A foliar spray that creates a<br />

semi-permeable membrane<br />

over the plant surface.<br />

implemented a<br />

whole range of preventative<br />

practices<br />

that preclude the<br />

development of pest<br />

problems. In other<br />

words, much is<br />

done to minimize<br />

the need for a pest<br />

control action. Many of these preventative<br />

practices are captured in farming<br />

practice standards in other LODI<br />

RULES chapters such as Water, Soil and<br />

Ecosystem Management.<br />

The Pest Management chapter begins<br />

with a standard for development and<br />

implementation of an insect and mite<br />

management plan. It is followed by one<br />

for insect and mite population monitoring<br />

and data recording and another<br />

specifying economic thresholds for<br />

management actions against leafhoppers<br />

and mites.<br />

There are several practice standards for<br />

disease management due to its importance<br />

in developing an economically<br />

acceptable yield, quality winegrapes<br />

and ensuring the maximum length of<br />

life for the vineyard. The first is the<br />

development and implementation of<br />

a Powdery Mildew management plan<br />

given the key role this disease plays<br />

in vineyard management. There are<br />

practice standards for when to initiate<br />

mildew treatments in the early stages<br />

of the growing season, the subsequent<br />

timing of treatments as the season<br />

develops as well as one for managing<br />

fungicide resistance. There are also<br />

practice standards for managing Botrytis<br />

and canker diseases.<br />

Weed and vertebrate pest manage-<br />

When to apply<br />

Anti-Stress 550®?<br />

Optimal application period is<br />

one to two weeks prior to the<br />

threat of high heat.<br />

When is Anti-Stress 550®<br />

most effective?<br />

The coating of Anti-Stress<br />

becomes effective when the<br />

product has dried on the plant.<br />

The drying time of Anti-Stress is<br />

the same as water in the same<br />

weather conditions.<br />

*One application of Anti-Stress 550® will remain effective 30<br />

to 45 days, dependent on the rate of plant growth,<br />

application rate of product and weather conditions.<br />

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Order from your PCA or local Ag Retailer / Crop Protection Supplier<br />

