happiful september 2021

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Victoria’s husband has been her rock<br />

Two years later, we got married. It was a day<br />

of pure happiness. The darkness was nowhere<br />

to be found and, as we walked hand in hand, I<br />

knew we would never let each other go.<br />

Now, 14 years later, we are still as happy as we<br />

ever were, and have a family of our own. Life<br />

is in a very different place now. It’s not always<br />

buttercups and daisies, but I am in control of<br />

my demons. They are in the darkest corners of<br />

my mind, I am aware of them, and occasionally<br />

they make their presence felt; the darkness still<br />

lingers like an uninvited guest.<br />

After all these years, though I know myself<br />

better now, I accept that when the darkness is<br />

present, and my world feels flat, it isn’t always<br />

linked to anything in particular, it just exists. I<br />

now focus my energy on something positive, I<br />

think about things I may want in life, or dreams<br />

I can fulfil – and although I acknowledge the<br />

depression, it no longer consumes me. My pain<br />

becomes constructive rather than destructive.<br />

Last year, I needed to find myself again. It’s<br />

easy in life, especially when you have children,<br />

to feel a little lost. My youngest was starting<br />

school and I was feeling redundant. I decided<br />

I’d do something for myself, so I started writing,<br />

letting my imagination run away, creating<br />

characters, and escaping into other worlds.<br />

Then I happened across a blog post asking<br />

for submissions for a new book series called<br />

Hometown Tales. I filled pages with childhood<br />

adventures, but then I hit a point in my life<br />

where the joy of nostalgia disappeared. I could<br />

choose to continue on a different track or I could<br />

write my truth on the page. I did just that, I laid<br />

my life bare and it felt good; I never dreamed it<br />

would be accepted for publication so I just wrote<br />

it for me. It was honest and raw.<br />

I wasn’t in control<br />

anymore; the darkness had<br />

introduced me to a new<br />

ally, but it wasn’t my friend<br />

My tale was accepted, and as the realisation hit<br />

that my darkest secrets would be out there in<br />

the world, I was terrified of the judgements. But<br />

writing my truth gave me a newfound strength,<br />

and as the editing process went along, I finally<br />

felt free. I realised how dark my life once was, and<br />

96 | September <strong>2021</strong> | <strong>happiful</strong>.com

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