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960 Chapter 29 Statistics and probability distributions

( 250

(a) P(X =3) =


( 250

(b) P(X =7) =




(0.02) 3 (0.98) 247 = 0.140


(0.02) 7 (0.98) 243 = 0.105

Sincenislargeand pissmallthePoissondistributionwillbeagoodapproximation

tothe binomial distribution


(a) P(X =3) = e−5 (5) 3

= 0.140 (b) P(X = 7) = e−5 (5) 7

= 0.104




1 Acomputer network has several hundredcomputers.

During an 8 hour period,thereare on averageseven

computers notfunctioning. Find the probabilitythat

duringan 8 hour period

(a) nine (b) five

donot function.

2 Aworkforce has on averagetwo people absent

through illnessonany given day. Find the probability

that onatypicalday

(a) two

(b) atleast three

(c) less thanfour

people are absent.

3 Amachine manufactures 300 micro-chips perhour.

Theprobability an individual chipis faultyis 0.01.

Calculate the probabilitythat

(a) two

(b) four

(c) more thanthree


both the binomial andPoisson approximations and

comparethe resulting probabilities.

4 Theprobability ofadisk drive failurein any weekis

0.007. Acomputer servicecompany maintains900

disk drives.Usethe Poisson distribution to calculate

the probability of

(a) seven (b) more thanseven

disk drivefailures in a week.

5 Theprobability an employee fails to cometo work is

0.017. Alarge engineeringfirm employs650 people.

Whatisthe probability thatonaparticularday

(a) nine (b) 10

people are away from work?

6 Amachine manufactures electrical components for

the car industryatthe rate of750 per hour.The

probability acomponentis faultyis 0.013. Useboth

the binomialdistribution andthe corresponding

Poisson approximation to findthe probabilitythat in a

sampleof200 components

(a) none are faulty

(b) oneisfaulty

(c) two are faulty

(d) three are faulty

(e) more thanthree are faulty


1 (a) 0.1014 (b) 0.1277

2 (a) 0.2707 (b) 0.3233

(c) 0.8571

3 (a) Binomial0.2244; Poisson 0.2240

(b) 0.1689,0.1680

(c) 0.353,0.353

4 (a) 0.1435 (b) 0.2983

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