Sustainable farming practices within and outside of the vineyard<br />

are assigned a set of points under the LODI RULES program.<br />

30 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>


ment are addressed through standards<br />

requiring the development and implementation<br />

of weed and vertebrate pest<br />

management plans followed by ones for<br />

monitoring and recording their respective<br />

populations.<br />

When a pest problem needs an action, it<br />

is often in the form of spraying, whether<br />

it is due to an insect, mite, disease or<br />

weed. We all appreciate the importance<br />

of sprayer calibration and maintenance,<br />

but it is often challenging for many<br />

growers to do them in a timely manner.<br />

Therefore, there are practice standards<br />

that thoroughly address these two critical<br />

aspects of pest management.<br />

Pest problems change through time and<br />

it is important that the LODI RULES<br />

keep up with them. New practice<br />

standards are periodically added when<br />

revisions to the program are made. For<br />

example, given the rapid rise in the<br />

importance of leaf roll and red blotch<br />

viruses and the vectoring of some of<br />

them by Vine Mealybug, new sustainable<br />

practice standards have been<br />

written to address this issue and will be<br />

added to the program in 2022.<br />

pilot is required to do before flying<br />

their plane. They go through a checklist<br />

of all the different systems on the<br />

plane to ensure they are in working<br />

order. Many of the things are obvious,<br />

but there are so many that it is easy to<br />

overlook some of them in day-to-day<br />

flying. The checklist assures that does<br />

not happen. As passengers on the plane,<br />

we can appreciate the importance of<br />

going through this check list! The same<br />

can be said for sustainable viticulture.<br />

®<br />

There are so many practices involved in<br />

growing winegrapes sustainably. Many<br />

are obvious and are second nature to a<br />

grower. However, it is easy to overlook<br />

some in the day-to-day frenzy involved<br />

in farming. Certifying to the LODI<br />

RULES ensures this does not happen.<br />

Comments about this article? We want<br />

to hear from you. Feel free to email us at<br />

article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

The Grower’s Advantage<br />

Since 1982<br />

Certification<br />

I often hear growers say, ‘Of course I<br />

farm my vineyard sustainably, why do I<br />

need to be certified?’ One reason is that<br />

more and more wineries are requiring<br />

certification to obtain and maintain a<br />

winery contract. That, however, is a cost<br />

of doing business requirement, which is<br />

not something that is all that inspiring<br />

for a grower.<br />

Two primary goals for the team that<br />

created the LODI RULES was that<br />

implementing them would result in<br />

higher-quality winegrapes and help a<br />

grower improve their farming operation.<br />

Based on the feedback from growers<br />

in the program and wineries that<br />

are paying bonuses for LODI RULES<br />

certified winegrapes, I think these<br />

goals have been met.<br />


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One can look at a grower farming<br />

according to the LODI RULES as doing<br />

something similar to what an airline<br />

For more information, call (800) 876-2767 or visit www.westbridge.com<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 31


Nitrogen Fertilization Alters<br />

Phosphorus Status of Grapevines<br />

and Their Association with<br />

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi<br />

By TIAN TIAN | UCCE Area Viticulture Farm Advisor, Kern County<br />

Maintaining AMF colonization in grapevine roots is particularly<br />

important for vineyards in Oregon’s Willamette Valley where red-hill<br />

soils are most commonly found.<br />

Nitrogen (N) is one of the most<br />

managed nutrients in vineyards,<br />

since it strongly affects vine<br />

growth and fruit development. Although<br />

numerous studies have been<br />

conducted to understand how N fertilization<br />

influences vine productivity and<br />

fruit composition, the impacts of N on<br />

vine nutrient status and soil microbes<br />

receive less attention.<br />

Among a wide range of soil microbes<br />

that play vital roles in soil health and<br />

vine productivity, arbuscular mycorrhizal<br />

fungi (AMF) are unique due to their<br />

symbiotic association with grapevines<br />

and their contribution to vine nutrient<br />

acquisition. Arbuscular mycorrhizal<br />

fungi obtain nutrients from the soil,<br />

especially for phosphorus (P) and other<br />

poorly mobile nutrients, and transfer<br />

those nutrients to the plant. In turn,<br />

plants provide sucrose and fatty acids<br />

to AMF to support fungal functions<br />

and growth.<br />

To sustain intensive nutrient exchange<br />

between two partners, AMF colonize<br />

individual cortical cells of fine<br />

roots and form arbuscules, which are<br />

tree-like fungal structures that greatly<br />

increase surface area contact between<br />

plants and AMF (Fig. 1, see page 34).<br />

Grapevines are considered a “super”<br />

host of AMF. The percentage of fine<br />

roots colonized by AMF is generally<br />

above 60% in field and greenhouse conditions.<br />

Such high colonization rates<br />

also reflect the great dependency of<br />

grapevines on AMF. Indeed, non-mycorrhizal<br />

vines are stunted in low P<br />

soils, while mycorrhizal vines could<br />

acquire adequate P from the soil, overcome<br />

P limitation and grow normally.<br />

Willamette Valley Trials<br />

Maintaining AMF colonization in<br />

grapevine roots is particularly important<br />

for vineyards in Oregon’s Willamette<br />

Valley where red-hill soils are<br />

most commonly found. Since those<br />

highly weathered acid soils have low P<br />

availability, grapevines rely on AMF for<br />

ample P acquisition. In other crops, N<br />

fertilization was shown to reduce root<br />

colonization by AMF, but it is unclear<br />

whether N applied at moderate rates<br />

would decrease mycorrhizal colonization<br />

in grapevines. If N applications<br />

would suppress AMF and impair vine<br />

P uptake, this negative effect should<br />

be accounted for when developing<br />

fertilization management plans for<br />

vineyards. This article summarizes part<br />

of my Ph.D. research conducted in Oregon,<br />

which explored how vineyard N<br />

applications affect vine nutrient status,<br />

root growth and AMF.<br />

Experiments were conducted in a<br />

Chardonnay vineyard and a Pinot noir<br />

vineyard over three years in Willamette<br />

Valley. Both vineyards are somewhat<br />

limited by N but have varying levels of<br />

soil P. At each site, we evaluated three<br />

treatments, including no N application<br />

(No N), N applied to the soil (soil N)<br />

and N applied to the foliage (foliar N).<br />

Continued on Page 34<br />

32 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 33


Figure 1: Grapevine roots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi<br />

