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976 Chapter 29 Statistics and probability distributions

Therefore the overall reliabilityof the power supply tothe computer is

R = 1 − (1 −0.511)(1 −0.511) = 0.761

Clearly the existence of a standby power supply does improve the reliability of the

power supply to the computer. In practice, the figure would be much higher than

this because once a power supply failed the standby would take over and maintenance

engineers would quickly repair the failed power supply. Therefore the period

of time in which the computer was relying on one power supply would be very


We have only examined the simplest possible reliability models. In practice, reliability

engineering can often be very complicated. Some models can cater for maintenance



parallel subsystems of the type we have discussed as well as more complicated failure

modes than we have examined.


1 Acomputer contains 20circuit boards each with an

MTBF of3months. Calculate the probability that the

computer willsufferacircuit boardfailure duringa

monthly period.

2 Threepumpsarerequiredtofeedwatertoaboilerina

power station in order foritto be fullyoperational.

TheMTBF ofeach ofthe pumps is 10days.Calculate

the probability that the boiler willnotbe fully

operational during amonthly periodifthere are only

three pumps available.

3 Aprocesscontrol computer has apower supply with

anMTBF of600 hours. If the power supply fails then

ittakes 2 hoursto replace it.Calculate the average

availability ofthe computer power supply.

4 Aradar station has anMTBF of1000hours. The

average repair time is 10hours. Calculate the average

availability ofthe radar station.

5 Aprocessline to manufacture bread consistsoffour

main stages:mixing ofingredients, cooking,

separation andfinishing, packaging. Each ofthe

stageshas anMTBF of

MTBF m = 30 hours

MTBF c = 10 hours

MTBF sf = 20 hours

MTBF p = 15 hours

Calculate the probability that the processline will be

stopped during an 8 hour shift.

6 Aremote water pumpingstation hastwo pumps.Only

one pumpis needed in normal operation; the other

actsasastandby. Access to thisstation isdifficult and

soifapumpfails itis noteasy to repair it

immediately. Given that theMTBF ofthe pumps is

3000hours, calculate the overall reliability ofthe

pumping station duringa28 dayperiod in which the

maintenance engineers are unable to repair apump

which fails.Calculate the improvement in reliability

that would be obtained ifasecond standby pump was

installed in the pumping station.

7 Repeat the calculation carried out in Question6with

the following information.The pumps,which are

different from those in Question 6,can be considered

to consist oftwo components: a motor andthe pump

itself.TheMTBF ofthe motors is 4000hours and that

ofthe pumps is 6000 hours.

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