

940 Chapter 29 Statistics and probability distributionsThe number of measurements made is6 +9+3+7+4 = 29. So,mean =x= 11029 = 3.79Example 29.4 illustratesageneralprinciple.If valuesx 1,x 2,...,x noccur with frequencies f 1, f 2,..., f nthen∑xi fx = ∑ ifiEXERCISES29.51 Engineersinadesigndepartmentareassessedbytheirleader. A ‘0’is ‘Terrible’ anda‘5’is‘Outstanding’.The29 members ofthe department are evaluated andtheir scores recorded asfollows:score 0 1 2 3 4 5number ofstaff 2 5 6 9 4 3Calculate the meanoutputvoltage.4 Thecurrent, in amps,through aresistor is measured140 times. The resultsare:current(amps) 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25number of 32 27 39 22 20measurementsWhatis the meanscore forthe wholedepartment?2 Two samples ofnailsare taken.Thefirst sample has12nailswith ameanlength of2.7cm, the secondsample has 20nailswith a meanlength of2.61 cm.Whatis the meanlength ofall32nails?3 Theoutput,in volts, from asystem is measured40times. Theresults are recorded asfollows:voltage(volts) 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5number of 6 14 8 7 5measurementsCalculate the meancurrent through the resistor.5 Inacommunication network, packets ofinformationtravel alonglines. The numberoflinesusedby eachpacket variesaccording to the following table:number oflinesused 1 2 3 4 5number ofpackets 17 54 32 6 1Calculate the meannumber oflinesusedperpacket.Solutions1 2.5862 2.644 2.705 2.273 10.39

29.6 Standard deviation 94129.6 STANDARDDEVIATIONAlthoughthemeanindicateswherethecentreofasetofnumberslies,itgivesnomeasureofthespreadofthenumbers.Forexample, −1,0,1and −10,0,10bothhaveameanof0 but clearly the numbers in the second set are much more widely dispersed than thoseinthe first. Acommonly used measure of dispersion isthestandard deviation.Let x 1,x 2,...,x nbe n measurements with a meanx. Then x i−x is the amount bywhichx idiffers from the mean. The quantityx i−x is called the deviation ofx ifromthe mean. Some of these deviations will be positive, some negative. The mean of thesedeviations is always zero (see Question 3 in Exercises 29.6) and so this is not helpfulin measuring the dispersion of the numbers. To avoid positive and negative deviationssumming to zero the squared deviation is taken, (x i−x) 2 . The variance is the mean ofthe squared deviations:variance =∑ (xi −x) 2nandstandarddeviation = √ varianceStandard deviation has the same units as thex i.Example29.5 Calculate the standarddeviation of(a) −1,0,1(b) −10, 0,10Solution (a) x 1= −1,x 2= 0,x 3= 1.Clearlyx=0.x 1−x=−1 x 2−x=0 x 3−x = 1variance = (−1)2 +0 2 +1 23= 2 3standard deviation =√23 = 0.816(b) x 1= −10,x 2= 0,x 3= 10. Againx=0andsox i−x=x i,fori=1,2,3.variance = (−10)2 +0 2 +10 2= 2003 3√200standard deviation =3 = 8.165As expected, the second set has a much higher standard deviation than the first.

29.6 Standard deviation 941



ofthespreadofthenumbers.Forexample, −1,0,1and −10,0,10bothhaveameanof

0 but clearly the numbers in the second set are much more widely dispersed than those

inthe first. Acommonly used measure of dispersion isthestandard deviation.

Let x 1

,x 2

,...,x n

be n measurements with a meanx. Then x i

−x is the amount by

whichx i

differs from the mean. The quantityx i

−x is called the deviation ofx i


the mean. Some of these deviations will be positive, some negative. The mean of these

deviations is always zero (see Question 3 in Exercises 29.6) and so this is not helpful

in measuring the dispersion of the numbers. To avoid positive and negative deviations

summing to zero the squared deviation is taken, (x i

−x) 2 . The variance is the mean of

the squared deviations:

variance =

∑ (xi −x) 2



standarddeviation = √ variance

Standard deviation has the same units as thex i


Example29.5 Calculate the standarddeviation of

(a) −1,0,1

(b) −10, 0,10

Solution (a) x 1

= −1,x 2

= 0,x 3

= 1.Clearlyx=0.

x 1

−x=−1 x 2

−x=0 x 3

−x = 1

variance = (−1)2 +0 2 +1 2


= 2 3

standard deviation =


3 = 0.816

(b) x 1

= −10,x 2

= 0,x 3

= 10. Againx=0andsox i

−x=x i


variance = (−10)2 +0 2 +10 2

= 200

3 3


standard deviation =

3 = 8.165

As expected, the second set has a much higher standard deviation than the first.

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