(AMF). Red arrow indicates arbuscules, “tree-like” structures that<br />

vastly increase surface area contact between the host plant and the<br />

fungus (photo courtesy Dr. R. Paul Schreiner, USDA-ARS.)<br />

Continued from Page 32<br />

Each treatment was replicated four times. The soil N vines<br />

were fertilized two or three times between bud break and<br />

veraison using UAN-32 at the rate of 40 to 60 lbs N/acre/year.<br />

The foliar N vines received three urea sprays to the canopy<br />

from fruit set to two weeks post veraison at the rate of 19 to<br />

23 lbs N/acre/year.<br />

All treatments were evaluated across three years in both<br />

vineyards with the exception that foliar N treatment was<br />

assessed only in Year 2 and 3 in Chardonnay. In each season,<br />

leaf blades and petioles were sampled at bloom and veraison<br />

for nutrient analysis. Due to the late initiation of foliar N<br />

treatment in Chardonnay, bloom leaf samples were collected<br />

only in Year 3 for this specific treatment. Soils and roots<br />

were sampled three times a year when berries were pea-size,<br />

near veraison and about a month after harvest.<br />

Effects of Soil N Applications in Chardonnay<br />

As expected, soil N applications increased vine N status<br />

starting from Year 1 (Fig. 2). For simplicity, only petiole<br />

nutrient data at bloom are presented here. Changes of nutrients<br />

in corresponding leaf blades followed a similar trend.<br />

Previous work on Pinot noir in the Willamette Valley proposed<br />

0.7% as the critical value of petiole N concentration at<br />

bloom to ensure sufficient yield (2.5 to 3.5 U.S. ton/acre) and<br />

adequate fruit N.<br />

Figure 2: Effect of nitrogen (N) applications to the soil and the foliage (soil<br />

N and foliar N) on petiole N and phosphorus (P) concentration at bloom<br />

in Chardonnay. Vines that received no N application (no N) served as the<br />

control. Means followed by different letters indicate significant differences<br />

between treatments in each experimental year based on a t-test or Tukey<br />

HSD test at 95% confidence.<br />

Since Chardonnay vines in this region generally carry heavier<br />

crop load (four to five U.S. ton/acre) and develop larger<br />

canopies compared to Pinot noir vines, Chardonnay vines<br />

may have a higher N requirement. With a petiole N concentration<br />

of 0.6% at bloom, Chardonnay vines that received no<br />

N applications clearly experienced some N limitation in this<br />

study. Soil N applications improved bloom petiole N concentration<br />

by 15% to 30%. In response to greater vine N status,<br />

the soil N vines had 30% higher yield and about 35% more<br />

pruning mass as compared to the no N vines.<br />

Soil N applications decreased vine P status in Chardonnay<br />

in Year 2 and 3, where petiole P concentration at bloom was<br />

about 30% lower in the soil N vines than no N vines (Fig.<br />

2). The negative effect of soil N fertilization on vine P status<br />

became more evident in late season. The concentration of<br />

petiole P at veraison decreased 50% in the soil N vines in the<br />

last two years of the experiment.<br />

34 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Table 1: Effects of N applications to the soil<br />

