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Review exercises 29 977


1 0.999

2 0.9998

3 0.9967

5 0.865

6 0.960, 0.992

7 0.940, 0.985

4 0.9901


1 Find the mean and standard deviation of


2 Adiscrete random variable, v,has a probability

distributiongiven by

v −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1.0

P(v) 0.23 0.17 0.06 0.03 0.17 0.31 0.03


(a)P(v = −1) (b)P(v = −2or v =0)

(c)P(v 0) (d)P(v < −0.5)

3 Acontinuous random variable,x, has ap.d.f., f (x),

given by

f(x)=3x 2

(a) FindP(0 x0.5).

(b) FindP(x > 0.3).

(c) FindP(x < 0.6).


(d) Find the expected value ofx.

(e) Find the standard deviation ofx.

4 Adiscrete random variable,y, has aprobability

distributiongiven by

y −0.25 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75

P(y) 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.15 0.30

(a) Find the expected value ofy.

(b) Find the standard deviation ofy.

5 Therandom variable,t,has ap.d.f.,H(t),given by

H(t)=λe −λt


(a) Calculate the expected value oft.

(b) Calculate the standard deviation oft.

6 Calculate the number ofpermutations of

(a) five distinct objects,taken two atatime

(b) eight distinct objects,taken four at atime

7 Calculate the number ofcombinations of

(a) seven distinct objects,taken four at atime

(b) 200 distinct objects,taken 198 atatime

8 The probability a component is manufactured to an

acceptable standard is 0.92.Twelve components are

picked at random. Calculate the probability that

(a) sixare acceptable

(b) 10are acceptable

(c) more than10are acceptable

(d) atleast two are notacceptable

9 The number ofbreakdowns ofacomputer systemin a

month isarandom variable with aPoisson

distribution. The mean number ofbreakdowns per

month istwo. Calculate the probability that the

number ofbreakdowns ofthe system in a monthis

(a) two

(b) three

(c) one

(d) more thantwo

10 The probability ofacomputer failingin asystem in a

given week is 0.03. Inasystem thereare 150


(a) Usethe binomial distribution to calculate the

probability that in a given week fivecomputers


(b) Usethe binomial distribution to calculate the

probability that in a given week more than two

computers fail.

(c) Usethe Poissonapproximation to calculate the

probability that in a given week four computers


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