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29.15 Reliability engineering 971

intervals. The probability of failure occurring in a particular sub-interval, P f

, is then

given by

P f


number of sub-intervals inwhich failure occurs

total number ofsub-intervals

= N n

Ineach sub-interval, δT, the probability ofan item notfailing,P nf

, is

P nf

=1−P f

=1− N n = n −N


Astheitemprogressesthrougheachofthesuccessivesub-intervals δT itcanbethought


the probability of the item not failing as it passes through all of thensub-intervals can

be obtained by multiplying each of the sub-interval probabilities of notfailing, thatis

( ) n −N n

probability of notfailingintimeT =


As the sub-interval δT becomes small, that is δT → 0, the number of sub-intervals,n,

becomes large, thatisn → ∞. Hence weneed toconsider the quantity

( ) n −N n




This limitcan be shown tobe e −N (see Appendix IV). Hence

probability of notfailingintimeT = e −N


fail again -- inthe time intervalT isgiven by

P(T)=1−e −N =1−e −kT

P(T ) is the probability of at least one failure in the time period T. As a consequence

of the constancy of k, this formula can be used to calculate the probability of an item

failingone or more times inan arbitrarytimeperiod,t, inwhich case

P(t) =1−e −kt (29.1)





A factory process line makes use of 12 controllers to maintain process variables at

their correct values; all 12 controllers need to be working in order for the process

line to be operational. Records show that each controller fails, on average, once

every six months. Calculate the probability of the process line being stopped as a

resultofacontrollerfailure within a time periodofone month.

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