and foliage (soil N and foliar N) on root density<br />

and colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi<br />

(AMF) in Chardonnay. Vines that received no<br />

N application (no N) served as the control.<br />

Means followed by different letters indicate<br />

significant difference between treatments in<br />

each experimental year based on a Tukey HSD<br />

test at 95% confidence.<br />

YEAR 2<br />

YEAR 3<br />

YEAR 3<br />

Total Root Length<br />

Treatments % AMF %Arbuscules<br />

(mm/g dry soil)<br />


No N t<br />

Soil N<br />

Foliar N<br />

No N<br />

Soil N<br />

5.5 b<br />

8.0 a<br />

5.6 b<br />

5.5 b<br />

8.7 a<br />

91.3 a<br />

80.8 b<br />

90.8 a<br />

94.0 a<br />

90.6 b<br />

46.6 a<br />

35.8 b<br />

45.3 a<br />

37.5<br />

30.8<br />

Foliar N<br />

6.3 ab<br />

94.3 a<br />

33.7<br />

Why did soil N applications reduce<br />

vine P status? The most straightforward<br />

answer would be the dilution of<br />

P in leaves due to N stimulated canopy<br />

growth. However, this is unlikely<br />

the sole reason. Soil N applications<br />

increased veraison leaf area by 10%<br />

to 19% in Year 2 and 3, while the<br />

corresponding leaf blade P decreased<br />

to a larger extent (19% to 29%). The<br />

second possible explanation for the<br />

decreased leaf P under increased soil<br />

N supply is that fertilization altered P<br />

allocation within the plant and less P<br />

was translated above ground. Indeed,<br />

because soil N fertilization increased<br />

root growth (Table 1), more P can be<br />

retained belowground to support new<br />

root development. Yet, this assumption<br />

is not supported by our observation<br />

in the greenhouse or previous<br />

studies where soil N fertilization<br />

generally increases the proportion of<br />

P allocated to aboveground tissues.<br />

Unfortunately, we did not sample roots<br />

for nutrient analysis in this study, and<br />

thus effects of soil N on root P concentration<br />

cannot be further examined.<br />

In addition to the two explanations<br />

presented above, we suspect that soil N<br />

applications might lower AMF colonization<br />

in roots and therefore decrease<br />

vine P uptake.<br />

The percentage of fine roots colonized<br />

by AMF (fungal hyphae, arbuscules,<br />

vesicles and spores) decreased with soil<br />

N supply in Year 2 and 3 (Table 1), in<br />

accordance with reduced vine P status<br />

in Chardonnay. The percentage of<br />

roots colonized by arbuscules also reduced<br />

in the soil N vines in Year 2, but<br />

not in Year 3. The greater suppression<br />

YEAR 1<br />

YEAR 2<br />

Total Root Length<br />

Treatments % AMF %Arbuscules<br />

(mm/g dry soil)<br />

Crop Resilience<br />

Vineyards and orchards No N grow best<br />

in fungally dominant soil.<br />

Soil N<br />

Fungal networks of mycelia and<br />

mycorrhizae extend Foliar the N reach of<br />

roots to access nutrients and water.<br />

Beneficial fungi also No help N suppress<br />

disease and mitigate abiotic stresses<br />

like drought, salinity Soil and N heat.<br />

Biological fertility Foliar programs N renew<br />

YEAR 3<br />

the soil with diverse fungi, which<br />

increases humus and water-holding<br />

YEAR 3<br />

No N<br />

capacity.<br />

Soil N<br />

Pacific Gro provides fungal food:<br />

fish oil, chitin and Foliar micro-nutrients N<br />

from the ocean. You can measure<br />

differences the first season, and you<br />

may even see mushrooms sprout or<br />

mycelia spread.<br />

2.5<br />

3.2<br />

2.6<br />

2.7<br />

3.2<br />

2.9<br />

2.4 b<br />

4.0 a<br />

3.2 ab<br />

Produced on the Washington coast<br />

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88.5 a<br />

82.0 b<br />

87.3 a<br />

94.5 a<br />

90.9 b<br />

94.9 a<br />

92.2<br />

88.0<br />

94.7<br />

Vineyards, nut orchards, citrus groves, and cherry and apple orchards have<br />

had remarkable success with biological fertility programs including Pacific Gro.<br />

