

956 Chapter 29 Statistics and probability distributions29.10.3 MostlikelynumberofsuccessesWhen conducting a series of trials it is sometimes desirable to know the most likelyoutcome. For example, what is the most likely number of acceptable components in asample of five tested?Example29.19 Theprobabilityacomponentisacceptableis0.8.Fivecomponentsarepickedatrandom.What isthe mostlikely number of acceptable components?( 5Solution P(no acceptable components) = (0.8)0)0 (0.2) 5 = 3.2 ×10 −4( 5P(1 acceptable component) = (0.8)1)1 (0.2) 4 = 6.4 ×10 −3( 5P(2 acceptable components) = (0.8)2)2 (0.2) 3 = 0.0512( 5P(3 acceptable components) = (0.8)3)3 (0.2) 2 = 0.2048( 5P(4 acceptable components) = (0.8)4)4 (0.2) 1 = 0.4096( 5P(5 acceptable components) = (0.8)5)5 (0.2) 0 = 0.3277The mostlikely number of acceptable components isfour.Example 29.19 illustrates an important general result. Suppose we conductnBernoullitrialsandwishtofindthemostlikelynumberofsuccesses.Ifp =probabilityofsuccesson a single trial,andi =mostlikely number ofsuccesses inntrials,thenp(n+1)−1<i<p(n+1)InExample 29.19, p = 0.8,n = 5 and so(0.8)(6) −1 <i < (0.8)(6)3.8<i<4.8Sinceiisan integer, theni = 4.EXERCISES29.101 Theprobabilityacomponentisacceptableis0.8.Fourcomponents are sampled. What is the probability that(a) exactly one is acceptable(b) exactly two are acceptable?2 Amachine requires allseven ofitsmicro-chips tooperate correctly in order to be acceptable. Theprobability amicro-chip isoperating correctly is 0.99.(a) What isthe probability the machine isacceptable?(b) What isthe probability that sixofthe seven chipsare operating correctly?(c) Themachine is redesigned sothat the originalseven chips are replaced by four new chips.Theprobability a new chipoperates correctly is0.98.

29.11 The Poisson distribution 957Isthe new designmore orlessreliable than theoriginal?3 Theprobability a machine has a lifespanofmore than5 years is0.8. Ten machines are chosen atrandom.What isthe probability that(a) eightmachines have a lifespanofmore than 5years(b) allmachines have alifespan ofmore than 5 years(c) atleast eight machines have alifespanofmorethan5years(d) nomore than two machines have alifespanoflessthan 5 years?4 Theprobability a valve remainsreliable formore than10years is 0.75.Eightvalves are sampled. What isthe most likely number ofvalvesto remain reliableformore than 10years?5 The probability a chipis manufactured to anacceptable standard is 0.87.Asampleofsixchipsispicked at random from a large batch.(a) Calculate the probability all sixchipsareacceptable.(b) Calculate the probability none ofthe chipsisacceptable.(c) Calculate the probability that fewer than fivechips in the sampleare acceptable.(d) Calculate the mostlikely number ofacceptablechips in the sample.(e) Calculate the probability that more than twochips are unacceptable.Solutions1 (a) 0.0256 (b) 0.15362 (a) 0.9321 (b) 0.0659 (c) 0.9224.New designis lessreliable3 (a) 0.3020 (b) 0.1074 (c) 0.678 (d) 0.6784 65 (a) 0.4336 (b) 4.826 ×10 −6 (c) 0.1776 (d) 6(e) 0.032429.11 THEPOISSONDISTRIBUTIONThePoissondistributionmodelsthenumberofoccurrencesofaneventinagiveninterval.Consider the number of emergency calls received by a service engineer in one day.Wemayknowfromexperiencethatthenumberofcallsisusuallythreeorfourperday,butoccasionallyitwillbeonlyoneortwo,orevennone,andonsomedaysitmaybesixor seven, or even more. This example suggests a need for assigning a probability to thenumberofoccurrencesofaneventduringagiventimeperiod.ThePoissondistributionserves this purpose.Thenumberofoccurrencesofanevent,E,inagiventimeperiodisadiscreterandomvariable which we denote by X. We wish to find the probability that X = 0, X = 1,X = 2, X = 3, and so on. Suppose the occurrence of E in any time interval is notaffectedbyitsoccurrenceinanyprecedingtimeinterval.Forexample,acarisnotmore,or less, likely to pass a given spot in the next 10 seconds because a car passed (or didnotpass) the spot inthe previous 10 seconds, thatisthe occurrences areindependent.Let λ be the expected (mean) value ofX, the number of occurrences during the timeperiod. IfX is measured for many time periods the average value ofX will be λ. UnderthegivenconditionsX followsaPoissondistribution.TheprobabilitythatX hasavaluer isgiven byP(X=r)= e−λ λ rr!r=0,1,2,...

956 Chapter 29 Statistics and probability distributions

29.10.3 Mostlikelynumberofsuccesses

When conducting a series of trials it is sometimes desirable to know the most likely

outcome. For example, what is the most likely number of acceptable components in a

sample of five tested?

Example29.19 Theprobabilityacomponentisacceptableis0.8.Fivecomponentsarepickedatrandom.

What isthe mostlikely number of acceptable components?

( 5

Solution P(no acceptable components) = (0.8)


0 (0.2) 5 = 3.2 ×10 −4

( 5

P(1 acceptable component) = (0.8)


1 (0.2) 4 = 6.4 ×10 −3

( 5

P(2 acceptable components) = (0.8)


2 (0.2) 3 = 0.0512

( 5

P(3 acceptable components) = (0.8)


3 (0.2) 2 = 0.2048

( 5

P(4 acceptable components) = (0.8)


4 (0.2) 1 = 0.4096

( 5

P(5 acceptable components) = (0.8)


5 (0.2) 0 = 0.3277

The mostlikely number of acceptable components isfour.

Example 29.19 illustrates an important general result. Suppose we conductnBernoulli

trialsandwishtofindthemostlikelynumberofsuccesses.Ifp =probabilityofsuccess

on a single trial,andi =mostlikely number ofsuccesses inntrials,then


InExample 29.19, p = 0.8,n = 5 and so

(0.8)(6) −1 <i < (0.8)(6)


Sinceiisan integer, theni = 4.


1 Theprobabilityacomponentisacceptableis0.8.Four

components are sampled. What is the probability that

(a) exactly one is acceptable

(b) exactly two are acceptable?

2 Amachine requires allseven ofitsmicro-chips to

operate correctly in order to be acceptable. The

probability amicro-chip isoperating correctly is 0.99.

(a) What isthe probability the machine is


(b) What isthe probability that sixofthe seven chips

are operating correctly?

(c) Themachine is redesigned sothat the original

seven chips are replaced by four new chips.The

probability a new chipoperates correctly is0.98.

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