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944 Chapter 29 Statistics and probability distributions

Each termisof the form (value) ×(probability). Thus,


expected value = x i

P(x i



The symbol, µ, isused todenote the expected value of a random variable.

If a discrete random variable can take values

x 1

,x 2

,...,x n

with probabilitiesP(x 1

),P(x 2

),...,P(x n

), then


expected value ofx = µ = x i

P(x i



Example29.8 Arandom variable,y, has a known probability distributiongiven by

y 2 4 6 8 10

P(y) 0.17 0.23 0.2 0.3 0.1

Find the expected value ofy.

Solution We have

µ = expectedvalue = 2(0.17) +4(0.23) +6(0.2) +8(0.3) +10(0.1) = 5.86

29.7.2 Expectedvalueofacontinuousrandomvariable

Suppose a continuous random variable,x, has p.d.f. f (x),a x b. The probability

thatxliesinavery smallinterval, [x,x + δx], is

∫ x+δx



Since the interval is very small, f will vary only slightly across the interval. Hence the

probability is approximately f (x)δx: see Figure 29.6. The contribution to the expected

value as a resultofthis interval is

(value) ×(probability)

that is,xf(x)δx. Summing all such termsyields

expected value = µ =

∫ b



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