Please contact Andaman Ag for proven biological inputs.<br />

www.Andaman-Ag.com info@andaman-ag.com 415-785-7325<br />

55.9 a<br />

47.0 b<br />

55.3 a<br />

48.8<br />

42.7<br />

45.8<br />

40.8<br />

40.4<br />

41.9<br />

Continued on Page 36<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 35


Effect of Soil N Applications in Pinot Noir<br />

Similar to what we observed in Chardonnay, soil N applications<br />

improved vine N status in Pinot noir across three years<br />

(Fig. 3). Soil N fertilization also increased root growth and<br />

decreased mycorrhizal colonization in Pinot noir, although<br />

the effects were less evident as compared to Chardonnay<br />

(Table 2). The percentage of roots colonized by AMF was<br />

lower in the soil N vines than no N vines in two of three<br />

years, while the percentage of roots colonized by arbuscules<br />

reduced in the soil N vines only in one year.<br />

Even though soil N altered mycorrhizal colonization, it<br />

had no influence on leaf blade or petiole P concentration at<br />

bloom or veraison in any year, except petiole P concentration<br />

at bloom was lower in the soil N vines than no N vines in<br />

Year 2 (Fig. 3). Even so, P concentration of corresponding<br />

leaf blades was not affected by soil N supply, suggesting an<br />

overall small impact of N fertilization on vine P status in<br />

Pinot noir. The difference in how vine nutrition and mycorrhizal<br />

colonization responded to soil N application between<br />

Chardonnay and Pinot noir can be attributed to the difference<br />

in soil N and P availability.<br />

Figure 3: Effect of N applications to the soil and the foliage (soil<br />

N and foliar N) on petiole N and phosphorus (P) concentration at<br />

bloom in Pinot noir. Vines that received no N application (no N)<br />

served as the control. Means followed by different letters indicate<br />

significant difference between treatments in each experimental<br />

year based on a t-test or Tukey HSD test at 95% confidence.<br />

Continued from Page 35<br />

of arbuscular colonization in the soil N vines in Year 2 was<br />

likely attributed to the fact that more N (20 lbs N/acre) was<br />

applied in Year 2 than Year 3. Clearly, increased root growth<br />

played a role in the decrease of AMF in the soil N vines<br />

because root colonization usually lags behind root growth.<br />

Soil N fertilization might affect AMF through other mechanisms<br />

as well. For example, N fertilization could reduce the<br />

amount of carbon translocated from vines to AMF and, in<br />

turn, decrease P delivered by the fungus. Or soil N supply<br />

reduced N translocated from AMF to vines, resulting in a<br />

decrease of mycorrhizal colonization.<br />

Compared to the Pinot noir vineyard, the Chardonnay<br />

vineyard has lower soil N and higher P concentration. It<br />

seems soil N fertilization would suppress AMF colonization<br />

and decrease vine P status to a greater extent in vineyards<br />

with lower N and higher P availability. However, since the<br />

Chardonnay and Pinot noir vineyards differ in many other<br />

aspects, such as canopy size, irrigation and cropping level,<br />

the comparison between these two varieties are not straightforward.<br />

Thus, upon the completion of field experiments, we<br />

conducted a series of<br />

greenhouse experiments<br />

to further<br />

examine how N<br />

and P regulate vine<br />

nutrient status and<br />

mycorrhizal colonization<br />

under a more<br />

controlled environment.<br />

The negative<br />

effect of soil N applications<br />

on AMF was<br />

observed again in<br />

vines supplied with<br />

N at a high rate in<br />

the greenhouse.<br />

Effect of Foliar<br />

N in Chardonnay<br />

and Pinot Noir<br />

Foliar N applications<br />

had minor influence<br />

on vine N status,<br />

vine P status, root<br />

Chardonnay vines postharvest show a clear N<br />

effect on leaf color (photo courtesy T. Tian.)<br />

36 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Foliar N 6.3 ab 94.3 a 33.7<br />


growth, and mycorrhizal colonization<br />

in both varieties (Figs. 2 and 3, Tables<br />

1 and 2). This is somewhat expected,<br />

since a large amount of N applied to<br />

the foliage appeared to be transferred<br />

to the fruit rather than other plant<br />

organs.<br />

Conclusions<br />

The evidence obtained from the field<br />

experiments indicates that soil N fertilization<br />

at moderate rates can negatively<br />

influence mycorrhizal colonization<br />

and reduces the benefits conveyed by<br />

this symbiotic relationship. Foliar N<br />

applications, on the other hand, had no<br />

impact on AMF or vine P status. The<br />

negative effect of soil N applications<br />

on mycorrhizal association provides<br />

another justification for being judicious<br />

with N fertilization in vineyards.<br />

YEAR 1<br />

YEAR 2<br />

YEAR 3<br />

YEAR 3<br />

Total Root Length<br />

Treatments % AMF %Arbuscules<br />

No N<br />

Soil N<br />

Foliar N<br />

No N<br />

Soil N<br />

Foliar N<br />

No N<br />

Soil N<br />

Foliar N<br />

(mm/g dry soil)<br />

2.5<br />

3.2<br />

2.6<br />

2.7<br />

3.2<br />

2.9<br />

2.4 b<br />

4.0 a<br />

3.2 ab<br />

88.5 a<br />

82.0 b<br />

87.3 a<br />

94.5 a<br />

90.9 b<br />

94.9 a<br />

55.9 a<br />

47.0 b<br />

55.3 a<br />

Table 2: Effects of nitrogen fertilization to the soil and foliage (soil N and foliar N) on root density<br />

and colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Pinot noir. Vines that received no N application<br />

(no N) served as the control. Means followed by different letters indicate significant difference<br />

between treatments in each experimental year based on a Tukey HSD test at 95% confidence.<br />

92.2<br />

88.0<br />

94.7<br />

48.8<br />

42.7<br />

45.8<br />

40.8<br />

40.4<br />

41.9<br />

This project was funded by Oregon Wine<br />

Board and USDA-ARS. The author<br />

would like to thank Erath winery and<br />

Results Partner Inc. for their help and<br />

support.<br />

Comments about this article? We want<br />

to hear from you. Feel free to email us at<br />

article@jcsmarketinginc.com<br />

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 37

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7.0 hrs. DPR 14.5 hrs. CCA* FREP<br />

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38 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

A G E N D A<br />

Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 16 Friday, <strong>September</strong> 17<br />

7:00 AM Breakfast Sponsored by Verdesian<br />

7:30 AM Trade Show<br />

8:00 AM<br />

Managing Nut Pests in a Down Market:<br />

Where to Skimp & Where to Spend<br />

David Haviland, IPM Farm Advisor, UCCE<br />

8:30 AM<br />

Integrated Weed Management in Citrus<br />

Sonia Rios, Subtropical Horticulture Advisor, UCCE<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Using Weather Stations to Manage Vineyard Pests<br />

& Maximize Pesticide Applications<br />

Steve Vasquez, Technical Viticulturist, Sun-Maid of California<br />

9:30 AM BREAK<br />

10:00 AM Trade Show<br />

10:30 AM<br />

How AI Might Enhance Your Recommendations<br />

Elia Scudiero, Ph.D. Research Agronomist, Environmental Sciences Department, UC<br />

Riverside<br />

11:00 AM<br />

Industry Sponsored Talk: AGRO-K:<br />

Leaf Sap Analysis as an Improved Test for Crop Nutrient Status<br />

Sean Jacobs, Technical Sales and Marketing Representative, Agro-K<br />

11:30 AM<br />

Building on Basics: Biostimulants in an IPM Program<br />

Surendra Dara, UCCE Entomology and Biologicals Farm Advisor<br />

12:00 PM:<br />

Lunch Sponsored by SQM<br />

Announcement of WRCCA’s Scholarship Winners<br />

1:00 PM<br />

Industry Sponsored Talk: Verdesian.<br />

Optimizing Drip Supplied Nutrient Management in California<br />

Phil Frost, Verdesian Technical Development Manager, Western USA, Verdesian Life<br />

Sciences<br />

1:30 PM<br />

Grape Yield Prediction with Machine Learning<br />

Luca Brillante, Bronco Wine Co. Chair in Viticulture, Department of Viticulture &<br />

Enology, Fresno State<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Simple Ways to Drive Soil Health<br />

Karl Wyant, Vice President of Ag Science, Heliae Agriculture, Vice Chair, Western<br />

Region CCA<br />

2:30 PM Trade Show<br />

3:00 PM BREAK<br />

3:30 PM<br />

State of ACP and HLB in California<br />

Victoria Hornbaker, Director, Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Division<br />

4:00 PM<br />

The Role of New and Future Varieties & Rootstocks<br />

in an IPM Program in Nut Crops<br />

MODERATOR: Jason Scott; PANELISTS: Tom Gradziel, UC Davis,<br />

Roger Duncan, UCCE Almond Regional Variety Trials, Nursery Representatives<br />

5:00 PM<br />

MIXER Sponsored by Water Right Technologies<br />

6:00 PM<br />


7:00 AM Breakfast Sponsored by TriCal<br />

7:30 AM Trade Show<br />

8:00 AM<br />

New Findings on Walnut Mold<br />

Themis Michailides, Plant Pathologist, UC Davis.<br />

8:30 AM<br />

Powdery Mildew and Botrytis in Grapes<br />

Gabriel Torres, UCCE Viticulture Farm Advisor, Tulare and Kings<br />

Counties<br />

9:00 AM<br />

Industry Sponsored Talk: TRICAL.<br />

Soilborne Pathogens of Row Crops: Challenges,<br />

Diagnostics, Management<br />

Steven T. Koike, Director, TriCal Diagnostics<br />

9:30 AM BREAK<br />

10:00 AM Trade Show<br />

10:30 AM<br />

Managing Fusarium in Strawberries<br />

Mark Bolda, UCCE Strawberry and Caneberry Farm Advisor,<br />

Santa Cruz County<br />

11:00 AM<br />

Cover Crops in California: What We Know<br />

Jessica Kanter, UCCE Small Farms and Specialty Crops Program,<br />

Fresno County<br />

11:30 AM<br />

Industry Sponsored Talk: SQM Potassium Nitrate:<br />

A Versatile Resource in Your Fertility Toolbox<br />

Felipe Garziera, Global Market Development Manager, SQM<br />

International<br />

12:00 PM<br />

Lunch Sponsored by Agro-K<br />

Announcement of WRCCA’s CCA of the Year & Honorarium<br />

Winners<br />

1:00 PM<br />

Update on Proposed Pest Notification Requirements<br />

Roger Isom, President/CEO, Western Agricultural Processors<br />

Association<br />

1:30 PM<br />

To Mix or Not To Mix: A Brief Tutorial<br />

on Chemistry in the Tank Mix<br />

Christopher Underwood, Head of Product Development, Custom<br />

Agronomics<br />

2:00 PM<br />

Vine Mealybug in Grapevines<br />

Kent Daane, UCCE Specialist<br />

2:30 PM BREAK<br />

3:00 PM<br />

Panel Discussion: Interpreting Soil and Water Reports<br />

for Nitrogen Management Plans<br />

MODERATOR: Jerome Pier, Chair WRCCA and Senior Agronomist<br />

Qualitech Co. ,<br />

Mark Cady, FREP, California Department of Food and Agriculture<br />

4:00 PM<br />

Panel Discussion: Nitrogen Utilization and Application<br />

MODERATOR: Fred Strauss, WRCCA. Panelists: Fertilizer Industry<br />

Representatives.<br />

5:00 PM<br />


<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong> www.progressivecrop.com 39

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40 Progressive Crop Consultant <strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

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